Entry Subentry Recording Reference        
80 Langton St. talk piece ["Anorexia"]  discussion of [recordings are C51, C52, C54, C55, C56]  C270
405 (highway) problems on while driving to perform a talk C273
1950s conventionality of literary arts during C268, C269, C280
1960s C177, C243, C295, C345
art scene of C345
concept of C177, C243
dominated by Vietnam War C243
1968 C310
1972 market postmodernism's liberation from modernism IJM
1973 pivotal year in culture C327
1980s art scene, and his losing interest in C206
9-11 attacks C289, C291, C300
Abbot and Costello PC2
Abe [uncle] C171, C314
arranged for fellowship support for Antin C171, C314
communist C314
doctor with a mustache and potbelly, visiting him in Queens in 1950 C171
telling Antin his father was planning to divorce mother C314
took course with Thomas Wolfe at NYU C171, C314
weight fluctuations C171
Abish, Walter C170, C230
How German is It? C230
Aboriginal peoples C2, C4, C5, C9, C19, C36, C41, C42, C61, C85, C116, C230, C231, IJM
desert life, water and culture C36, C41, IJM
art and relation to  C9
"software" solution to desert life, versus "modern" society as a "hardware" solution C19, C36, C41
drawings on Bathhurst Island C4
storytelling/narrative C5, C231
[See also Aranda]
Abraham biblical story with son Isaac C324
Abrahams, Roger Deep Down in the Jungle C19
Abrams, Harry C122, C157
abstract art C7, C9, C48, C70, C73, C182
Antin's loss of interest in C48
as art that lives off stylistics C70
development in Renaissance C9
lyrical abstract painting C7
motivated by negative reaction C9
abstract expressionism C157, C238, C305, C318
artists wrecking each other's mailboxes over artistic disputes C305
performance art relationship with C305
abstraction Antin's dislike of   C61, PC1
Academy of American Poets C13, C42, C154, C219, C238, C247, C318, C332
Antin teaching poetry classes/workshops for (10 year old) kids C13, C42, C154, C219, C238, C247, C318, C332
going to do one in Harlem the day after Martin Luther King was assassinated C154, C238
preferring kids in these classes who were juvenile delinquents or those who were smart C154, C219, C247, C332
reading them one of Creeley's poems C332
teaching about rhyme and meter C13, C247, C318, C332
program of doing poetry for schools almost ended because someone read a Corso poem with the word masturbate in it C154
accents/dialects C31, C97, C98, C141, C146, C173, C176, C229, C268, C269, C274, C276, C303, C307, IJM, PC1, RF
actors not allowed accents except Southern and NY C146
California accent  C31, C98, C146, C229, C303
Blaise's C269
Los Angeles accent C176, C274
similar to Southern accent (or Southern/Midwestern) C31, C98, C146, C229
mother's Scranton accent C269, C281
NY/Brooklyn accent/dialect C97, C141, C146, C173, C238, C244, C268, C269, C303, C339
Antin's C268, C269, C276, PC1
North Carolina accents C269, C307
Winston-Salem accents (heavy and light) C269
[see also African American Vernacular English]
Acconci, Vito C1, C4, C58, C76, C180, C187, C190, C230, C273, C345, BL
Following Piece C180, C190
Learning Piece C187, C190
Proximity Piece  at Antin's "Software" show C180, C230, C273
and Antin not knowing Acconci was performing C230
receipt of $10 from Merry Christmas from Chris Burden C4
Room Situation BL
Seedbed C345
paradigm for art C345
statements about Dan Graham C76
Acker, Kathy C131, C182, C184, C226, C228, C269, C270, C271, C276, C310, C311, C320, TMS
babysitter for Blaise C269, C270, C271, C310
cancer/death C269, C271, C276
bringing her La Traviata and Frida Kahlo's biography C271
The Childlike Life of the Black Tarantula C269, C311
got mailing list for from Eleanor Antin's 100 Boots project C311
printed mailings at Solana Beach Press C311
composition methods C310, C311
relationship to compositional rules analogous to Eleanor Antin's relationship to narrative in 100 Boots C311
first husband (named Acker) was a grad student studying with Marcuse C310
intending to make a movie with C269
involvement in Weiner's An object tossed from one country to another C310
living the Satyricon C271
living upstairs from Jerome Rothenberg  C310, C311
met at UCSD when she was a grad student teaching Greek C310
memorial service for C270
relationship of work to Robert Duncan's C311
relationship with Marth Rossler's husband, Lenny Newfeld C310, C311
self-destructive tendencies C269
sexy poet (like James Laughlin) C271
student in Antin's creative writing class C269, C270, C271, C310
acting/actors C146, C247, C285
Antin's dislike of   C146, C285
acupuncture C32, C107
Adams, Ansel C70, C72
high-fidelity photographer C70
relation to 12-tone and other music composition C70
slides of photographs misleading because you need the stark contrast to appreciate C70
Adirondack Mountains hiking in, drinking from stream in C141
Adorno, Theodor The Philosophy of New Music C140
advertising/commercials C5, C43, C182, C188, C189, C296, C318, C327, DC
beer commercials C188
convention in which you abrogate any relationship to belief; as complicity structure C43
mayonnaise commercials C5
pharmaceutical and car commercials C327
Rothschild candy commercial with knight and maiden C5, C43
similarity to African praise poetry C327
use of collage as an act of naming C5
advice doubts value of C224
Aeschylus C147
aesthetics C37, C105, CL
consumerism and taste, relation to  C105
dislike of term C37
truth and C37
see also Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb; consumerism; vernacular; walking]
Afghanistan War C289
African art C107, C280
"African" art C107
African American Vernacular English C19, C154
example of using putdowns and story of one kid beating up another regarding a cigarette C19
prosody and Beowulf C19
thesis work on C19, C154
Agamemnon C306
aging C190, C240, C266, C274, C289, C316, C324,  C332, IJM
birthdays akin to being on an elevator C266, C274, C324
boyhood story of sitting with friends discussing the perfect age C266, C273, C274,  C332
effect on poetics IJM
his experience of like being a fortysomething pitcher C289, C316
how humans deal with C240
agriculture C2, C224, C299, C305
agricultural societies and time C2
synthetic food C305
type of chicken farming C224
AIDS/HIV C160, C164, C182, C189
AIDS Memorial Quilt C189
Aiken, Conrad C61, C119, C147, C157, C268, C271, C281
his anthology C61, C119, C237, C268, C271
airplane travel C22, C118, C225, C246, C324, C281, C291, C307, C324, C345
airplane food C118
American Airlines flight that fell apart over Long Island C291
daytime travel and the feeling of losing a day C22
flight to Memphis, and fight breaking out C118
listening to music on an airplane C22
problems with changing flights C324
story of Bulgarian truck driver, Dimitri, who wanted to be an orthodox priest, trying to make enough money to bring his son to the US C281, C307
knew Latin, Greek and Old Slavonic C307
story of having to run to make Western flight to connect in LA because Sun Air didn't flay on Sunday C345
story of Hawaiian woman next to him on plane reading a book on Emma Goldman C246
airport artwork [see Miami airport artwork] 
Akzente German literary magazine C243
Al [uncle] C36, C41, C45
died because of surgery after being told he had 1/3 chance of dying if he avoided heart surgery C45
gambled on everything C36, C41
good at cards because able to tune to other players C45
ran out of New York by mob and settled in Riverside, has heart attack C36, C45
heart attack as an example of being out of tune with body C45
al-Assad, Bashar C201
Albers, Josef C61
Albright Knox Gallery does not show nudes C4, C294
Alcibiades C268, C314
Aleichem, Shalom going to a reading of and not being able to understand the Yiddish dialect RF
alexandrine writing one C65
Al Haitami C9, C70, C72
allegory C11, C143
and abstract expressionism C143
Allen Oxygen [see oxygen machine repair job]
Allen, Woody C196
allergies C202, C204
alopecia (Antin's hair loss) C1, C53, C62, C64, C91, C125, C143, C159, C178, C199, C202, C212,  C219, C240
advantages of
getting him out of Korean War draft C1, C91, C125, C212
making it easy for him to be recognized C199, C202, C212
helping to better forget high school C199
not being recognized after shaving head  C159
use of to get a job C62, C91, C178, C212
was not mistaken for hippie when moved to California C229
Antin's hair before going bald C64, C159, C212
diagnosis of alopecia totalis at age 18 (after first being diagnosed with alopecia areata) C53, C143, C202
first noticed hair loss when taking off football helmet C64, C212, C240
mistaken for German because of lack of hair C64
shaving head in 1950 C25, C159, C212, C240
when he shaved his head no one thought he looked sensitive/gay C64
Alloway, Lawrence C310, C357
curating Fluxus show with C310
network theory of art C357
Al Qaeda C293
Alzheimer's disease C177, C328, C330
should be called "loss of self" disease C330
America  [see United States of America]
Americanness C143, C268, C345
his feeling of C268
inclination of style C143
of art scene in 1960s C345
Amirkhanian, Charles C131
Anderson, Laurie C116, C180, C217, C289, C345
Duets on Ice C180
embrace of entertainment C180
female David Bowie C345
Andre, Carl C39, C48, C345, C374
comic nature of work C48
iterative procedures in C374
Lever C48
Stone Field Sculpture C48
Andrews, Julie C198
Anhava, Tuomas poem comparing wife's feet to potato mashers CL
Anita [step-sister] C34, C326
8 years younger; librarian; married man who died in Vietnam; died of cancer; didn't see her again after he went to college C34
Anna [aunt] C124, C235
death, difficulty carrying out corpse C124
eating Yankee Doodle cupcakes with milk at her house C235
telling his cousin Dave and friends to kiss the bishop's ring (telling them "all the world's a stage") C235
Anna Karenina as an example of a stupid polemic of a family and an argument that love destroys social conventions C4
Anne [friend]
call with, after Ruby's death about whether to stay in Minnesota C216, C217
daughter Sue babysat Blaise C217
drinking issues C216, C217
husband George C216, C217
described as nervous tight looking man C217
post-divorce lived on a boat in Mission Bay C216
sailed to Europe and learned French and Spanish C217
lived across from Antin in Solana Beach and had a sign painting business  C216, C217
prevented from coaching little league because George wanted dinner ready by certain time C216, C217
relationship with woman, Ruby, after divorce C216, C217
stoner son who had slogans in his room like "Peace Now" and "Reelect Nixon" C216, C217
and later ran away C217
anorexia C51, C52, C53, C270, C285
race car driver metaphor C51, C52, C53, C270
anthologies C138, C147, C154, C202, C237, C268, C277, C281, IJM
like zoos C154, C202, C237, C277, C281
[see also Aiken, Conrad; Desmore, Frances; Fluxus Anthology; Hall, Donald; Rothenberg, Jerome; Untermeyer, Louis]
anthropology generally [see also particular topics, like Aboriginal peoples] C2, C212, CL
Antin, Eleanor C2, C21, C69, C72, C74, C76, C89, C93, C118, C139, C146, C147, C152, C153, C154, C156, C158, C171, C173, C174, C177, C184, C186, C188, C190, C196, C198, C199, C201, C206, C209, C212, C214, C216, C217,C219, C224, C225, C228, C229, C230, C231, C233, C235, C240, C246, C247, C250, C269, C273,  C274, C276, C280, C284, C285, C287, C288, C290, C291, C293,  C294, C304, C307, C310, C314, C316, C322, C324, C325, C329, C330, C332, C338, C345, C346, C357, C374, DC, PC1, TMS
100 Boots C72, C269, C271, C311, DC, PC1
Kathy Acker helping with C269, C271, C311
discussing her intention for it with Antin DC
needing country music to stage at Centre Pompidou C324
picaresque like On the Road PC1
Antin characterizing her work as "theater of psychomachia" C158
The Artist's Sketchbook C290
attending opening of hers in Los Angeles C246
Carving: A Traditional Sculpture C345
consumer sculptures C143
effect of moving to California on art practice PC1
King of Solana Beach C188, C346
watching her rehearse and her uncertainty C346
The Latch Girl (film made using PBS studios) C290
Eleanor Nightingale persona/ photos C72, C230
Eleanora Antinova persona C156, C230, C233, DC
lifetime award from College of Art Association C324
Nurse Eleanor persona C158, C230
its origin (seeing nurses playing with stuffed animals) C158
performance dressing like a man and trying various beards C230
photography exhibition C314
pieces in 17th Century room of San Diego Museum of Fine Art C324
retrospective in Chicago C229, C231
show at the Feldman Gallery IL2
staged photoshoot of The Odyssey C330
teaching performance art at UCSD C250
video work where dolls hijack a plane C69
collaborations with
making movies with C285, C304, C307, C328
memory project with C2
script they wrote about homelessness and looking for a star in order to get it produced C304
early life
   dancer at 15 C212
   end of dancing career due to heart palpitations C212
   folk dancing with sister and difference in dancing styles C316
   scholarship to Martha Graham C212, C316
beach, enjoys but never goes C216
cemeteries, enjoys visiting C154
Cologne, dislikes because of carbonated OJ C21, C76
discriminating consumer, especially with respect to ingredients at restaurants (story of Eleanor asking what red snapper was like) PC2
fear of heights C221
looking at the worst in each situation C316
nervous before performing C212
not acquainted with typical "feminine" things like consumer goods C152
Russian, regretting never learning C156
tardiness and difficulty leaving the house C274
thinks of trees as people who don't move C240
relationship with
ability to make him laugh DC
arguing about her appearance C316, C324
arguing about whether car color is blue or green C198, C230
became friends in college (when she was 17/18) C288, C316
living together since 1960 C332
marriage ceremony in NY, and her laughing during vows because of justice of the peace's voice C21
Jerry and Diane Rothenberg present C21
on a "mad macrobiotic diet" when Antin met her C270, C285
speculating about her fidelity during her trip to Cologne C21, C76
walk at different speeds PC1
critique of macho interruption of 80 Langton St. piece C52
discussing pornography with/ insulting Lowell family about Robert Lowell at Boston black tie party, wearing silver boots and see thru dress C146, C124
interrupting or involvement in Antin's talk piece C51, C52, C279, C325,
negotiations by Antin for her studio C316
participation in Kaprow's Gas happening on Long Island C329, C374
project he did with her in which he told her a story over a series of days and asked her to remember it C2
spells her name three different ways in his books C322
story of car dying on way back from library C118
story of car dying on way back from shopping with Blaise C246
story of Ford Bronco breaking down and going to Antin's father in law's C250
story of her having red eyes before her awards trip and having to drive her to the Rite Aid in Encinitas and not taking highway back because of his hiccups C324, C338
student of hers, Roman De Salvo, who did distributed public sculptures (e.g., dents in electrical boxes), Antin's story about driving around visiting them C229, C231
anti-war activities [see also Three Penny Poets Reading, Vietnam War] C125, C141, C146, C164
Anuszkiewicz, Richard mediocrity of work C57, C183, C124
apocalypse in art/art criticism C182
Apollinaire, Guillaume C13, C60, C244, C247, C274, C296, C320, CL
narrative and C244, C247, C274, C296, C320
position that enemies of modernism are representation and narrative C247, C274, C320
relationship to avant garde CL
Apple, Jackie KPFK producer C187, C215
Arabic C5, C206, C209, C323
sending Michael (son of Eleanor's cousin) tapes of C206, C209
study of; colloquial vs. classical C5, C323
Aranda [language] C42, C198, C230
colors in C42, C198, C230
dialect doesn't distinguish blue/yellow/green C42, C230
two different words for black C198
arborist Antin's C330
Arbus, Diane C7, C72
analysis of her photos including Teenage Couple on Hudson Street, N.Y.C., 1963  C72
creates pathos where there may not be any C72
none of her models invited to opening C7
Archimedes C299, C300
story of Romans killing him on beach in Syracuse C299, C300
architecture C32, C61, C63, C145, C160, C174, C205, C215, C240, C273, C314, C316
California architecture C174, C273  
interactive (client-centered) architecture C61, C63
known through photographs 240, C314
Gothic architecture C160, C192
Japanese architecture geared for south seas climate C32
problem of how to get rid of buildings C215, C314
problem of hyperbole and spiritualism in architectural discourse C314
soluble architecture C215
[see also architects/contractors; Bauhaus; monument/public artwork; Salk Center; "Software" exhibition; UC San Diego]
architects/contractors C224, C240, C316
characterized by negotiable charm C240
chief goal of architects is get pictures of buildings in magazines C240, C318
Dave Kuytens[sp?] C224
friend [name unclear] who he plans to use for renovations C240
Natal Safty and Ricardo Silbines [??] C240, C316
[see also Kahn, Louis; Mondrian, Piet; Venturi, Robert; Vitruvius]
Aristophanes C8
Aristotle C11, C13, C53, C61, C108,  C133, C138, C158, C190, C204, C216, C247, C285, C287, C296, C306, C326, C348
[See also Poetics]
Arizona Quarterly C268
Armajani, Siah C108, C182
furniture in Caltech poetry lounge, relationship to Frost's poetry C108
Armantrout, Rae C320
Arman C280
story of doctor and wife who were in Antin's art class who thought Arman's show was an assault on capitalism C280
Armory Show C238
"arroyo" meaning of word C323
Arroyo Sorrento area north of San Diego where Antin lived C139, C204, C216, C229, C231
art C1, C2, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C13, C23, C25, C33, C35, C36, C39, C41, C48, C51, C53, C60,  C61, C68, C69, C73, C75, C78, C82, C90, C105, C107, C118, C125, C130, C142, C143, C145, C152, C153, C157, C161, C170, C172, C173, C180, C182, C188, C206, C189, C196, C198, C202, C205, C206, C208, C215, C224, C226, C230, C233, C235, C238, C248, C270,  C290, C291, C293, C320, C328, C339, C344, C345, C355, C357, C374, PC1, PC2
1960s and
change towards big, heavy artworks C35
dematerialization of art in 1960s C345
art in the 1960s addressing art itself C345
Americanness of 1960's art scene C345
"airport" art of third world in contrast to actual third world art C39
artwork/art object
answer-abundant artworks are the most problematic C208
challenge of art work is finding a way to back in and back out C33
contingency of (art work after the fact is never contingent) C142
contemporaneity requirement (otherwise it is just a fossil) C23
delirium as requirement for art work C291
disorderliness of C37
durability of C118
history of use of themes in artworks; relationship to audience and self-referential work C48
loses "mind" over time/becomes mere cultural artifact C172, C180
models for/definitions of 
bowling ball C233
discovery and transformation of experience C5
enigma C68
instrument of tuning C41
machine C226
statement/utterance; chains of statements (discourse networks); proposal C35, C37, C107, C130, C157, PC1
hard object off which objects bounce (rather than an embodiment of an idea) C226, C233
large shooter marble that is partially translucent C226
relation of meaning and value in C6
physical changes in C339
pleasure of difference and C208
reservoir of energy C2
   self as art object C1
   self-referential works C4, C48
show fragmentary/unfinished aspects of life C198
sociocultural reasons for creating spatial art works rather than ones that exist only in memory C339
theory that artworks are not modern or postmodern, only the conditions in which they are created PC2
axiom that ratio of bad art (or poetry) to good art (or poetry) is constant throughout history (analog to science)  C143, C196, C224, C293
consolation corollary: the more bad are there is, the more good art C224
good art closer to bad art than non-art C224
axis of articulation along which you can distinguish art from non-art C248
beginning of his relationship with in 1950s C357
career in, and Antin's never expecting to have C224
construction replacing representation in 20th century C238
contemporary/recent art
characterized by "10 second glance" C215
destroyed by genteel tradition C53
kid/punk sensibility C143, C182
  akin to children's crusade C182
works of the past 10 years insufficient and uninteresting C206
culture, contrast with C172, C180, C230
discourse/communication/meaning and C5, C6, C35, C36, C51, C90, C107, C130, C157, C161, C173, C189, C205, C215, C224, C230, C235, C328, C339, C345, C355, C357, C374
audience and C41, C180, C224, C345
works that behave as if they don't have audience C180
audience often other artists C345
capacity for interrogating rhetorical structures/investigating values C208
conversation model for C36, C41, C53, C170, C182, C205, C235, C328
similar to conversation in that newness expected when you get bored with it C205
idea contrasted with C233, C235
art work as statement/utterance; chains of statements (discourse networks) C35, C107, C130, C157, PC1
"La Jolla theory of art": art as personal expression from one soul to another C157
meaning imposed by relationship to art history C6
need to educate audience to change cynical art C188
increasing human exchange/knowledge C161, C235
problem of separating signal from noise C5
propaganda and C7,  C75, C208
truth and C9, C35, C37, C208, C233
urgency, immediacy of C9, C130, C145
distinction between arts C7, C33, C152
interested in commonalities across arts rather than differences C152
proposes removing  C7, C33
entertainment, contrast with C161, C180, C248, C320
eternality, pretensions towards and his dislike of C13, C215
experimental art C107
failure and C7
fact, and distinction from caused by "romanism"  C13
language view of  C68, C90
life/non-art and distinction from (Antin not believing in distinction but noting that distinction can be created by certain repetitive, mechanical art works);  C248
literature and
allegorical/literary art C73, C82
literature, contrast with C172
making of
analysis of art making as a generative tool C6
historicity involved in making (example of Cezanne extracting from Delacroix) C6
not capable of being created by corporate industry PC1
requires a concept of art C344
analogous to game/gambling  C6, C8
pay your money and take your choice C6
New York art and California art contrasted C69
painting, contrast with C6, C105, C178
pleasure and C374, C153
surprise as cause of C153
pornography and C6
purism, dislike of  C145
relevance and C130
reproductions (slides/books) C78
science and, both deal with compromise C61
successful art's capacity to embarrass you C61
technology and C61, C290, BL
art, like technology, provisional and shoddy C61
Bauhaus and postwar art connecting with technology C61
relation to technology lifecycle C290
temporality and C355
thinking, and art as a manner of C9
uncertainty and C238 
vision, relationship to C73
zero-sum game distinguished from C328
[see also art collectors, art criticism/critics, art exhibition catalogues, art galleries (and owners), art history, art industry/business, art magazines, art scene/art world, artist and  individual entries like abstract art, artist's book, cave art, painting, sculpture]
Art and Literature C224, C305
asked to write an article by Nicholas Kalas C305
Art and Technology exhibition(s) [two different events] C23, C75, C276, C277
at LACMA, organized by Maurice Tuchman C23, C75
at MOMA, organized by Jean Tinguely C276, C277
Artaud, Antonin C209, IL1
Antin not interested in IL1
complainer like Beckett C209
Art Chronicle C289, C305
art collectors C153, C176, C188, C270, C344
illiterate C176
investors C188
best strategy for collection as investment is to discern artist's social relations for probability of becoming famous C188
growth of investment game in 1970s C188
relationship to galleries C270
rock collectors not geologists C153
art criticism/critics C6, C8, C35, C82, C88, C107, C115, C125, C129, C153, C160, C176, C182, C206, C217, C224, C277, C280, C289, C292, C305, C344, C345, C374, BL, DC, PC1, PC2
Antin's beginning in (1963/4) C82, C129, C160, C176, C206, C224, C277, C280, C292, C305, PC1
columnist for Kulchur (invited to take over column from O'Hara) C160, C206, C224, C289, C292, C305
first essay was on discourse of art criticism C206
interest based on his problems finding meaningful discourse in C82, C176, C305
failure to find any criticism of dropping of atom bomb C176
viewed himself as too far outside mainstream to be a professional critic PC1
characteristics/theory of
begins from desperation and ignorance C176
continuity of purpose required for interpretation C107
conversation analogous to C224, C305
gambling analogous to C176
generally C129, C224, C280, C305
groupthink and freeing art from BL
lacks sense of moment (unlike art itself) C160
opening matters up BL
problem of knowledge and experience in judgment C153
reviews, contrast with C176
sticking out your foot to change traffic, analogous to PC1
"street cleaner"/"garbage collector" model C35, C160, C217
taking bearings as a part of C224
tendency to remove life from art C374
speaking as an artist to other artists C277
winnowing historical narrative/problem of "neatness" C374
claim that current art critics don't look at art C206
criticizing artists has effect of promoting their work C176
history of 
postwar art criticism C82
"dangerous diagonal" as key to illusionism for postwar art criticism C82
professionalism in artwork required by critics in order to recognize it as art C345
types of
allegorical interpretation C82
American vs. European C115
apocalyptic ("henny penny")  version C182
generally C160
"Greenberg school"/litmus paper school of criticism C224, BL, PC2
trash criticism C292
[see also individual critics like Kant, Immanuel]
art exhibition catalogues C230, C305
better than museum placards C305
questionable validity C230
Art Forum C23, C127, C182, C280
example of constipation, intellectual disaster C23
turned into a fashion magazine C280
art galleries (and owners) C6, C206, C270, C344, C357
gallery culture C6, C270, C344, C357
often just stores C357
[see individual entries for individual galleries/owners]
art history C6, C7, C60, C192
art historians born with two slide machines C192
portrayed as continuous, but isn't C60
technical concerns trivial C7
art industry/business C2, C6, C9, C23, C48, C188, C202, C270, C290, C344
art business/economy C2, C6, C48, C202, C270, C344
art and money C9, C23, C202, C290
commodification C9
painters talk about money C202
painters currently supported by connoisseurs C23
commercial art, aka "buckeye art" C344
"painting relator" concept (critics, dealers and artists); difference between painting relators and sculpture relators C6
Renaissance patronage system C48
retrospectives C23
[see also art collectors; art criticism/critics; art galleries (and owners); art magazines; artists]
Art Institute C161, C224
artist C9, C21, C23, C24, C33, C35, C41, C48, C65, C75, C76, C82, C105, C122, C142, C143, C145, C147, C153, C167, C175, C178, C180, C182, C187, C190, C199, C206, C209, C217, C221, C230, C268, C274, C277, C280, C290, C291, C293, C304, C305, C344, C374, PC2
"best artist" idea as idiotic C187
books about C122
career/business of
affluence as prerequisite in contemporary art culture C143
appearing on Time Magazine like farting in public C143
as "how to stay on escalator" C274
economic effects on, particularly cost of living increases in 1970s C182
entering the art world C206
not financially successful prior to 1960s C82, C142, C143, C175
spend as much time hustling their art as creating it C23
too busy to look out for themselves C21
university subsidization of C76
character as a bridge between works C23, C24
definitions of 
last type of person who does honest day's work C280
"ordinary person" (the more ordinary the more successful) C145, C182
"person who does the best they can" C65, C178, C199, C221, C268, C277, C280, C291, C293, C304, PC2
because of limited materials in the act of art making/not always prepared C65
necessary but not sufficient condition (given evaluation of 9-11 attacks as art works) C291
simply wanting to do the best one can is not sufficient C178
person who doesn't keep doing something well over and over C167
descriptions of/models for
19th Century myth of private artist C41
hermit, which is a fantasy of those who abhor art distribution C41
"genius theory", his problems with C153
inventor C33, C147
master (Renaissance concept) C9
negotiator C209
obstacle C75
propagandist C7, C75
prostitute C182
rock star C180
discourse group as requirement for C280
distribution systems and C23, C344
finished work and should not be concerned with once finished C35, C217
ideas, belief by art critics that artists need only inchoate ones C143
intent and difficulty of discerning motives C344
low class in Renaissance, as opposed to the high class poet C48, C105
museum circulation, and C374
problem of trying to discern artist's practice from a single artwork similar to that of seeing a single giraffe in the desert C153
ridiculousness, a certain amount being a prerequisite for C291
sincerity of in 1950s/60s C305
technology, relationship to like that of cockroach to city C290
youthfulness and meeting in bars where the music is too loud C143
theory that the more abstract the artist the more they are dominated by language C230
"the artist as obstacle" [talk piece] C357
artist book C49, C50, C84
as an anywhere space C49, C84
its "disjunct" audience C50
part of discourse system rather than distribution system (distributed by the maker's life, requiring artist's energy to put into discourse circulation) C50, C84
artist statements always being before or after the fact C286
art magazines C182, C189, C276, C277, C280, BL
full of promotion rather than criticism C189, C276, C277, BL
money C182
traffic management C280
Art News C82, C143, C190, C277,C305, C124, PC1
allegorical writing about abstract expressionism C143
his articles/reviews in C124, PC1
his puzzlement of the discourse in C82
art scene/world C4, C23, C24, C25, C49, C143, C153, C161, C180, C182, C187, C270, C273, C276, C305, C328, C344, C345, PC1
being a native in art world C25
concept of  "best" used  in art world and dislike of C187
demoralization in C143
California/Los Angeles art scene C23, C24, C49, C153, PC1
liberation (artistic) equivalent to irrelevance C23
metaphor of prisoners who use numbers to stand for jokes C4, C161
multiple art worlds C182
network/ division of labor in C344
New York art scene C143, C270, C273, C276,  C296, C305, C345, PC1
New York art scene and pseudo politics C143
professionalism in C345
relation to film, and rise of film as art world was becoming "closed" C4
rock music and effect when imported into art scene C143, C180
The Ascent of Man [Jacob Bronowski's series] C158
Ashbery, John C60, C110, C131, C143, C209, C224, C277, C290, C303, C304, C305, C320, C324, C374, PC1
Art and Literature and Art News, working for  C305
composition of distraction C60
contrast with Frank O'Hara C60
dialectic between trash and value in his work C60
exquisite corpse technique C60
James Merrill, and Ashbery as a more radical version of C60
political poet C304
response to Antin's question about why not go to Naropa: "because I'm Presbyterian" C320
setting Antin up to advise Jerome Robbins C277
teaching bad art writing C143
Three Penny Poets Reading and; cracking up at Voznesensky's reading style; drunk and falling out of chair C110, C131, C209, C303
attended Three Penny Poets Reading because of right wing march in  neighborhood C131
"Thrill of a Romance" C324
writing about the "Machine" show a the MOMA that Antin took part in C290
Ashcan School C9, C318
origins in battlefield drawing  C9
Asher, Michael
Ashton, Dore C60, C158, C190, C216, C221, C247
Askel[sp?], Martin novelist, reads an email from him about Wittgenstein  PC1
Astoria  [Queens] living in, apartment above candy store with mother C25, C171
Athens C85, SSR
Delian league and C85
invited to participate in an art show there for anniversary of the Marathon; declining because of his occluded eye and doing so with a florid letter  SSR
atheism [Antin's] C19, C159, C194, C212, C287
Antin not a religious participant C19
Atlanta stuck in airport during snowstorm C225, PC2
Atlantic City turtles he would get from there every year that would die from the paint on their backs C41
Atlantic Ocean less friendly ocean than Pacific C323
atomic bomb C160, C176, C182, C299, C300, C302, C305
attention creating "space" (relation to art/poetry) C206
Auden, W. H. C42, C60, C164, C196, C268, C305
as pop singer C268
"September 1, 1939" C305
"they lived in houses that were colloquial and blue" as a hypothetical Auden line C42
audience C41, C143, C153, C154, C180, C188, C209, C224, C285, C303, C304, C320, C324, C332, C348, V9, CL
concept of American audience as reasonably intelligent but unable to engage with serious art issues C224
disjunction between audience and art (example of artists books) C50
relationship to in his performance
his audiences are serious enough to respect his presentation C348
impact on his performance less in webcast C303, C304
not obligated to take audience into consideration (because artists are no different from other people) C153
not wanting  to entertain C154, C180
entertainment audience targeted against meaning C180
prefers an audience that isn't overly serious; audience when talking at Critical Inquiry panel were too serious C332
size above 100 tends to begin to be problematic for his performance C303
story of coffee shop audience  expecting a poetry reading instead of his talk poem C332
[see also [interruptions], talk poems]
Audubon, John James C183
Auerbach, Erich C306
Augustine C73, C231, C287
Confessions C287
ideas of language C73
Aurelius, Marcus C296, C306, C311, C338
autism C29, C250
autobiography C48, C178, C250
and narrative C250
in film C48
naturalism of based on the embarrassing lie C178
representation of life as argument against competing representations C48
avant-garde C58, C60, C159, C209, C269, CL
always knows where it wants to go C159
Antin's theory of is that you should only invent if you need to C269
communal architecture as model for C209
military rhetoric of C209
Averichka  Russian singer who would sing at mother-in-law's hotel [also calls her "Liuba" in C252 (but appears to be a different person from the "Liuba" entry below)] C252, C316
Avery, Milton C157
Aviva friend who wanted Antin to organize a vigil for Nicole Brown C246
Aztec Definitions C123, C221, C225, C244, C250, C306,  C326, DC, IL2
definition of "cave" C250
mountain definition and/or mushroom definition C244, C306,  C326, DC, IL2
Aztecs C208, C221, C225, C231, C244
art of (imagined work with George Bush and Saddam Hussein) C208
Ayatollah Khomeini C303
Baal Shem C194
Babbitt, Milton C192, C240
baby beauty contest "Dawn Raid" baby C194
Bacall, Lauren C161
Bach, Johann Sebastian C192, C332
St. Matthew Passion C332
Bacon, Francis C13, C38
concept of poetry C38
Bahamas folklore C107
BAI C131
Baker, Betsy C25
Bakunin, Mikhail avant garde and CL
"The Balanced Aquarium" Antin's first published story, published in Kenyon Review 1959 C357
Balboa Park C6, C78, C173, C174, C183, C274, C324
painters of horse pictures in C78
Baldessari, John C19, C153, C270, C284, PC1
California Map Project, Map 1, California C19
baldness [see alopecia]
Balzac, Henri C42, C60, C142, C172
Barthes and C172
flow and mosaic in his writing C42
hegemonic tendency of his realistic novel C60
novels and intersection with cultural codes C172
plays C142
Banfield, Ann C123
Baraka, Amiri C206, C289, C305, C357
as jazz critic C357
Barber, Red C297
Barnegat, NJ C41
place where you are always drunk
Barnes & Noble C300, SSR
talk piece there in LA [C299] C300
baroque C224
Barr, Alfred C153
barriers [see obstacles]
Barthes, Roland C51, C172, C296, RF
discourse of articulation C51
Elements of Semiology C172
S/Z as a funeral oration for semiotics
Bartle, Dennis host of radio series in which "Radical Coherency" talk occurs C59
Bartlett, Jennifer C188
baseball C88, C175, C209, C235, C297, C302, C326
first experience of art was baseball over the radio C297, C326
playing as a kid in Flatbush C25
pitching C302
watching world series between San Francisco and Oakland C235
baseball cards [see bubblegum cards] C302
Basho C187
Basquiat, Jean-Michel C182, C188
Bataille, George inability to be expressionist C143
Baudelaire, Charles C48, C133, C142, C332
model writer to young Antin C142
"The Swan" C332
"To the Bourgeois" C48
tomb of C133
Baudrillard, Jean C161, C176, C182
Bauhaus C61, C205, C330
construction and; chair design C61
modernism and C205
Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb C90, CL
Aesthetica CL
concept of artwork as not clear and distinct but a confused snarl C90
Bayer archives at Leverkusen robbed by his boss Maxwell, i.e., "The Captain" C143
bayou Choctaw etymology C323
Bazooka comics C279
beach C122, C141, C199, C216, C267
contrast between NY and California beaches including where sun sets C141
dislike of sand and sound of ocean C122
Eleanor likes beach but never goes C216
jogging on  C199, C267
bears C170, DC
raiding trash at his job in northern Idaho C170
story of encountering a bear in his job in northern Idaho DC
Beatles C65, 143, C287, C322
likes despite not liking popular music C287
Beat literature genderedness of C280
Beaton, Cecil C72
Beck, Julian C186, C219
Living Theater and C186
Beckett, Samuel C209, PC2
taking woman to see a Beckett play and back at Antin's place she said that she had this fantasy Antin was going to kill her and he made her leave C209
Beethoven, Ludwig van C105, C114, C140, C153, C248, C299
Chris Burden of his time C153
discussing with father in law, theory of masculine/feminine symphonies C153
Eroica and Napoleon C153
hearing loss C299
Third Symphony (conducted by Weingartner) C248
beginning [concept of] C174, C271, PC2
not much different from ending C271
"The Beggar and the King" [Antin's essay] C326, CL
belief  C43, C328
American contemporary society lacking strong belief (example being candy commercial) C43
concept of C43, C328
Bell Labs job interview for C82, C175
his two interviewers who he nicknames Tip and Top (after Tiptop white bread); ordering Manhattans and steak at interview C175
Bellow, Saul C118, C150
Bendix, William C58
Benjamin, Walter C140, C314
poetic images C140
Bennett, Bill C243
Benson, Steve talk and problems of interruption in Benson's piece mentioned by woman in audience C53
benzene ring discovery by Kekulé  C212 , C287, CL, IL1
Beowulf C19, C118, C127, C327, PC1, PC2
punctuation in translations PC2
Berenson, Marisa C53
Bergé, Carol C323
Bergson, Henri C140
Berkson, Bill C292
Berle, Milton SSR, RF
Bernard Englishman married to cousin Bessie's sister C65
Bernstein, Charles C134, C266, C300, BL, IJM, PP
A Conversation with David Antin IJM
discussion of poem he read before Antin's current presentation BL
participation in reading with PP
Berrigan, Ted C25, C166, CL
Bessarabia imagining writing a letter to C65
Bessie [cousin, married to Herbert] C65
Bessie [great aunt, married to Eleanor's uncle Philip] C25, C78, C268, C322
brought avocados for family (him and his aunts) C322
dietician C322
marriage to Philip [see also Philip] C267
Philip had dug up her body and had it shipped to west coast, and  her body was gone when he was to be buried C267
story she told of villager arguing with policeman because horse defecated in wrong place C268
white hair but shows up at 5th birthday party with brown hair C25, C78
Betty [aunt] C20, C29, C25, C28, C35, C148, C177, C199, C322
character, personality
favorite aunt of his C199
aristocratic, despised the other women in Antin's family C199
distinct from other relatives C29
loved unions (or so Antin figured as a boy because during Civil War movies she would stand and cheer for the Northern armies) C199
from cancer C20
in 1965 in same hospital in which Antin worked as oxygen tank repairer and not being able to see her when she died C199
knocking over picture of Uncle Lou at the same time that he fell off a cliff to his death C148
marriage: Antin's story of his aunt's different from his uncle's conception; story of her going to opera house in Scranton though nothing was playing and then coming home to end her marriage C29
relationship with
helped raise Antin  C29, C25, C28
letting Antin drink coffee C25, C274
pretended to let Antin walk her across the street to keep Antin from walking out into street C199
story of seeing rabbit dressed in tuxedo in shop window and then Betty buying it for him and being disappointed C171, C177, C332
sewing machine operator/at dress factory C25, C28, C199, C322
Beverly [office manager at UC San Diego] C58, C93
died of cancer; Antin's memorial for her C93
Antin recalling talk about her at Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington DC C58
Beyond Baroque  [bookstore] C131
Bhabha, Homi C330, PC1
Bible C123
story of Abraham and Isaac as example of narrative C123
bicentennial celebration (US) as complicity structure C43
Bickerton, Ashley survivor kits (contrast to Ellen Harrison's) C182
Big Apple Inn where Antin and family would eat on boyhood trips to country C43
billiards C209
Billie Jean friend from the Piedmont region (US) C269
Billings (MT) C25
binaries/antitheses C172
Binghamton reading C60, C128, C146, C184, C190, C217, C247, C268, IJM
Bill Spanos had handed out poems in advance so audience was bewildered C217
felt unsuccessful C190
revising poems during reading (proto-talk piece) C60, C128, C146, C184, C190, C247, C268, IJM
bin Laden, Osama C291
biography C23, C157
Antin's speculation about what could be made of the impact of uncle's firing of Vince on Antin's biography C157
birds C126, C320, C330
[see also turkey]
Bismarck, Otto von   C96
Bismarck (ND) C91, C108
stopping in on way back from job in Pacific northwest C91
black leather jacket Antin's C146, C196, C124
Blackburn, Paul C69, C86, C91, C110, C131, C166, C173, C175, C184, C204, C230, C288, C303, C331, PP
got Mac Low job at Funk and Wagnalls encyclopedia company C230, C303
introduced Antin to Zukofsky C331
lunching with at German deli on 2nd Ave. C175
syncopated reading style C173
taking Antin to see Robert Bly C288
translations of Provencal poets C166
visit to Antin; story of Antin trying to send telegram to him in Cortland when Blackburn was dying C86
blackjack C288
Blackness [ethnicity] C19, C205, C208, C212, C238 , C269, C303
cellist friend and C221
considered "black" on occasions C208
felt "black" when going to jazz clubs with his girlfriend Joanie because of his noticeably shaved head; black ventriloquist with white dummy C212 
preference for "black" vs. "African-American" C303
rigid "black/white" divide and his doubts about C19
Black Mountain poetics of C332
"Black Plague" [Antin poem] C247, RF
based on images of pain in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations, easier to do with computer than typewriter; edited by arranging index cards all through his East Hampton bungalow C247
Black Sparrow Press C190
The Black Swan [by Nassem Nicholas Taleb] SSR
Blake, William C13, C58, C324
 the concept of the  "particular" in C324
Jerusalem C58
Blanchot, Maurice C324
Blau, Herb C142, C243
staging a bad version of Danton's Death which Antin "never forgave him for" C142
Bloom, Harold C58, C60, C230, C268, C271, IJM
Antin's criticism of, including  C58, IJM
failure to read Blake by ignoring the accompanying images  C58
piece in response to audience request (comparing Bloom to "Dear Abby") IJM
claims Antin sent him one of Antin's books C230, IJM
like Clement Greenberg C230
"interesting fool" C268
story by Marjorie Perloff at Folger Library of him leaving stage when  she said Cage and Antin were poets C58, C230
tame reading of Ashbery C60
Bloomfield, Leonard C73
Blow-Up [movie] C289
Blue Door bookstore San Diego C270
Blue Yak bookstore in lower east side on 3rd Ave, run by Antin and poet friends C119, C146, C175, C331
playing "yak ball" with plastic bat and ball in the store C146, C175
rich man who came into store with half dollars in his loafers C146
stocked copies of Zukofsky's A1-12 and Cid Corman's Zukofsky issue C331
Ukrainians telling Antin he would never be successful running a poetry book shop C119, C146, C175
Bly, Robert C13, C288
Bochner, Mel show of his that Antin attended C153
body C91
Bogart, Humphrey C161
Bogosian, Eric C175
Book of Knowledge Grolier series where Antin first encountered poetry (confused between science and poetry parts) C43
books C14, C49, C60, C115, C126, C190, C230, C267
as both endings and beginnings C127
as care packages for his poems C267
going out of print and having to have a friend in England buy them C115
not wanting them to look like literature C230
structure of  C60, C126, C230
concept of C49, C190
modernist strategy and C49
relationship to poetry C14, C267
imperfect transcriptions of real time events C267
[see also artist books]
boredom art and C170
Borges, Jorge Louis C78, C297
Born, Anselm leaving life as carpenter and joining religious order C76
Bosch, Hieronymus C188
Boston C42, C64, C196, C225, C229, C305, C324, C124
as attractive cemetery C196
brahmins/Back Bay Bostonians C64, C229, C124
nothing having happened there in past 100 years C305
trips to, working in C42, C196, C225, C229, C124
Boucher, François and eroticism C297
Boulder (CO) ugliness of buildings C320
Boundary 2 C247, IJM
issue addressing Antin's work C247
bourgeoisie always somebody else C21
Bowery almost being mugged after leaving Making of Americans reading C116
Bowery Poetry Club story of preceding talk piece where only three people were in the audience SSR
Bowie, David C345, C374
liking his portrayal of Warhol C374
bowling likes to watch but not actually bowl; only bowled three times in his life (twice according to C233) C226, C233
Brach, Paul chair of UCSD art department C1, C23, C31, C144, C153, C154, C188, C229, C238, C243, C276, C284, C314
Brahms, Johannes C197
Brakhage, Stan C73, C192, CL
Braque, Georges C238
brassieres types including Maidenform C59
mother still wears, but Eleanor stopped during Women's Movement C59
Bratislava traveling to C281, C307
learning some Slovak before visiting C307
Brazil C91
breathing/respiration process C91, C293
as discourse with atmosphere C91
Brecht, Bertolt C134, C171, C266, C306
reading to audience The Manifesto, Brecht's version of The Communist Manifesto C134
Mother Courage and Her Children C306
narrative/story dichotomy in C306
Three Penny Opera C266
Brecht, George C305, C318, C374
card-pieces that Antin would carry in his pocket C305
      Two Durations C305
Breslin, Jimmy writing on Rothko  C286
Breton, Andre C60, IL1
Earthlight IL1
Nadia IL1
puns in IL1
translating C60
bricolage C282, C283
bricoleur C282
Brizzo, Joe man who worked at mother-in-law's hotel; story of Antin finding him passed out in closet and not killing him, in contrast to Frost's "Death of a Hired Man" C108
Broadway C151, C175
inexpensive when Antin was young C175
Bronx C31, C64, C170, C268, C331
living in Buddhist dentist's house with Eleanor on Benson Street C31, C170, C268, C331
dislike of C64
Brooklyn C1, C5, C25, C64, C128, C141, C125, C156, C171, C176, C194, C229, C296, C297, C322, C357
attic apartment at age 9, and below them lived truckers from Kentucky C297
Borough Park, maple trees in C287
childhood in C1, C25, C43, C184, C194, C287, C323
empty lots C25
"Kensington" neighborhood C323
compared to Manhattan C229
downstairs neighbor played Scriabin C176
living above funeral parlor on Court Street (near Atlantic Ave) in 1964  C5, C64,  C196, C219, C276, C322, C331, C124
Arabic/Lebanese neighborhood C31, C42, C219, C331
living near Gravesend Ave. in Flatbush C297, C357
living with girlfriend in (see also Maria/Mary) C296
  "loudest laundromat in the world" around corner from his house C219
Oppen, neighbors with C128, C322
police station around the corner from his house C194, C228, C287
watching the shift change C228, C287
Brooklyn Academy of Music dislike of (too accommodating of entertainment) C180, C184
Brooklyn Dodgers fan of C326
Brooklyn Museum of Art "Sensation" exhibition and creation of social space by then-current director Arnold Lehman C318
Brooks, Cleanth C198
brother-in-law (Philip) [Marcia's husband]; pianist C139, C153, C316
Brown, Bob happening with raw meat C329
Bruce, Lenny C154, C233, C285, C320, C345
stand-up different from Antin's practice C154, C233, C320
bubblegum cards C29, C125, C141, C159, C176, C178, C208, C209, C299, C302, C318
"atrocity" cards C125, C141, C159, C176, C178, C208, C209, C299, C302, C318
description of games Antin and friends would play with cards C125, C176, C208, C209, C299, C302, C318
finding old box when started work at Topps bubblegum factory C176, C318
"Fighting Leatherneck" cards C29, C209
bubblegum factory (Topps) C5, C22, C29, C31, C33, C61, C62, C70, C71, C75, C70, C71, C82, C88,  C91, C141, C142,  C176, C178, C209, C212, C214, C231, C248, C279, C282, C290, C296, C299, C303, C318, C357
bubblegum exports to France; not engaged to translate Tarzan bubblegum cards into French C29, C33
factory culture
factors leading to factory's sexual atmosphere C33, C71
racial/sexual division in factory, e.g., mechanics mostly white;  between cold areas where mostly white women worked and hot areas where mostly black men worked C29, C33, C62, C70, C178, C303
uniform colors/Antin wearing green uniform (mechanical)/ women wore white uniforms (C296 and 303 says maintenance wore tan) C29, C62, C71, C91, C178, C296, C303
finding old box of bubblegum cards when started work C176, C318
German physicist at factory [Dr. Tomberg] C29, C33, C62, C82, C178, C214, C303
hitches in production C29
industry/technology of
assembly mechanism C29, C33, C62, C82, C91, C178, C279, C282
bubblegum technology as quintessentially American technology C33, C71, C82
bubblegum technology vs. art work C71
comparison with steel industry C33, C62, C82, C178
electric eye wrapper technology C33, C62, C71, C91, C178, C214, C248, C282, C290
describing desire to perfect wrapper technology as asymptotic C214
became bored because he realized physicist wasn't actually trying to solve the electric eye problem C82, C178
first day on job cutting wax C91, C178
hired for German language proficiency C29, C33, C62, C142, C178, C248, C279
hiring interview story C62, C70, C91, C178
interviewed by Mr. Falk (industrial psychologist) C91
late shift C141
mechanical test he had to take as part of hiring process C91
medical examination he was asked whether he had jaundice because his skin was yellowish C91, C303
view of himself at factory "industrial Dadaist"/as representational artist and model constructor C33, C62
jokes in bubblegum wrappers C22, C29, C33, C141, C178, C214, C248, C282, C290
olive factory below C29
quit and had to change addresses to avoid requests to come back C62
sale of bubblegum as language invention C29
story of going to bar with colleagues after work and being approached by a person irritating Antin and Antin attacking him C91
Buber, Martin C194, C250
Antin's meeting with C194, C250
spoke better English than Antin's German, even though just learned it two years ago C250
Tales of Angels, Spirits & Demons C194
translating, with Rothenberg C250
Büchner, Georg C142, C199
Leonce and Lena C199
Beuys, Joseph C39, C75, C143, C159, C188
German national biography (that of pilot turned saint), and C143
in the audience; Antin says he has no affinity for him C39
I Like America and America Likes Me C188
Luftwaffe pilot in Ukraine C39, C75, C159
Buffalo city C332
Burden, Chris C4, C153, C171
Blaise enacting in the car C153, C171
Merry Christmas from Chris Burden ($10 mail art project) and Antin's speculation as to set size of recipients (Antin estimates 100 [which is correct]) C4
bureaucracies C93, C215
Burnham, Jack curator of "Software" show at Jewish Museum C61, C63, C180, C273, C290
The Unmodern Sculpture C273
Burns, Robert C160
Burroughs, William S. C280
Burton, Robert Anatomy of Melancholy C230
Burundi societies in C19
Busco Crew designed strobe light exhibition for ICA show  C196
Bush, George W. C281, C289,  C293, C300, C304, C307, C322, C328, CL
Afghanistan and C289
black box (regarding decision-making) C300, C328
Charlie McCarthy to the Edgar Bergen of other powerful people C293
choking on pretzel as only show of humanity C293
impersonating FDR C293
indication of malaise in current discourse CL
vs. Gore C281, C307
Bush, George H. W. C201, C208, C212
appears as a person fixated C201
caricatures of C208
difficulty understanding Gulf War intentions of (more than Hussein) C208
Bush, Barbara imagined marriage to Saddam Hussein C208
business/industry C61, C82, C176, PC1
American industry PC1
the dada structure of American business (dada without the comedy) C82
industry defined as that part of society that is out to make a buck C61
[see also capitalism/free enterprise; stock market/commodities trading]
Butor, Michel C115
Byars [sp], Jimmy Lee stole Eleanor Antin's doll C69
Byron MFA student of Antin's C147
Cadmus, Paul C277
Cage, John C28, C58, C105, C138, C159, C173, C188, C189, C192, C238, C240, C248, C294, C304, C306, C328, C348, C357, C374, BL, IJM
Babbitt, Milton; and relationship (lack of) to through formalism C192, C240
"Composition as Process" C192, C240
eating performance C348
Emerson and C304
interview with Donyelle (?) Shaw C192
"Lecture on Nothing" C304, C306, IJM
liking Mark Tobey but not Jackson Pollock C248
mesostics C304
naivete and sophistication C304
New School and importance of classes taught at (attended by Dick Higgins, Jackson Mac Low, Phil Corner and others) C357
"Overpopulation and Art" C304
personality C240, C304
political poet C304
"preposterous" artist C138
"probably secretly a Jew" C28
Silence C188, C192, C240, C304
sound/silence concept C294
"Where Are We Eating? And What Are We Eating?" C304
works as art machines (system to cause audience to see things differently) C192
Cale, David C176
California C7, C22, C31, C43, C110, C143, C144, C154, C166, X174, C176, C177, C198, C204, C228, C229, C231, C238, C240, C244, C273, C274, C276, C287, C289, C303, C310, C324, C338, PC1, SSR
architecture C276
climate described as a point in the afternoon that expands and contracts C166
spring in C166
weather, its reconstruction in terms of the mind C49
cross-country drive to California in 1968 C144, C177, C310
culture as Southern-influenced; cuisine too sweet C303
driving as the only way to get anywhere C324, C338, SSR
electoral politics C7
"high class bedouinage" C273
his impressions of before moving to
as invention C31
when he was a kid C174, C228, C229, C276
learning about from Jack Benny Show C276
homelessness in C204
losing interest in machines because of living in C273
moving to in 1968 C22, C43, C144, C154, C177, C204, C228, C229, C231, C273, C274, C276, C287, C289, C310, PC1
son being sick during C22
native peoples in C244
palm trees as metaphor for southern California's internationalism C240
real estate C204
state government C7, C110, C143
referendum on pornography C7
not taking money seriously C143
tailored California vs. shaggy California styles C198
story of seeing all the swimming pools from the airplane on first visit C276
unreality of landscape C238, C240
[see also individual places (e.g., La Jolla)]
California Institute of Technology its poetry lounge C108
California Institute of the Arts (Cal Arts) C1, C23, C107, C212, C243, C310
Disney's relationship to C23, C243
teaching there in 1973 C310
Caligula C132, C182
Cambodian War C22
Cambridge (MA) dislike of  C125
camera C9, C70, C72, C75
origin of camera in ancient Greece; Aristotle, Al Haitami and camera oscura C9, C72, C75
lack of "attitude" C70
pinhole camera C70, C72 
[see also photography]
Campari C57, C121
Campari and soda before giving a talk poem C57
lemon in C121
Campion, Jane Portrait of a Lady C285
Camus, Albert C198, C250
The Stranger as an example of autistic character C250
candy C5
[see also bubblegum]
Capablanca y Graupera, José Raúl  C300
capital vs. provinces C229
capitalism/free enterprise C43, C182
and criminal activity C43
getting consumer to what is produced PC2
[see also business/industry; stock market/commodities trading]
capitalization [orthography] as a disease C198
cars C31, C57, C61, C82, C98, C143, C175, C176, C183, C196,  C202, C204, C229, C231, C242, C248, C250, C279, C284, C290, C316, C124, PC1
Cadillac with landscapes painted on sides (bought from Jack Horowitz C183) C124, C31, C183, C196
Chrysler Imperial C284
Ford Bronco C176, C204, C229, C231, C242, C250
cylinder head issues C242
Pathfinder SSR
Sunbeam-Talbot (car with gear shift in backwards) C175, C202, C230,  C248, C279, PC1
Volvo (from Marcia) P1800 C176, C204, C231, C250, C279, C316
given to Blaise as graduation present C316
aunt's green Packard, club with friends would meet there C82
automobile technology C61, C290
electric cars C290
story of woman who was a car dealer in Locasta arrested for fraud C143
uncle's Studebaker C98
van C57
card shuffler father-in law's invention C279, C294
Carl [worker at uncle's factory] C92
Carmel Valley Antin jogging there, later turned into development C229, C231
Carmine friend who gambled on horses C88
Carol [friend] C138, C148, C152, C172, C173, C174, C198, C204, C225, C327, C330
against Vietnam C198
broke a bone running on the beach C225
face lift C152
first job placing Mexican immigrants C198
like Julie Andrews C198
marriages and divorces
lawyer husband C173, C198
moved lawyer husband's father into house C198
Sam, surgeon C148, C152, C198, C204
described as tall, handsome wide receiver (actually had tried out for the Jets) C198
         divorce from C148, C152, C198
               after 11 years C148, C152
left in a rage C148
left her for narcotics agent C152, C174
moved with  to Rancho Santa Fe and Antin bought his house from her C148, C152, C198, C204
together took in borders including Frank (formerly a patient) and a maid and maid's family (after maid got pregnant) C152, C198
          whitebread friends C198
Stanley, professor, former dedicated bachelor C152, C198
had what Antin describes as harmless affairs with coeds C198
math teacher C152, C198
personality; ability to enchant C148
relationship with man who beat her up C148
running and triathlons C138, C148, C152, C198
best triathlete in her age class C148
two daughters C152, C198
one daughter became bulimic after kicked off volleyball team C152
other daughter became anorexic, went to Barnard and got in a relationship with a much older oil-shale baron C152
carpet C204
carousel and boyhood memory of reward of ring and Good Humor stick C274
model for passage of time C274
Carroll, Elena therapist from Venezuela that Eleanor went to; had two kids; and husband Rick, also a therapist, who did therapy for Blaise for a short time; Rick had a relationship with a 17 year old male client; both died of AIDS C246
Carroll, Paul C184
Carter friend at publishing job, girlfriend was Camilla; story of taking Antin to a jazz party: girl at party asked why he shaved his head; white man at party yells at Antin for talking to a black woman calling him a "black bastard" and Antin having to separate Carter from the man  C219, C238 
Carter, Jimmy C51, C58, C316
and hostage crisis C316
Cartier-Bresson, Henri  C23, C70
story of his winnowing photographs from his collection for his retrospective C23
Casanova picked boring women who he grew tired of which is why he had so many affairs C37
Cash, Johnny C285
Castelli, Leo C176, C357, C374
caterpillars emerging in spring and fall C166
Catholic Church C164
Cathy friend who was robbed leading to a proposal for neighborhood watch C204
cave art not visual art C73
Cavell, Stanley C196,C292
Must We Mean What We Say? C292
Cecelia neighbor who hounded the fire department regarding development in Arroyo Sorrento C204
Cedar Bar bad lighting; place where he was offered job at UCSD C31
Celan, Paul C243, C322
Celestine V (Pope) C186
cell phones C324, C328
Celts C339
customs regarding marriage and divorce C339
cemeteries Eleanor liking to visit C154
Cendrars, Blaise C59, C60, C108, C134, C171, C228, C238, C280, IL2
African poetry and IL2
Blaise (Antins' son) named after C59, C108, C320, IL2
discussion of work C108, C134
The Prose of the Trans-Siberian C134
Central America US involvement in C374
Central Park C121, C125, C141, C174, C332
policing of C332
story of confronting drunk counter protester there coming back from anti-war rally C141, C146
Centre George Pompidou (Beaubourg) C133, C154, C184, C208, C228, C320
reading there with Acker and Rothenberg, translating poems into French in real time performance C154, C184, C228, C320
de Certeau in audience C228, C320
cereal (breakfast) Antin's dislike of C159
Cergy-Pontoise performed talk piece there at mall C131
de Certeau, Michel C58, C212, C228, C311, C320, PC1, TMS
The Possesion at Loudon C212
present at Antin's Beaubourg performance and telling Antin that his French was a little slow C228
The Writing of History C58
Cezanne, Paul C6, C78
relationship to Delacroix C6
volume, luminosity and mass in his painting C6
Chagall, Marc Norman Rockwell of the shtetl C305
Chambers, Whitaker C171
chance claim that his life trajectory has been by accident/chance C174, C176
Chandler, Raymond C49, C316
Red Wind C316
change C76, C77, C250, PC1
metaphor of moving walkway C250
ontological problem of PC1
personal/life changes generally C76, C77, C250
chaos C147
Chaplin, Charlie film in which his character gets handed a red flag and ends up in leftist parade C161, C306
Chapman, Seymour C123
"Chapman University" talk piece (C327) and talking about his uncles in C328
Charles II [of France] C230
Charlie [brother of Uncle Julius's wife] C226, C232
army service (Signal Corps) C226, C232
built houses in Houston C226, C232
went to Israel, then to US and invented metallic watchband C226
Chaucer, Geoffrey one of three English authors Antin likes PC1
Chemical Theater (Theatrum Chemicum) C82
Chesapeake Bay train trip he took across because he was writing a story in which a character does C22
chess C13, C57, C73, C105, C115, C121, C226,  C290, C300, C305
cooperative chess designed by Antin with aim of getting as many pieces across the board as possible, played on 12x12 board C300
model for art activity C73
model for concept of the present C57
playing with his fiend Gene at Rienza coffee shop C305
Chicago  C25, C98, C224, C332, C345
dislike of traveling through C98
el as landscape C224
"old West town with an elevated" C25
similarities to Milwaukee C25
snowed in on route to talk in Rochester C98
story of going to Lebanese restaurant with friend Dennis, and Dennis's car getting towed C345
talk performance in room where audience sat behind desks C332
visits to
first visit in 101 degree heat C25, C224,
second visit in 1952 also hot C25
visiting in January, being so cold he and Eleanor had to eat in their hotel C345
Chicago, Judy Birth Project C141
chicken prepared boiled al dente C64, C124
Childs, Lucinda C305, C306
Chilton Club Boston club, black tie dinner for ICA where he wore black leather jacket and bolo tie C64, C146, C196
China [see Chinese art]
Chinatown C229
Chinese art modernism and  C238
chipboard C152
chiropractors Antins': one Sikh and one a weightlifter C225, C327, C330
Chomsky, Noam C16, C53, C58, C68, C230, C293
Freud and C68
linguistics C16, C53, C58, C68
Christianity C212
Christina story of hypnotist and her alternate personality, Sally C29
Christine video artist friend who had breast cancer and a mastectomy C269
Christo C58, C187
Surrounded Islands C58
Chula Vista C49, C60, C125
similarity to Trenton C49
Ciardi, John C268
Cicero C133
Citizens United v. FEC C293
civilization discussion of, including its aspirational character, anxiety in, concern over keeping streets clean, and concept of "white city" C85
Clark, Larry C7, C70
Tulsa C70
Clark, Shirley C131
class C39, C48, C105
class definitions and his difficulty understanding C39
classicism modeled on death C217
Cliburn, Van C153
clichés C156, C304, C328, CL
as writing instrument C328, CL
as pencil that has been blunted CL
Clinton, Bill C231, C281, C307
as moral leader (changed discourse regarding sexuality) C281, C307
Clorox dislike of C122
closure C240
clothing C230, C279
Antin's in late 60s consisting of safari jacket, black jeans and motorcycle boots C230
CNN C307
COBRA [Dutch art group] C115
Coca-Cola C307
code concept of C339
Code of Flag Behavior C268, C283, C284
reading from C283, C284
coffee takes his with cream no sugar C303
coffee shops C202, C332
importance of coffee shop culture to American poetry and Antin's love of coffee shops C202
recent coffee shop craze C332
surprised at how few French poetry readings are in coffee shops C202
Cohen, Harold friend, computer artist C280
coincidence [see reality]
Cold War C177, C224, C280
Coleman, Johnny C217
Coleman, Ornette C357
Colescott, Robert C374
collage/assemblage   C4, C5, C59, C60, C171, C238, C247, C268, C296, C300, C306, C324, DC, IJM, IL2, PC1
Antin's poetry and, abandonment of C59, C247, C268, C280, DC
began from encounter with book on late Latin literature C268
used to distance writing from his own voice (different from dada) C280
compositional strategy (like narrative) DC
consumer culture cause of rise of collage C5
decline in artistic power C5, C247, C296, DC, IL2
       partially because of advertising/television in latter 20th century C247, C296, DC, IJM
       once the reaction to the reified novel, now it is simply background C5, IL2
degrees of incoherence C59
department store system and C59, DC, PC1
discourse and C4
fails to engage in narrative DC
film and C4
hiccups and C324
modernist strategy of, use against narrative C4, C306
questions whether the significance of the parts can be intuited C4
subjective organization more surprising than mechanical organization C59
college [City College of New York] C22, C57, C59, C65, C82, C91, C138, C141, C156, C159, C173, C177, C198, C199, C202, C224, C266, C268, C269, C296, C303, C314, C316, C322, C357, IJM
modern German literature C156
Old German IJM
honors thesis on Sein und Zeit C322
semester when he wasn't able to go to class much (taking time out to think)  C156, C159, C173
and he just went to exams until administration said he had to go to class C156, C173
taking Greek and air raid drill during class and Greek professor (rumored communist) disappeared a week later C177
literary club, joining C266
Trotskyite club, joining C266
decided to attend because no football team and easy to get to C82
discussions in cafeteria C198, C268
friend who would buy souls C57
inventing covers for his books in cafeteria C224
Knettel Lounge, watching chess game between Richard and Larry C57
majoring in physics C152, C156
and languages C156
problems finding major C65
only one notebook the entire time C22
      of medieval studies who wasn't good at asking questions C198
     Thomas Jefferson Pennington C269
     who would host poets and invited Antin to his home C198
     with sharkskin suite and suede glove C59
Rothenberg, Jerome, first met there C266, C268
rules in 1920s regarding pronunciation of "s"s to weed out Jewish students C269
school newspaper, The Observation Post, joining C266, C357
published article on how student government was too concerned with Robert's Rule of Order, but rejected for not being serious enough C266
interviewed Labor candidate for parliament who lost and afterwards Antin quit paper and joined literary club C266
stayed in as long as he could but was kicked out when they discovered he wasn't taking requirements to graduate C22, C82, C202, C322
strike when Antin got there because professor had been expelled and school newspaper had been split C266
wanting a BA instead of BS C156
working during C156, C198
College Art Association attending conference of in NY C121
Collier Brothers hoarders in Murray Hill C183
Collins, Nicholas C206
Cologne Eleanor's trip to; disliking, including orange juice C21, C76
color C8, C9, C23, C42, C198, C230, C289
Aboriginal categories of color C230
Helmholtz's theories C8
Newton dividing spectrum into 7 colors/connection to musical theory C9
coloratura C158
Coltrane, John C247, C250, C271, C305
influence on Antin C247, C250
more interesting than Sibelius C271
Columbia University student riots C231, C289
Columbus, Christopher C228, C307
Columbus Day C307
first European tourist C228
comedy/comedians C154, C252, C285, C286, C316, IL1
Aristotle and C285, C286
comedian he picked up for mother-in-law's hotel entertainment (wasn't highbrow enough for her) C252, C316
dada and IL1
technique of C154
Committee for Art in the Public Sphere asked to be part of C110
common ground openness to disaster as a common ground C229
communication C51, C224, C303
able to understand people better in person C303
concept of, misunderstood as two people translating coded signals back and forth C51
[see also conversation; discourse; understanding]
communism C171, C175, C322
in the 1950's C171
middle class leaders (Lenin, Trotsky, Castro) C322
USSR not a good example of C175
The Communist Manifesto C134
computers C61, C63, C248, C279,  C170, C248, C274, C283, C290, C300, C320
"Alzheimer's" of, at Jewish Museum "Software" exhibition; Antin's resistance to using computers at exhibition C274
art, and  C63, C248, C274
computer languages as translations C63
dislike of screen display C297
human-computer interface C290, C300
Antin imagining a computer having a stroke C290
interaction via whistling as with a pet because it is too easy to interact currently C300
writing with C279, C320
versus typewriter C320
conceptual art C310, C345
began as minimalism without the materials C345
[see also Descartes, Rene; film]
concrete poetry C320
Coney Island C98, C141, C209
conferences poetry conference "love feasts" often fraudulent C91
Conner, Bruce C4
Conrad, Joseph Lord Jim, view of sea as place where laws break down C141
construction C33, C36, C41, PC2
reducing accidents by executing contractors (Elizabethan method) C33, C36, C41
walls, problems with in construction PC2
constructivism C374
consumerism relation to aesthetics and sex C105
contractors [see architects/contractors]
conversation C107, C153, C154, C161, C209, C348, PP
discourse that doesn't have a Frost tennis net/relation to tennis net analogy C154, C161
multiperson game C209
time required to arrive at meaning increases by powers of two based on number of interlocutors C348
unconscious, relation to PP
[see also art/art object; discourse; poetry]
A Conversation with David Antin IJM, RF
cooking/cuisine C174, C279, C303
Jewish cooking as internalized gravestones C279
midwestern food and California food influenced by (too sweet)  C174, C303
Cooper Union C60, C158, C190, C221, C216, C247
generally, and site of "first" talk poem ("Cooper Union Piece") C60, C158, C190, C221, C216
performance space was like his high school C247
"Cooper Union Piece" [title "The Metaphysics of Expectation, or the True Meaning of Genre" in 1970] C60, C158 , C190, C216, C221, C247
at the time Antin didn't think of the piece as a talk piece C158
brought index/note cards but didn't use C158, C221, C247
Coplands, John C183, C325
director of Pasadena Museum C183
editor of Artforum C325
Corky [sp?] friend taking class in college on narrative writing C22
Cornelia Street apartment [in New York] C21, C158, C166, C175, C202, C209, C228, C305, C357
Florentine neighbor C228
homeless people on roof C166
Ruth originally lived in the apartment next door to him; then lived together (in C21 he continues to live next door) C21, C166
rent of $18.50(18.75)/month and still had slave quarters C21, C158, C166, C175, C202, C209, C305, C357
story of coming home to apartment and a lot of police outside with a couple because man had tried to kill himself C166
Cornell, Joseph C41, C161
relationship to institutional art world C41
artworks in Art Institute C161
importance of text in Cornell's works (in particular discussion of parts from French book on electricity) C161
boxes analogous to jokes C161
Corner, Philip C49, C305
PoorManMusic C305
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille C78, C297
paintings in National Gallery, Antin not impressed by C78
Corso, Gregory C131, C154
nearly falling off stage at Fillmore East performance C131
Count of Monte Cristo tapping on wall in prison example of tuning C42
Courbet, Gustave C325
coyotes C139, C188
drinking in puddles in Antin's driveway in Arroyo Sorrento C139
craft making of exemplary things as opposed to meaningful things (art) C145
Crash [movie]; discussing with daughter-in-law C328
Cratylus saying "you never step in the same river once" C289, C293, C295, C297
crayons dislike of C126
creative writing Antin's perplexity with term C198
[see also teaching]
Creeley, Robert C13, C131, C209, C235, C271, C357
in audience C271
poetics: not so much collage as a removal of what isn't true C357
Kline, Franz relationship with C235, C357
story of him running into Franz Kline on the street; mistaking him for someone else [C235] C235, C357
"The Warning" as example of Creeley having control of poem but not of rhetoric C209
Crime and Punishment reading in high school C82
crowds C116, C208
at sports C116
dislike of large crowds at readings C116, C208
crucifixion  Christ's C157
Cruise, Tom C285
Crystal, David intonation theory and the line C138
Cuban Missile Crisis C224, C292
Culver City a piece of Kansas in Los Angeles C49
Cunningham, Merce Antin's view as banal C180, C206
his work as essentially ballet C206
curating C4, C31, C105, C243
explaining role of curator to his mother C31
[see also ICA Boston]
Cuspid, Donald C182
cynicism in art C188, C189
arises from social forces overtaking artmaking process C189
stylishness as most sinister aspect of C188
Cypress, CA like a mortuary (home of skywriter Greg Stinnis) C187
Czechoslovakia separation after Cold War C280
dada C150, C238, C280, C357, IL1, IL2
comedy and IL1
not embraced by Paris art world C357
synechdochal relationships in C238
d'Agata, John [writer] C300
Dahlgren, Babe [baseball player] C302
Daily Oklahoman Antin's frontpage analysis of C186
Dali, Salvador C152
Dalkey Archive [press] CL
Damas, Leon Pigments C269
dance C141, C202, C206, C248
Antin's dance poems for Joe Jonas C141
[See also Antin, Eleanor; Judson Dance Company; Maria/Mary]
Danto, Arthur C226, C233, C286, C292
on Robert Morris retrospective C233
da Ponte, Lorenzo Antin seeing his grave in NY as a kid C183
D'Arcangelo, Allen C23, C183, C196, C224, C305, C374, BL, PC1
painted landscape on Antin's Cadillac C183, C196
party for at art patron's apartment which was decorated with entirely mediocre works, even a mediocre Mondrian PC1
work described as "new landscape" C305
D'Arcangelo, Sylvia C74
database/databank problem dealing with ideas C186
daughter-in-law C288, C304, C328
anesthesiologist C288, C304, C328
resident at UCLA C304
difficult to have a conversation with C328
discussing grandson's education and other topics with C328
Dave  [uncle] C1, C27, C51, C157, C158, C159, C247
example of person with different voice but same name C51
printing press operation in 1905 revolution; successful in the 1920s but then business went bad in the depression  C247
Russian émigré married to Aunt Sarah; was in the dress business and went into construction business C1, C27, C158
visiting Antin because he heard he wasn't going to class C159
[see also Vince]
David [cousin, cardiologist] C26, C27, C28
David [cousin, controller] C26, C27, C130, C235, C324, C124
wanting to divide up his Aunt Sylvia's money that he and Antin are trustees of C130
story of visiting him graduating from St. Thomas's College in Scranton and he and his friends having an argument about whether to kiss the bishop's ring C235
visiting in 1948 C324
David  [cousin, lawyer] C124
David and Goliath C324
Da Vinci, Leonardo C59, C118, C205
notebooks C118
Davis, Angela C243, C270
student who wore chic clothes and went to art exhibitions Marcuse wouldn't C243
Dean, John significance of testimony being in writing C11, C13
Dear Abby   C58
death/dying C141, C235
metaphor of just falling off edge of cliff C141
reflection on own death C235
death penalty C318
deconstruction C287, C297
deep image poets Antin labeled as when starting out because of his translations of surrealists C268
deficit C176
Defoe, Daniel A Journal of the Plague Year C164, PC2
definition C51, C53, C123, C221, C225,C244,  C287
Aztec definition as a way to enact experience C123, C221, C225, C244
example of handhold of the mind C51
figure of speech C51
Wittgensteinian distaste of C287
definitions C247, C268, CL
Eleanor helped design cover C247
included part of "The Black Plague" C247
Degas, Edgar C235, C300
Dehmel, Richard C182
de Kooning, Elaine C157
de Kooning, Willem C22, C121,  C157, C280, C305, C328, C345
as chief art world influence in 1952 C305
Deleuze, Gilles C214, C295, PC2
desire in C214
difference and repetition C295
de Man, Paul C198, C287, C306
scandal about his fascism C287
Del Mar [California] C214, C216
taking pictures of man with trained monkey at fair in C214
del Rio, Delores photo of her by Cecil Beaton C72
Demain magazine C209
Denby, Edwin disagreement with regarding Merce Cunningham C206
Denny's C314, C316, C332
entered raffle for Chevy Caprice in C316
only late night spots in San Diego C332
Densmore, Frances Native American poetry anthologies IJM
dentist story of going to C22
department store C16, C41, C59, C243, DC, PC1
collage and C59, DC, PC1
layout of C16, C59
   heraldry, and C16
rise of in late 1800s C243
story of going to in New York for air conditioning and going to pet department asking for turtle treats to kill time C41
depression of 1873 C243
Derrida, Jacques C17b, C160, C230, C287
Antin not interested in C17b
defense of de Man C287
language, concept of C17b
work understandable as one continuous talk  C160
de Sade, Marquis Antin not interested in IL1
de Sahagun, Bernardino C123, C221, C225, C244, C250, C306, C326, DC, IL2
The Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain C123, C221, C225, C244, C250, C306, DC
DeSalvo, Roman C231
Descartes, René C85, PC1
advice that if you are lost in a forest, any direction is as good as another PC1
conceptual artist, and Discourse on Method as conceptual artwork C85
description C45
desert modern life in not well tuned to habitat C36
[see also aborigines]
desire C212, C214, C146, C216, C217, C225, C231, C233, C244, C247, C250, C281, C287, C311, C330,  C332, IL1, IL2, RF
art/art object and  C214, C217
possession not relevant to desire to make art object C217
desiring to desire C216
dreams and C231, C244, C250
elusiveness of C212
freedom and; fundamental desire is freedom to follow impulses C216, C217
lack, defined as  C216, C281, C311
Lacanian IL2
memory and C287
narrative and C225, C231, C247,  C332
need contrasted with C216, C217
describes most of his life as doing what he wants rather than needs C217
need as after the fact, not presenting itself to consciousness like desire C217
play and C217
possession and C216, C217
Antin's concept as an intransitive verb (not related to an object) C216
sexual drive and  C216
superfluity, defined as; as proceeding outwards from the subject C281, C311, C332
talk poems he devoted to desire ["The Other" C212, "Desire" C214 (in Chicago) and "The Question of Desire" C216 at George Washington University] and discussion of; dissatisfied at not resolving the issue in the talks; talks as notes for future thinkers C332
vector between subject and object C231, C233
determination ambiguous concept when applied to a person C201
Dewey, John C294, C295, C332, DC
Art as Experience C332, DC
experience as narrative DC
story of woman at French restaurant DC
Dhiagalev, Sergei C8, C277
homosexuality and C8
diabetes C158, C221, C247
dialectical materialism C344
Diamond Match Company C35
Dick, Brian friend and inventor C290
Dickens, Charles practice of writing in parlor C145, C146
Dickinson, Emily C82, IJM
her publishers imposing gentility on IJM
dictionaries C17b, C65, C73, C157
definitions in C17b
Larousse dictionary C17b, C73
[see also rhyming dictionary]
Diderot, Denis C52, C115, C134, C150, C179, C184, C190, C194, C268, C280, C281, C283, C326, C357, PC2
arguments for simultaneity of experience C150
digressions in/ improvisation in PC2
genres, muddying C179, C184
hieroglyphs and model for poetry C150
kinship with
     both avoid "literature" C184
      considers Diderot his predecessor C150, PC2
Jacques the Fatalist and his Master C280
La Religeuse C179, PC2
"Letter on the Blind" C134, C179
"Letter on the Deaf and Mute" C150, C194
Lettres à Sophie Volland C357
postmodern writer (situating writing among discourse, representation and address) C179
problems of using English translations of with students, and instead translating himself PC2
Rameau's Nephew C184, C280
Salons PC2
"This is Not a Story" C268
Dietrich, Marlene almost emceed the Threepenny Poets Reading C131
Dimitri Bulgarian truck driver who wanted to be an orthodox priest, trying to make enough money to bring his son to the US C281, C307
Dine, Jim C196, C124
Dinh, Tran Van C145
Diogenes C65, C230
as performance artist C230
di Prima, Diane C345, C357
running into at O'Hare airport (along with Ginsberg) C345
[see also "The Marchers"]
discord C173, C208
problems with a unified culture C208
discourse C5, C6, C14, C16, C17b, C49, C40, C51, C52, C53, C65, C91, C107, C138, C173, C215, C224, C230, C299, C332,  C348, CL
ancient composition and C51
biodegradable in mind C215
"curve" as concept of limitation of discourse on power C91
figures of speech and Antin's categorization of as articulation and organization C51
French thought as mere articulation C51
form and efficacy of C5
language and C14, C17b
local constraints on; contrast with broadcasting C49, C50, C57, C84
lowriding, as example of C49
monolog, opposed to C16
normative discourse and Antin's suspicion of  C53
metaphor of highways for normative discourse, as opposed to meaningful discourse of making your way through a forest C53
publishing industry and C50, C57, ,C84
talking, opposed to C65
transformative value of as central to poetry C16, C91
difficulty of as valuable C91
unity of, questionable C173
usefulness of C5, C14, C49, C40, C51, C52, C53, C65, C107, C138, C173
[see also poetry]
disease C34, C93, C221
gift a doctor gives to a patient C34, C93
nature of disease C93, C221
dishwashers characteristics driven by external factors (e.g., plumbing), problems of water design C8, C29, C290
Disneyland C13, C144, C152
description of his trip to Disneyland C144
Enchanted Tiki Room, experience of C144
sex not happening in C152
di Suvero, Mark C6, C374
diversion concept of C201
doctors [see medicine/healthcare]
Domez-Pena, Guillermo [friend] C238 
dogs (Antin's) C96, C118, C159, C199, C225, C229, C231, C241, C250, C300, C316
Carmichael (named after Chargers' player) C159, C199
collie  C199, C250, C316
   helps Carmichael C199
Francesca da Rimini (aka Franny), a kuvasz C96, C159, C225, C231, C241, C300, C316
   biting veterinarian C300
   came from Yuma C159, C241
   died of old age C316
Haydn, female shepherd, died of serious illness C159
Mozart, a female shepherd, dislikes hot air balloons and ravens C159, C231
Susie, mother of Antin's shepherd litter C159
shepherd (one of the three that Antin was given, but not identified) C241
Dominelli, J. David "Jerry" grifter as performance artist C143
Don Giovanni C37
Don Quixote C78, C116, C230, PC2
referencing Borges' thought that if written in 1960 would be neo-dada C78
Donlevy, Brian actor in Wake Island C125
Doris  [wife of father-in-law Sol] C147, C150, C242, C293, C314
greed C242, C293, C314
    complaining about monetary gifts left to his grandkids C242
    wanting Sol to leave all his money to her C314
marriage to Sol, at first they pretended to be cousins so she could go to dances to fine a richer boyfriend C242
married man offered her $10K to marry him C242
money made through lawsuits C242
worked in garment district C242
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor C146, C147, C240
Brothers Karamazov C147, C157
Crime and Punishment C240
doesn't remember any of the endings of Dostoyevsky novels C240
Notes from Underground and concept of barrier/obstacle in C146
dot com bubble C290
Dozens especially "your mama" jokes C19
drama C142, C214, C230
attempt by Antin to write plays C142
concept of, relation to work and objects C214
No Mimosa Grows in Manhattan, play directed by friend, and mistakes described by Antin as example of work of art C142
drawing C82, C339
able to draw with both hands C82
drawing/writing distinction C339
dreams C16, C90, C96,  C183, C197, C208, C212, C221, C230, C231, C244, C250, IL1, RF, TMS
analyzing his own dreams C231
Antin's own
asked to be in Sam Shephard play C96
family gathering where old man comes in speaking Yiddish, and the son of the family wants to study with him, and old man is Martin Buber C250
female alter ego "Wendy" with daughter "Erin" C221
guiding destroyer through Straits of Malacca (mistaken for Macassar Strait) TMS
lion on top of his dog C96
museum dream ("never believe the white keel is the heir to the living flesh") C183, RF
reading  text on a Persian miniature (he later actually finds the miniature in the Met but can't actually read the text) C183
professor in England and Indian professor asks him for help, and on the page of a book is the big dipper, an he asks Antin to set him up with an a date with a colleague RF
woman's voice narrates as he turns pages of a 15th century manuscript and two horses, and a bishop with a blue face C231
assemblage and RF
censorship of C231
central subject of as common across cultures C208
children dream before speaking C244
commonplace IL1
desire, and C231, C244, C250
subject has a stake in desire in  C250
Freudian analysis's effects on people sharing dreams publicly C96
hieroglyphs, relation to IL1
narrative/stories, relation to C90, C221, C230, C231, C233, C244, X250, IL1
memory of the dream versus dream itself C197
social nature of C96
[see also Bismarck, Otto von; Freud, Sigmund; Montezuma; Oppen, George]
dress business factory job [his Uncle Julius's business] C1, C31, C70, C92, C145, C159, C247, C268, C279, C303, C344
began at  age 13 C1, C31, C92, C145, C159
describing in his bubblegum factory interview C70
dressmaking process/business C31, C92, C247, C268
dress business decline generally C247
dressmakers mostly women C92
garment district businessmen would gather on 7th Avenue to discuss business C344
packing dresses at factory C92
women's fashion cycle (unloading dresses in south and west C92
learned Yiddish and Spanish there C303
salesman from Poland, dapper with big accounts  [see Scherer, Max for other salesman], apprentice to C145
sent out to buy dresses for business to copy C247, C268
women's dress sizes C92, C279
analogous to musical scale/tuning C92
driving C175, C324, C338, SSR
driving as the only way to get anywhere in CA C324, C338, SSR
learned to drive at 21 C175
drugs C280
D'Souza, Dinesh C243
Dubuque hypothetical of woman who wants to publish artist's book for Dubuque/Trenton C49, C84
Duchamp, Marcel C2, C22, C73, C153, C161, C188, C269, C274, C280, C289, C305, C357, CL
American artist C161
Apollinaire, opinion of C274
artistic equation, and C2
artworks as caught in linguistic field C73
Bicycle Wheel C188
The Brawl at Austerlitz C73
The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass) C73, C280
 conversation with audience about translation of Larousse dictionary as part of  C73
conference about at UC Irvine C289
goal was to avoid being boring to art institutions CL
improvisation and C22
questioning whether well made object was central to art (along with Cage), a question of framing C357
refinement (too refined for Antin sometimes) C153
strategy of putting two systems in disarray C73
science and C73
readymades C269
terrible painter according to Antin C73
Why Not Sneeze, Rose Sélavy? C269
"Duchamp and Language" talk piece (C73) C357
Dukakis, Michael C186
Duncan, Robert C60, C134, C311, C332, C338, PC1
absurd style, Antin liking PC1
anti-war poems C60
asking Antin why he did collage poems, and Antin answering that he needed the obstacle like Demosthenes's marbles C338
revision and C311
story of sending a copy of The Venice Poem to Pound C134
Dunn, Lucinda [dancer] C305
Duras, Jacques C133, C283
quotation of Gary Snyder quoting Antin quoting Plato (greatest tragedy is the state) C133
translating Antin's work at reading C283
Duras, Marguerite C228
duration C118
Dürer, Albrecht C2
Dutton, Joe owner of photo shop in Raleigh C285
Dvořák, Antonín C238
Dwan, Virginia C23, C357
Dylan, Bob C131, C153, C124
secret messages in music  C131, C124
Dzubas, Friedel C183, C124
early poetry /pre-talk poems C59, C60, C65, C82, C92, C105,  C119, C157, C196, C224, C230, C268, C270, C273, C280, C281, C288, C314, C320, C322, C328, C338, C357, CL, PC1
alexandrine poem, writing C65
beginning to write poetry C59, C60, C65, C105,  C119, C92, C157, C224, C230, C280, C314, C322, C328, C338
Aiken, writing preludes based on C157
bought himself a Remington typewriter for $25, a rhyming dictionary, and a Bartlett's book of quotations C65, C157, C268, C320
in connection with above he also got Fowler's The King's English  C65
in connection with above, he also got a Roget's Thesaurus C157, C320
collage/image-based poetry C268, C270, C273, C338, CL
abandoning because it was to aestheticized CL
began to use collage to resist cliché CL
writing instead of verse C338, CL
disjunctive sentences, used with intent to be epistemologically radical C328
college, discovering he wanted to be a writer during PC1
desire to write poetry began high school C60
discovering poetry in high school C82, C288, C357
poetry class in high school and being thrown out  C82
finding books in library C82, C157
first poem he wrote, begins "bare trees" [recites it during talk] C268, C281, C357
initial intent to write poetry and novels C224
poem about grief that got accepted by Time magazine and interview about it offending Antin C280
procedural/process-based second stage of his writing CL, C357
views his earlier work as being in Cage-Duchamp procedural system C357
stories written using accretional composition process C322
working on collage poem at sublet from dentist while Eleanor was calling to see if she could substitute teach C268
written poetry from 1963-73 C196, CL
     poems in 1965-66 were intended to counter popular media CL
[see also Meditations]
earthquake C164, C229, C233, C238, C276, C316
after moving to California C229
while visiting San Diego at Brach's invitation C229, C238, C276
East Hampton C74, C141, C247
bungalow there C247
knowledge of rough and calm surf C141
eastern religions dislike of C33
eBay SSR
Eco, Umberto C296, C316
Economou, George C186
"The Chelsea Review" and meeting Rochelle Owens there C186
favorite restaurant, Jimmy's AP restaurant, where Antin and friends went to sober up after Economou's going away party and ice skating C186
met through Robert Kelly C186
economy C10, C14, C177, C243, C300, C304
cyclical nature C177
depressions C243
effect of tax cuts C300
inflation of basic consumer goods used to squeeze poor  C10, C14
value and C304
Eddie [boyhood friend] C199, C238 
breaking a squirrel's tail C199, C238 
Marine who'd landed at Inchon, described as "affectless" C238 
seeing him on a bus having come back from Korea C199, C238 
Edel (sp?) professor at NYU, took philosophy from C305
Edison, Thomas C29, C82, C268, C285
Eduardo C242
handyman, partner of Antin's housecleaner, Sylvia; started a pallet repair business C242
car died (carburetor) and was stopped by police while carrying carburetor and arrested for outstanding tickets, and car was towed while he was in jail C242
education C65, C156, C188, C328
Antin didn't go to school for nine years after college C65
purpose of C156
EF Hutton C143
egg creams C92
Egypt C41, C62
Aswan Dam C41
Eighth Street Bookstore C305, C318
meeting Gerard Malanga there [see Malanga, Gerard] C318
remaindering Gertrude Stein's books in early 1950s C305
Einhorn, Richard chess champion who went to CCNY C328
Einstein, Albert C177, CL
theory of relativity CL
Eisenstein, Sergei C4
Eisenhower, Dwight C35
Eisler, Hans C134
electricity terminology C29
elections  as nondiscursive acts C50
elementary school C25, C141, C268, C357
building motors in C357
drawing a picture of woman walking a dog on which extends on both sides of paper and being corrected by teacher C25
physics teacher C141
reading, writing and doing long division before going to school C268
learning geometry with classmates using high school textbook C268
Eliot, T.S. C82, C268, C281, C306, C338, C357
gateway into poetry for Antin C357
objective-correlative C306
reading "The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock" in library in high school C82, C268
The Wasteland C268
[see also Hubble [no first name]]
Ella  C43
Black governess who took Antin to World's Fair in 1939 C43
realized she was Black when relatives were talking about her after she left C43
Elliot  [Eleanor's cousin] C206
Ellis, Havelock C230
Éluard, Paul vowing never to use "bungalow" in a poem C267
Emerson, Ralph Waldo C304, IJM
founder of American avant-garde C304
letter to Van Buren regarding Indian Removal Act C304
emotion C7, C306, CL
art and C7
humanness, and emotion a "wash" over CL
in poetry CL
[see also narrative; poetry]
empire C132
Empire State Building plane flying into C22, C176, C194
Encinitas C314, C324
home of Marcia C324
home of the Rothenbergs C324
"Endangered nouns" written piece based on talk piece, "Forgetting" [C128] PC2
energy in sports C209
energy industry C150
Engel, Jorge architect on homeowner's association board C204
Engels, Friedrich C134
engineering C31, C33, C60, C61, C62, C70, C82, C115, C147, C150, C156, C160, C214,  C268, C281
image of engineer as inventor; wanting to be inventor C60, C62, C82, C147, C156, C160, C268, C281
desire to become engineer to make sleek space technology C33
quit because it wasn't about making everything work C31
story of talking with engineer who designed power grids on plane before C150 talk C150
[see also bubblegum factory; oxygen machine repair job]
England C42, C65, C129,  C143, C186, C228
accents of (upper class vs. low class Manchester accent); glottal stops C129
Antin's dislike of C42, C65, C143, C186, C228
now he likes English accents C228
Europe, distinct from  C228
trip to in 1984 (and avoiding reading because had to assist mother-in-law's move to senior living) C186
Enron C300
entertainment C151, C154, C158, C161, C180, C201, C233, C248, C269, C320, C328
Antin's performance and
     disinterest in being entertainer C151, C154, C161, C201, C233, C248, C269, C320, C328
     not a compulsive entertainer C158
consideration of others required of entertainer C154
relationship to art/performance C180, C248
as disposable/saleable time related to isolation of work from pleasure C180
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus C243
Epictetus C296, C311, C338
Enchiridion C296, C311
using footnotes of for composition of Antin's Meditations C311
Ernst, Max C153, C243
last artist Marcuse had any serious relation to C243
painting of his loved by Antin in MOMA C153
escalator model of artistic career life C274
Eshleman, Clayton C108
essays C160
urged to publish collected essays but not wanting to create a monument C160
[see also art criticism/critics; Montaigne]
Ethiopia C62
ethnography C355
ethnopoetics issues with concepts of C19
euglena as Antin's model for poet C327, CL
Evelyn  [aunt] C26, C27, C27
enemy of Sylvia though they later became close C26
lived next to Sylvia for a while, then lived in Maryland C27, C28
event C178, C244, C250, C274,C285,  C294, C355, DC
defined as  something that has already happened C178
iteratively inceptive grammar tense to capture concept of event C178
representation of a change of state C244, C250
structure of as fundamental to experience C294, C355
truth of determined by correlation to human experiences (statistics as counterexample) C355
Everson Museum C21, C76
Antin's talk there, "A Private Occasion in a Public Place" [C21] C76
examples Antin's preference for use of, and preference for concrete over abstract thought C330
exile C194, C207
figure of the exile C194
"the existential allegory of the rothko chapel" translations of it (his talk of the same name is C292); problem of translating the word "blunt" into French PC2
Expo [Montreal, 1967] C124, CL
experience concept of a single experience C22, C295, DC
fear that experience only teaches what won't happen again C22
memory and C22
more than just an abstract definition C295
experimental writing [see also teaching] C139
explosion thermodynamic concepts of C209
expression concept of, requiring transmission of self-referential signals C339
expressionism reaction to establishment culture at end of 19th century C176
eye/sight C9, C324, SSR
Antin's own worsening/needing glasses  C324
occlusion of Antin's vision, a purple curtain with gold trim SSR
phenomenology of seeing C9
[see also glasses]
fact C9, C10, C11, C13, C48, C70, C83, C268, C287, DC
fiction and C71
fragmented/piecemeal nature of C116
frame and C70, C83
invention in 17th century C9
commonplace and C48
photography and C70
reality and C287
style and C9, C10
theory, dependence on C70
tourism, opposed to C70
truth and C11, C83, C268
Fagin, Steve [one of the fake panelists on Antin's recorded panelist show in C171] C171
Fahd Al Saud C201
Fahlström, Öyvind  C74, C151, C196
fairy tales C139, C167, C355
relation to story and narrative C167
Falk head of bubblegum factory where Antin worked C29, C62
familiarity collage and C59
family [Antin's] C26, C28, C59, C175, C171, C177, C266, C268, C274, C322, C323, C338, C357
living with/brought up by aunts and grandmother C26, C28, C175, C177, C266, C268, C274, C322, C357
desire to continue to live with them but his mom would have badgered them C357
went to live with aunts when mother opened a business in Queens C28, C177
parties thrown by aunts C171, C322
variety of spoken languages C323, C338
[see also individual references, e.g., Betty]
Fanny (Aunt) [aunt, married to Irving] C58, C130
Fanon, Frantz C327, C330, PC2
fantasy/fantastic C72, C148
fiction and C72
reality and C148
fashion C64, C318
relationship to art C318
Fass, Bob C124, C131
listening to C124
father C9, C171, C238, C241, C268, C292, C297, C314, C326
close to twin brother C314
death (at age 27) when Antin was 2 in 1934 C9, C171, C238, C241, C268, C314, C326
anger at because thought father had left his mom instead of dying C314
death caused by silver nitrate treatment C314, C326
and medical malpractice C326
makes it hard to understand Oedipal complex C238 
didn't go to college C241
job running clothing factory with twin brother (Julius) C314
memories of
no memory of his father's face C292
photograph of him and father on fire escape C9
shining shoes C9, C314
photograph of father and uncle given to Antin by his aunt C241
short C241, C326
two years younger than Antin's mother C326
father in law [Banja Joseph; pseudonym Peter Moor] C25, C96, C107, C139, C148, C152, C153, C167, C174, C177, C190, C199, C202, C214, C231, C233, C235, C240, C273, C274, C279, C281, C286, C287, C289, C320
Alexander Korda films, extra in C25, C139, C174, C190, C274
apartment issues with locks and water heater C190
Bela Bartok, friends with C139
bed, Antin assembling  C152
Blaise, relationship with C177, C233, C320
played tennis with C233, C320
jacket Blaise bought for his birthday and he told Blaise he wouldn't live long enough to enjoy C177
Blaise and friend (Brett) trying to surprise him with a hooker from the gaslight district who would pretend to look at his paintings and hear his poetry and then seduce him, but no one would agree for the amount of money C233, C320
California live oak under which Antin buried his ashes (tree selected for affinity to trees in Europe) C202, C273
dying words "Azah" (inversion of "Haza" (homeland)) C96, C199,  C274
stroke after slipping on tennis court C273
feeling as foreigner C25
furniture, love of modern  C152
handyman at Maud's (mother-in-law's hotel) C174
hearing aids, problems with C174
Hungarian origins
first wife was a pianist and they lived in Vienna C174
growing up in Hungary C174, C320
jailed in Hungary C174
Kesckemet, from C235, C274
father painted churches there C274
story of going to tavern with his uncle in town in Hungary and carrying the key to the homestead gate C235
radio show, featured on C174
still in Budapest intellectually C177
learning some Hungarian from C174
lettering business C25
literary career
experience of 3rd Ave el, poems written about  C25, C139
life as young writer C25, C139, C174, C190, C274
discovered by leading Hungarian journal (Nyugat) at 18, but second and third stories never got published because of coup C174, C289
novel from 1949 (which Antin calls symbolist but which Moor calls surrealist): man at a party passes out and wakes up on trial C177
switched to English poetry C25, C190
marriage to Antin's mother-in-law Jeanette C25, C139
mixed up male and female pronouns often due to Hungarian language C148, C190, C199, C287
Moor pseudonym taken because he imagined himself as Othello C174, C235
painter C25, C148, C152, C174, C190, C233, C289, C320
became a painter (reasons for) C25, C152, C174, C190, C289
imaginary story of Peter and bikini clad woman coming back to his apartment to look at his paintings C148
moving all his paintings with Antin's help C152
painting similar to surrealism (blend with abstract expressionism) C152, C174, C190, C289
marketing paintings to galleries and Antin helping with C190
into new apartment (due to rising rent) C152
into senior home (Casa de Manana?) C174, C190, C199
out of senior home and into apartment C190, C199
newspapers, problems walking to get C190
reciting Flaubert C214
reciting Goethe C174, C177, C233, C274
Shannon, his helper at his apartment C199
story of trying to help him locate 40 year old woman he met in the phone book C199
breaking his hip teaching his helper Shannon tennis C199, C273, C274
playing tennis with Antin C139, C152, C174, C177, C190, C320
television and; liking McNeil Lehrer Report C190
uncle had become an elevator operator in Chicago C235
workmanlike dandy C152
father in law [Sol, Eleanor's father] C29, C93, C147, C150, C153, C242, C279, C293, C314, C316
Beethoven, discussing with C153
card shuffler invention C29, C150, C242, C279
patent of card shuffler invention and in depth discussion of workings C150
Casa Palmera, moving to C316
concert pianist C153
Doris, divorce from in 80's C242, C314
conference with him, his attorney and Antin confirming that Doris couldn't make claims on estate C242
death C314, C316
father, death of: woke up saw a fly and died C316
girlfriend in California who died of Alzheimer's C293
girlfriend (Patricia) possibly Vegas call girl C279, C314, C316
developed Alzheimer's, became institutionalized and died C314
hearing aids, problems with C242, C314, C316
illness C316
jai alai (gambling on and ability to pick winners) C242, C279, C293, C294, C314
job as cutter in clothing industry C150, C293, C314
job at dog track in Florida C242
learning to boil egg in microwave C279
Lithuania/Poland, youth in C93, C279, C150, C293, C314
went to Technische Hochschule in Vilnius C242, C314
story of seeing Russian soldier who stole bread shot C167
marriage to Eleanor Antin's mother (Polish actress) C293, C314, C316
didn’t get along C293
divorced when Eleanor was 16/17 C316
mathematics C93, C150, C242, C279, C293, C294, C314, C316
contacting Martin Gardner (of Scientific American) about the problem C293
development of root extraction algorithm general solution to polynomial equations of power of 4 and higher  C279, C293, C314, C316
notebooks given by Antin to keep track of progress because he kept losing papers C293, C314
"Scheherazade" problem for him, keeping him alive C293, C314
moved into senior living facility called The Patrician C314
moved to San Diego age 90 C279, C293
retired to Fort Lauderdale C150, C293
story of taking to emergency room with congestive heart failure C314
telling joke about Italian, German and Pole being gassed and what they wanted for their last meal C314
women and C153, C279
fatuous definition C129
Fawcett (Majors), Farrah  C53
feelings C306
Feldman, Morton and Poets Against the War rally C23, C294
Feldman, Ron [gallery owner] PP, TMS
went into art dealing after law school PP
feminism/feminist theory need for feminist theory to be a theory of the human C172
Fence [magazine] didn't proofread his talk piece well CL
Fenollosa, Ernst C83
Fenton, Roger C72
Ferus Gallery C23
Feuchtwanger, Lion conversations with Brecht C134
Feynman (sp?), Joel Eleanor's first cousin and friend who was dying C96
Feynman, Richard C73
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence C116, C348
fiction C48 C71, C173, C230, C268
fact/truth and C71, C173, C230, C268
relationship to Antin's writing C268
Fiction International magazine C139
Le Figaro C116, C228
La Monde, compared with C228
Figures of Thought, Figures of Mind proposed book C60
Filliou, Robert C305
Fillmore East C110, C131, C175, C209
film C4, C5, C42, C48, C70, C71, C172, C285, C287, C304, C307, C318, C355, C124, CL
auteur theory v. producer theory (preference for producer theory) C4
autobiography in C48
collage in, rise in 50s and 60s as "narration scrambles"= disjunctive edit C4
components of film= camera, projector, and spectacle C4
conceptual film C4
first movie he saw was disorienting because villain didn't have moustache C287
depictions of Japanese dying with a different sound than US troops C318
documentary film C71, C355
Akerman's Jeanne Dielman, relationship to C71
disastrous because they are not a subject's experience; lack narrative C355
uneventfulness of C71
effect of camera on subjects C4
Egyptian movie he saw at theatre on Court Street  C42
independent filmmaking and economy of C304
interview as coercive film C4
Hollywood C5, C172, C285, C304
Hollywood movies as either violent pornography or erotic pornography C5
star system C304
hypothetical movieola films C4
mafia movies C5
narrative in as unmotivated story (i.e., motivated only by money) C4
science fiction movies C70
structuralist film C48
[see also film festival; Side Street Projects]
film festival for ICA C124
"finagle variable" C62, RF
"Finding Common Ground" discussion of C231
Fineman, Joel cousin, at "The Price" talk; getting a divorce C230
finger mangling finger in car door C57
Finley, Karen C226
Finnegan's Wake C60, C147, C288, PC2
concept as Easter egg hunt C60
discussions with friends C60
scouting locations in NY with friends to make a movie version C288
Finstein, Max C332
"First Thoughts, Second Thoughts" proposed video work by Antin C9
Fish, Stanley C230
Fischbach Gallery C206, C277, C357
story of English sculptor from the American University in Beirut who had an opening in a blizzard and only 4 people showed up C277
Fischer, Bobby C73
Fitzgerald, Ella C269
Flaubert, Gustave one of Antin's model writers when young C22, C142, C214, C357
prose like working on a weapon, "metal mosaics" C214
Fletcher, John Gould C60, C157, C237, C268, C281
flirting C96
Florence during Medici rule and homosexuality C8
Florida C58, C183, C202, C242, C246
Fluxus C49, C180, C305, C310, C345, IJM
Native American poetry and IJM
publishing and C49
Yam Festival C305
Fluxus Anthology C230
Fokine, Michel seeing Martha Graham dancers and thinking them ungraceful C248
Foley, Jack invited Antin to give a talk in Fort Myers (San Francisco) C235
Folger Shakespeare Library talk piece performed there C230
folk art without an academy or other authority C206
folly virtues of C119
football C25, C62, C82, C110, C114, C125, C159, C212, C289, C338
broke knee playing  C82, C125, C212, C338
injured nose playing C114
playing as a kid C110, C25
playing in high school C62, C82, C159, C289
grew tired because teammates were boring C82
scholarship to Syracuse C125
footnotes enjoyment of C82
Forché, Carolyn C60
Foreman, Richard C151
"forgetting" [talk piece given at Bisbee, AZ] C320, C330
reads part of C320, C330
form C2, C4, C52, C54, C60, C332
arrow as model for C2, C4
critique of concept C2, C52
defined as stylistics C4
dictated by habit C332
formalism's need to connect to meaning system C52
"form is an extension of content", critique of C60
shape contrasted with C2
Fort Lauderdale C58
Forti, Simone C230
Four Horsemen C320
Fracastorius (Girolamo Fracastoro) CL
frames/framing C127, C230, C294
and performance C230
France C208, C348
compared with US C348
North Africa and C208
reading at primary-colored library in mall in a town (without street life) on the Oise; met by a French poet and former naval attache who told Antin he welcomed American missles C208
[see also Paris]
Franco, Francisco C194
Frank, Robert relationship of his films to truth C48
Frankenthaler, Helen C124, C143
Franklin, Benjamin and electricity C29
Fraser, Kathleen C51
free association RF
freeways/highways C1, C53
Freilicher, Mel Acker's close friend from Brandeis C310
babysitter for Blaise C310
Freilicher, Noah poet friend C230
Freimuller, Lawrence [see dentist]
French culture C228
importance of concept of opposition C172
French language C91, C161
imperialist ideology of begins in the lycée C91
French poetry PC1
not currently engaging with vernacular because of interference of French Academy PC1
preference of his for French over English poetry because the language is foreign enough to excuse any overly academic style PC1
Fred [supervisor at bubblegum factory] C178
Frege, Gottlob theory of language C7
Freud, Sigmund C1, C29, C59, C68, C85, C90, C96, C150, C172, C187,  C197, C199, C212, C221, C230, C231, C233, C238, C250, C299, C311, C326, C330, C344, IL1, PC2, PP, RF, TMS
antisemitism and RF
antirepresentationalist RF
Civilization and its Discontents C85
cocaine use RF
distinction between reason and imagination and Antin's disagreement with C59
displacement C231
dissatisfaction with his talk poems on PC2
concept of dream as syntax of collage C172, PP
concept of dream as tarot card PP
condensation in dreams C231
desire and C96, C326, IL1
Freud's dream of being at a gate in Rome and his oldest son being given to a different father C197, C199
Freud's dream of merchant who wanted to eat lox (and relationship to word "laughing"); example of his relationship with Yiddish RF
hieroglyphs and C150, IL1
 Irma dream C90
Margarete Klinkefuss, and her dream about an opera (and Antin's explanation of it) C197
process for noting his own dreams to create memory of them C197
relationship of dreams to daydreams C197
Russian prince who can't decide on career and dream of foxes with bushy tails (related to memory of his parents having sex) C29
wolfman story (Russian who had dream of wolves in tree and becomes painter) C1
upstairs and downstairs with a man and his brother and the man at the end swearing at the king of Italy C197, PP, RF
dream of being at play outside Vienna where people changing on two different levels; discussion of why the King of Italy appears at the end PP
German language, Antin reading Freud in C221
Interpretation of Dreams C90, C96, C150, C172, C197, C199, C221, C230, C231,  C233, C250, C311, C326, C330, IL1, PP, RF
"A Beautiful Dream" C96
Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious RF
metaphors reified by scientific community RF
narrative and C199, C221, C233, C326, C330, IL1, PP
confusion of story with narrative C221
dream as narrative; background information of story not necessary C221, C233
marked by desire IL1
model for a narrative avant-garde C197
observational acumen C197
poet, considering as RF
psychoanalysis and  RF
rhetorical model similar to Marx C344
semiotics C96
unconscious (and translation problems of that concept) RF
women and C212
Yiddish and  RF
book of Yiddish jokes he destroyed RF
claimed not to know but mother spoke RF
Frick Museum C183, C325
paintings of Thomas More and Henry VIII  C183, C325
Fried, Michael C82, C161, C206
discussion of Noland's chevrons C82, C161
sense, the opposite of whatever his viewpoint is  C206
friends [these are all anonymous; see entries for individual friends] C22, C88, C93, C156, C173, C198, C201
Canadian who would ask about Antin's son C108
divinity school student who dropped out C22
hustler C88
lawyer who helped defend neighborhood and built large "maritime style" house and got a divorce right after and asked Antin to read his stories about his time as an intelligence officer in SE Asia; going to Cambodian restaurant with him and friend saying US needed to be in Vietnam to kick a little ass C173
medical student and when Antin saw him years later on the tennis court had given up medicine C156
neighbor across street who became a lesbian C198
office worker who had eye trouble C93
woman who worked with local farmers selling them rat poison, started getting headaches, sued county because she wasn't instructed properly in handling the poison C201
Frost, Robert C108, C154, C250. C271, C305, IJM, PC1
"Death of a Hired Man" C108
image of tennis net and poetry C154, C250, C305
"Mending Wall" C108, PC1
example of Frost's decayed rhetoric PC1
not despised by Antin C108
truth and (lack of relationship of his poetry to) C271
Fukushima DC
Fuller, Buckminster C196, C290, C304, C124
dome at Expo C196, C124
Fu Manchu C209
functionaries C167
furniture C108, C122
furniture of poetry lounge at Caltech C108
futurism Italian C208, C374
Gabo, Naum C238
Gaelic C303
Galas, Diamanda C114, C217, C320
student of Eleanor Antin C217
gambling C6, C36, C41, C45, C148, C176, C279, C325
art/art criticism analogous to gambling C6, C176
betting scam where one mails out tips picking game winners and then winnowing down mailings based on each week's winner C148, C176
casinos C325
George (Eleanor's dad) gambling on jai alai C279, C294
Uncle Al and  C36, C41, C45
won at cards because able to tune to other players but who couldn't win at other games of chance C45
technology as C36
games/game theory C299, C300
relation to war C300
zero sum games C299, C300
Garland, Judy C76
Garvey, Steve C107
Gautier, Theophile C133
Geertz, Clifford CL
Gehry, Frank C273, C318
early work C318
Guggenheim Bilbao Museum (Antin's opinion that the inside isn't special) C318
Weisman Art Museum C273, C318
"only interesting to drive by" C318
gender C172, C216, C217
binary "overrated"; agency and C172
[see also Beat literature; Oppen, George; Plato]
Gene [Cates] [friend from college] C22, C115, C119, C121, C125, C305, C328
chess, playing with  C121, C305, C328
in Rienza Coffee Shop C305
chess player C115, C119, C121, C125
College Art Association conference, running into him there later in life C121
Heidegger enthusiast C305
interrupting class on Plato's Republic, saying "being is one" C328
"lemons" in Stendhal's' Memories of Egotism and C121
lost touch with C305, C328
painting career
dropped out of college to paint C305
paintings were collages with triangles and squares; reminded Antin of de Kooning's East Hampton paintings and then targets that reminded him of Kenneth Noland C328
seeing his paintings many years later and many of them were whited out except for two dots, one red one green C305
studio in SoHo C121, C305
the "unconditioned" and his concern about C22, C115, C119, C121, C125
General Idea C316
Genia (Len Yu) Chinese-French girlfriend of Antin's friend Nasi C48
Genet, Jean C202, C248
dislike of C202
seeing The Blacks with Maria C202, C248
genre C7, C107, C154, C159, C230, C374, IJM, PC2
Antin's relation to it PC2
theater of expectations C154, C159, PC2
[see also "A Stranger at the Door"]
geology of New York C141
George [see Anne]
German art C75, C143, C182
American punk art and C143
copybook art culture C182
kid artists and punk art C143
milieu and his distance from C75
neo-expressionism and C143
story of German art piece in which artist documented killing himself in a series of episodes C75
German language C156, C221, C307, IJM
Freud, reading in  C221
speaking C307
studying in college C156, IJM
[see also bubblegum factory]
German poetry in hexameter C134
Germany general dislike of C115, C159
Gertie  [mother of Eleanor's cousin Herbert] C147
Getty Museum C294, C325
story of making left turn into C294
wasted its acquisition fund C325
Ghandi, Mahatma C344
ghostwriter C32, C156, C268, C330
for a surgeon; Antin's story of recommending the surgeon not publish his article C32
for German female psychoanalyst (Hattie) C32, C156, C330
for psychoanalytic journal C268
made to join group therapy group, he would tell stories C268
Gibran, Khalil Antin's dislike of C125
Ginsberg, Allen C98, C116, C131, C134, C175, C202, C209, C248, C280, C304, C318, C320, C322, 332, C345, CL
"America" C280
"Howl" C304, C322
hyperbolic poetry C304
The Making of Americans, reading C116
negotiating a reading in New York for people to read on a rooftop C332
running into in O'Hare airport with Ginsberg in nice pressed suit and clean-shaven C98, C116, C345
style of reading C131
"Sunflower Sutra" C280
terrific but full of shit C202
Giorgione C324, C325
Fête champêtre C325
Portrait of a Man (‘Terris Portrait’) C324, C325
scholarship on C325
Sleeping Venus C325
The Tempest C325
The Three Philosophers C324, C325
proposing that is actually a picture of architects or real estate developers C325
Il Tramonto C325
Giotto story of being discovered as a boy by drawing a perfect circle C9
glaciers C141
Glass, Philip C131
glasses C323, C327
effect on talk pieces C327
recent vision problems and; becoming a shtick C323
Glissant, Édouard  C91
God C186, C324, C338
as all seeing C186
as Alzheimer's case C324
concept in poetry C338
Godard, Jean-Luc C77, C314, C316
Contempt C314
Gode, Alexander C48
The Godfather especially soundtrack C5
The Godfather III C206
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang C121, C139, C174, C271, C297
Dichtung und Wahrheit C271
Diderot and C179
Elective Affinities/Wilhelm Meister C152
The Sorrows of Young Werther C121
Goffman, Erving C230, C316
Presentation of Self in Everyday Life C230, C316
Gogol, Nikolai Dead Souls C134, C145, CL, IJM
Goldman, Emma C246
"Goldilocks and the Three Bears" analysis of C355
gold rush (1849) C290
gold star families C114
Golden Handcuffs Review CL, PP
laid out his talk pieces with odd page breaks CL
Golden Triangle office park in San Diego with mall and ice skating rink C225
goldfish pets Sam and Mike when Antin was 5 C175
Goldstein, Kurt physiological psychologist whom Antin studied with and had Mac Low as a patient C230, C290, C303
Goldwater, Robert [art historian] C157
golf C65
Bobby Jones style vs. Lee Trevino style C65
Goli [Iranian refugee friend of Antin's] C232
father former Iranian senator C232
husband, Atho, was agricultural engineer and poet who had been governor of a province; unsuccessfully tried to get job at Center for Conflict Resolution at UC San Diego; went back to Iran C232
story of dinner with, reading poetry to, and Atho showing a photograph that made Goli shudder because general in photograph had a dog that had jumped on her as a child and gave her lifelong fear of dogs C232
Golub, Leon C374
mercenary series of paintings C374
relationship aesthetically with Warhol C374
story of being burglarized at knifepoint and tied up with his son in the house C374
torture series paintings C374
Gorbachev, Mikhail C176
Gordon, David dancer C306
Gordon, Peter C131
Gore, Al C281, C307
Bush versus C281, C307
robotlike; problem smiling C307
Gorgias inventor of figures of speech/thought C51, C53
Gorin, Jean-Pierre C295
Gorky, Arshile IL1
graffiti C68, C125, C143, C182
bad graffiti art C143
bathroom graffiti (analysis of particular graffito "your mother puts out for bedbugs") C68, C125
losing value in galleries C125
spectatorship vs. listenership C68
story of girl who wrote graffiti in boy's bathroom ("Who am I?") C68
Graham, Dan C76
Graham, John IL1
Graham, Jorie C294
Grand Central Station C285, C303
grandfather C148, C194, C199, C243, C326
described as "enlightenment hustler" C148
described as Hebrew scholar, Spinozian C194, C199, C326
started with a pushcart and developed a business that collapsed in the 30s C243
grandmother C59, C78, C115, C156, C172, C268, C326, C327
accident doing spring cleaning C78
dying; interpreting her sickbed ramblings about men with black hats as allusion to giving to Jewish charity C59
Jewish intellectual C156
living with his grandmother and aunts C78, C268, C326, C327
made homemade wine in cellar C78
spoke Russian, German and French C156, C268, C326
Antin learning these languages from C156
story of her feeding wine to horses (driving them through town) C78, C172
grandparents European intellectuals who came to US and suffered a culture shock C28
grandson (Zachary) C287, C289, C293, C304, C328, SSR
asks constantly how much something is worth C328
babysitting him at Rancho Park in LA; eating ice cream sandwiches with; Eleanor having stomach problem and going to UCLA emergency room C304
learning green=go and red=stop C289
story of Eleanor having a car accident taking him home from lacrosse camp, running over their garden and olive tree SSR
telling him the story of the three little pigs C293
telling him stories to calm him down C328
Granski, Sam and Pauline relatives young Antin would visit C43
Graves, Nancy C8, C344
camel sculptures C344
Gray, Spalding C212, C230, C238, C248, C310, C320, CL, PC1
different from Antin C230, C248, C320
New York as an island separate from USA C238, C310, PC1
suicide CL
Swimming to Cambodia C248
gray vs. grey C322
Graywolf Press C300
GRE encountering math problem that he analyzed C31
"great"/greatness C42, C153, C161
analogies C161
 a cat picked up by its neck and put on silver pillow C161
Chaplin film where he gets handed a red flag and ends up in leftist parade C161
art world and C161
dislike of word; mere cultural ratification C153
literary world, concept a disaster in C42
Great Depression C28, C171, C177, C243
1960s wealth contrasted with C243
1970s recession contrasted with C28, C177
Greece/Greek culture C7, C8, C51, C52, C85, C147, C304, C314, SSR
art as propaganda C7
city states and politics C51, C304
   similar to harmonics C51
equality, concept of C51
fantasies of (Antin's) C147, SSR
harmony, concept of C51, C52
homosexual machismo of/ideal structure of C8
"horrible" C8
love of based on mother's books C314
Turks compared with C8, C85
immigrants to Greece C8
Greeks who don't worry about civilization C85
[see also Greek lyric poetry; Greek sculpture; Greek tragedy; The Immortal Marriage; myths; painting; photography; rhetoric]
Greek lyric poetry C247, C332
Greek sculpture C8, C345
body casting in C8
musculature and genitialia in  C8
Greek tragedy C293
Greenberg, Clement C82, C153, C176, C183, C224, C280, C305, C318, C328, C374, PC2
"Avant-garde and Kitsch" C318
concept of avant-garde and self-referentiality C318
concept of kitsch C318
critique of (in particular his progressional concept art, in 1970s article and Museum of Fine Arts director asked Antin whether he really wanted to publish it) C318
Diderot and PC2
disliked happenings C328
"Modernist Painting" C374
Pollack as counterexample to his theories C374
story of overhearing someone on a plane referring to Greenberg as an eminent Egyptologist C176
story of trip to Japan telling Japanese art historian which Japanese paintings were good C153, C305, PC2
theory of art making as using stable signs (theory shared with Jameson) C318
Green Integer didn't publish his talk poems book with (format was too small to accommodate his preferred layout) CL
Greenough, Horatio IJM
Greenwich Village C158, C166, C175, C202, C209, C229, C357
Gregory, Jimmy on Rothko  C286
Grimm's fairy tales C225, C306
Grinstein, Elyse and Stanley art patrons C4
Groover, Jan [photographer] C69
Gropius, Walter C205
gross national product C176
Guattari, Felix C208, C212, C214
conversation regarding "otherness" and Hussein/Bush (at Cal Arts) C208, C212 
[see also Deleuze, Gilles]
Guggenheim Museum C27, C154, C318
Motorcycle show C318
reading "Poem Found in the Street" at and subjected to "genteel slur" C27, C154
dropping "Poem Found in the Street" from stage accidentally C154
Gulf War C206, C208, C209, C299, C300, C374
bombing and relationship to Italian Futurism C208
constructed as American morality tale; rationale for C208
guns Antin would carry one if he lived in L.A. C224
Guston, Philip C23, C24, C105, C107, C305
cartoon works like Mayan glyphs, constructing improvised messages/allegories, and not like earlier work (which was concerned with act of painting) C305
discussion of Guston's post-WPA work in the 50s C305
Lichtenstein, contrasted with C305
gym C269, C316, C330, PP
Antin's without air conditioning C316
"Family Fitness" C269
story of Egyptian man at gym who he became friendly with but couldn't invite to dinner because man wouldn't feel comfortable due to political differences C330
story of man at gym who told woman she looked like Sheena Queen of the Jungle C269
Gysin, Brion C116
Haacke, Hans C4, C75
Mobil Oil logo artwork as political art and Antin's speculation of its political value as litigation bait to Mobil Oil  C4
Shapolsky et al. Manhattan Real Estate Holdings, A Real Time Social System, as of May 1, 1971 C75
habits Antin's unsuccessful attempt to avoid habit C295
Hadamard, Jacques The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field C212, IL1
Haldeman, H.R. C11
Hale, Nathan C167
Hall, Donald his anthology C60
Hamburger, Kate C123
Hamilton, George [English art critic] C357
Hamlet C150, C306, C332
handball [see Sam [uncle]] C328
hand operation [Antin's] C314
happenings C318, C374
beginnings in painting; presentness as core concept C374
colloquial nature of C374
hard edge painting C82, C238, C374
Hardy, Thomas poetry, poetics of discussed by Zukofsky C331
Haring, Keith C182
Harlem C154, C212, C219, C238
difference between his experience of riots in and news reports of them  C219, C238
walking in during rioting on day after Martin Luther King killed and description of rioting (125th St. at 11AM) C154, C219, C238
harmony Greek concepts of C51, C52
metaphor for state C52
Harold [handyman friend] C283
Harris, Mrs. neighbor who had her own garden and husband was an ornithologist C204
Harrison, Helen artist friend in neighborhood, worked in ecological art C229
Harrison, Newton professor in UCSD art department C78, C182
survival kits C182
Harry [Jeanette's [mother-in-law's] boyfriend at senior living home] C146, C167, C168, C230
moved to new nursing home, and the Antins went find him at new home to ask why he left C146, C168
new home described as dismal C168
nicknamed Antin "Big Shot" C168
peeing in potted plants as protest to way senior living home was treating him and Jeanette C168, C230
Hartman, Charles O. Jazz Text: Voice and Improvisation in Poetry, Jazz and Song treating Antin as jazz musician C332, C357
Harvard University C124
hats C108, C124
fashion and metaphor for metaphor C108
hat exhibition with green beret C124
Hattie [German psychoanalyst] C32, C156, C286, C330
analysis sessions, his attending and having to invent problems C156
ghostwriter for C32, C156, C330
 for autobiography C32, C156
husband caught cheating trolley transfers in Nazi Germany and ensuing trial; swore on child's life he was telling the truth and after the trial the child died of pneumonia; her reluctance to put this in autobiography C32, C156
patient of hers who wanted to be a whore so she told patient to get a red dress C32
Mt. Blanc, trip to as climax of autobiography C32
Rembrandt vs. Vermeer, conversation about C286
studied chirology and analysis before leaving Germany C156
"have" discussion of verb in relation to desire C216
Havelock, Eric Homer's versification and C192
Hawaii C246
Hawkswell Press  run by Jerome Rothenberg C194
Health Aids health food store in San Diego called run by old conservative man who died C164
Heaney, Seamus dislike of C287, PC1
hearing his problems hearing dialogue in films; his use of hearing aids to hear films C316, C324
Hearst, Patty C131
Hebrew C303
Hegel, G. W. F C58, C144, C226, C233
art as embodiment of idea and Antin's problems with C226, C233
Heidegger, Martin C156, C212, C214, C322, C332, C338
Being and Time, Antin's honor's thesis on C322, C332
death and human condition C322
"gelassenheit", concept of and translation of it by Antin as "cool" C332
Hölderlin and Antin wanting to avoid his interpretations of C338
"nothing", concept of C212 
What is Called Thinking? C332
What is Metaphysics? C212 
Heidsieck, Bernard  piece using Larousse dictionary C293
height Antin is 5'10" C324
Heisenberg uncertainty principle C280
Hejinian, Lyn and narrative C306, RF
Helen [older woman who worked in bubblegum factory with him] C296
Helmholtz, Hermann von C8
Henry IV by Pirandello, seeing on TV when a kid C326
Heraclitus C173, C190, C289, C293, C295, C297
you never step in the same river twice C293, C295
Heyward, Susan her amnesia movies C158
Helixer, Pierrot (?) C131, C314
throwing water on Shirley Clark's camera because he wasn't allowed to read C131
Henderson, Loy C11
Henie, Sonja C60
Henri, Robert C238
Herbert [cousin of Eleanor] dislike of his mother, Gertie, because she didn't lend him money to move ophthalmology practice out of Bronx; death of C147
Herbert [uncle; father of Bessie, Antin's cousin who married to Lewis] junk dealer who had brownstone and limo but collected junk with horse and cart C65
Herder, Gottfried C13
Hess, Tom C107, C157, C174, C277, C279,  C305
on Rothko C157
hiccups C324, C338
reduce life to collage C324
remedies for; Antin's is to lie down C324, C338
story of getting the hiccups and they went away after a night's sleep C324
"Hiccups" talk piece and essay PC1
hieroglyphics C90, C150
Freud and C150
 model for poetry in Diderot C150
Higgins, Dick C49, C58
High Anxiety (Mel Brooks movie) C221
high culture vs low culture C318
  no longer a productive distinction for examining art C318
high school (Brooklyn Technical High School) C1, C22, C32, C43, C62, C64, C68, C82, C152, C156, C160, C170, C157, C170, C196, C198, C199, C229, C237, C240, C266, C268, C271, C281, C292, C295, C297, C305, C314, C357, PC1
Charles Bernstein also attended C266
cutting class to read Brothers Karamazov C157
deciding to attend Brooklyn Tech in 1944  C82, C156, C268, C305, PC1
because of football C82, C156, C268, C305
mother telling Antin that Jews don't become engineers when asking why he wanted to attend C314
to get away from family PC1
German and French classes C156
high school generally vs. college C198
machine shop classes and technical classes at high school/making tool bits C43, C156, C240, C268, C271, C281, C297, C357, PC1
physics class/teacher C160, C170, C268, C292, C357
Manhattan Project, worked on C160, C170, C268, C292
projects he gave class, like how much cream to make the coffee cool C160, C170
when Antin overslept for the regents' exam, physics teacher arranged so he could take it next year C268
poets in high school were all writing self-expressive poems C43
softball coach taught math C170
story of fight where one boy wanted to take it outside in order not to violate rules C22
story of stealing a train with other students and principal disciplining entire school C82
student council campaign he ran for quarterback friend (who won) C198, C281
Antin was "Minister for Foreign Affairs" arranging dances with girls school C281
throwing kid down stairs in high school because he had called Antin a "stupid fag" C64
thrown out of class for showing a poem to a friend C199
thrown out of class for writing poems in class C247
train ride to get there C268, C357
walking different ways to school to avoid habit C295
hijackings C65
Hirschman, Jack poet classmate-friend who worked at newspaper at night C322
Hirst, Damien Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living C318
Hiss, Alger C114, C132, C158, C171, C186
history C38, C114, C158, C186
delusion of clarity offered by C158
memory contrasted with C186
function is to argue for mistakes in memory C186
objectivity and C186
poetry and C38
hitchhiking C25,C50, C84, C91, C108, C170, C177, C204, C224, C243, C295, C304, C306, BL
1952 C50, C84, C108, C304, C306, BL
     across Kansas  C304, C306
     sparseness of  cars/lights C50, C84, C108, BL
Allentown in truck C25
American landscape and effect on C224
Charles Manson's effect on C204
Chicago and Los Angeles, contrast between hitching out of  C25
college, leaving to hitch and get jobs C170, C224
high school graduation, leaving after to Detroit C170
Idaho, traveling homewards from C91, C295
ride out of Spokane in a Hudson Hornet and driver with two prosthetic arms C295
story of driver who thought Antin's hitchhiking companion was Jewish because of NY accent and Antin was German because of hat C91
ride in New Jersey in Plymouth that driver could only brake using emergency brake; running out of money and needing to pay toll for George Washington Bridge; so going through tunnel C295
Kalamazoo to Chicago, and hitching a ride with a Dutch man who owned restaurant in Kalamazoo C25
west, traveling out C25, C177, C224, C243, C295
being offered jobs along the way (in C243 every 200 miles) C243, C295
Hitler, Adolf C194
Hoffman, Abbie telling audience to leave artists alone at antiwar rally (where audience was saying artists weren't doing enough for the anti-war movement) C23
Hoffman, Hans PC1
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von "Die Beiden" C139
Holbein, Hans C183
Hölderlin, Friedrich  C324, C338
discovering in high school C338
"Hälfte des Lebens" C338
"Patmos" C324, C338
comparing first lines to Luther's "Ein feste Burg" C338
Scardanelli  poems C338
holidays C228
Höllerer, Walter  C243
Hollo, Anselm C320
Holmes, Oliver Wendell DC
Holzer, Jenny C188
Holocaust C75, C226, C280
homelessness C204, C304
Homer/Homeric epics C2, C60, C85, C123, C138, C141, C146, C167, C173, C190, C192, C206, C231, C240, C267, C274, C281, C287, C306, C327, C345, C348, C357, PC1
assemblage of Homeric epics more attractive that modernist collage works like The Cantos C60
genealogy of written versions C2
metrics of C138
modern image of shaggier, hipster Homer C85
talk performance/work contingent on audience C190, C267
[see also Iliad; Odyssey]
homeowners association in Arroyo Sorrento, formed to keep out developers; Antin on board of C204
homosexuality C8, C76, C77
comical aspect of C76
honesty and talking; relation to adequacy C76
Hopkins, Gerard Manley C269, PC1
one of three English authors Antin likes; admires ability to reinvent the sonnet with "mad metrics" PC1
"Wreck of the Deutschland" PC1
Hopper, Edward C318, C374
Nighthawks C318
Horace C296
"Horatius at the Bridge" C43
hormone replacement therapy C295
Hornick, Lita C160, C206, C224, C289, C305, C357, IJM
apartment at 88 Park Ave. C206
served elegant lunch with French maid C206,  C305
horse invention of; effects on Native American culture analogous to car on contemporary culture C85
horse racing C88
Horthy, Miklós coup in Hungary C174
Horticultural Hall (Boston) C196, C124
terrible location; painting of  C124
hotels C57, C58, C186, C217, C228, C287
Grand Hotel in San Diego C58
Hotel Esmeralda in Paris C186, C217, C228, C287
inherent shabbiness of C57
[see also Maud's [mother-in-law's hotel]]
Houdini, Harry C161, PC1
Antin influenced by PC1
story of Houdini and diamond merchant on cruise ship that sinks C161
house in Solana Beach [Pacific Avenue] C127, C132, C144, C153, C154, C159, C204, C243, C276, C284, C292
break-in by babysitter's sister (Sally) C144
buying from Reinhard Lettau who was kicked out for cohabitating unmarried C127, C132, C204, C276, C284
lived in 7 years C284
moving into and being asked by neighbor whether they had any teenagers (i.e., long hairs who like rock music) and Antin says yes because 2 year old Blaise liked rock and had long hair C127
new owners after Antin renovated house and tore down oleander C276
oleander hedges around and neighbor complaining about C276
Paul Brach helped him purchase C153
rent was $160/mo C243, C276
summons bearer whom Antin chased away C127, C284
house in Arroyo Sorrento C61, C63, C85, C125, C139, C147, C152, C159, C174, C198, C202, C204, C224, C225, C229, C231, C240, C283, C289, C316, C322, C323, PC2, PP
built by people in the biology department at UCSD C139
bought from divorced friend (Carol) C139, C152, C198, C204
deer encountered on road to house C204
description of house as two army buildings that were put together C139, C152, C198, C204, C225, C240
environment/vegetation around
aloe vera growing outside office C231
bougainvillea growing on bedroom windows makes it tough to get air so have to open door C240
change in countryside C289
driveway made of dirt and rain would wash out C139, C229, C240, C289
after heavy rain would have to park at paved road and walk the 1.5 mile dirt road C229, C289
puddles for coyotes C139
general description of  C125, C174, C204, C229, C240, C289, C323
orange and lemon trees C204
palm trees C225
"Rocky Mountain" where water tower located C231
used to jog driveway but now can't due to development C289
Guatemalan refugee who he met on his property and who did odd jobs for Antin C323
horse corral he dismantled C85
Indonesian shadow puppet decoration C139
kitchen/dining room most lived in C240, C323
library in back of house where dogs sleep C202
living room, sunken with  statue of naked woman in PP
moved into in 1976 C139, C231
repairs to and problems with
   fireplace inefficient C240
   leaks in roof C61
   renovating house C61, C224, C225, C240, C283, C316, C3222
   adding a deck on the house C240
   issues with heating system/thermostat C283
   addition of Eleanor's studio; negotiation with city for addition of  C316
   renovation of living room so it isn't just a corridor C61, C224
   having plumbers get rid of calcium carbonate in pipes C322
   shoddily built C240
   walls, problematic construction generally PC2
   windows and temperature problems C63
robbery of C139
well and forced to use city water C139
wildfires threatening and help from grad students (Lesley and Mike) to evacuate C229, C231, C316
windows without shades C240
Houston C207, C226, C277, C292
boom after World War 2 C226
Liuba went to live there with Charlie C207, C226
visiting Houston and going to a Chinese restaurant in the outskirts, and getting back to his hotel he encountered a barouche pulled by a white horse (in 277 mentions he was visiting Harris Rosenstein) C226, C277
tried to find Charlie's house while in visit C226
Howard County [see planned communities]
Howie  friend who took trip to Cuba and came back discouraged; taking nom de plume "Babeuf" from French Revolution; was institutionalized and underwent electroshock; heritage and called Antin about it; naked on East Side Highway C119
How Long is the Present IJM
"how wide is the frame" CL
Hsieh, Tehching  Art / Life One Year Performance 1983-1984 (Rope Piece) with Linda Montano C188
Hubble [no first name] professor who recorded Eliot reading at Columbia and laughing at Eliot's faux English accent C173, C184, C281, PC1
Hudson River C174
Huebler, Douglas C6, C273
Duration Piece #15 (Global) as sculpture in the sense that it is a closed system that does not occupy physical space (real space versus physical space); potential obscenity of; irony of C6
Hultén, Pontus organized "Machine" show at MOMA C290
human being/humanness C216, C224
as desiring animal C216
humor/jokes C2, C4, C23, C161, C173, C230, C290, C357, RF
Antin's own work and C357
as genre C230
bomb, analogous to C2
man who gets three wishes and wishes he had a sausage on the end of his nose C290
Prince Albert in a can C23
righteous salesman who goes to heaven and gets to ride from cloud to cloud but unfaithful wife roller skates
tailor who moves to England and his sons assimilate C173
you can have this diamond ring but it comes with a curse. . . a husband RF
Marxism and C2
part of Jewish narrative tradition C161
story and C161
traps, analogous to C161
[See also Freud, Sigmund]
Hungarian language C148, C174, C190, C199, C230, C274, C287, C293, C303, C304, C322
Antin's knowledge of C174, C230, C274
pronouns C148, C190, C199, C230, C287, C293, C303, C304, C322
Hungary history in 20th century C174
hunger/fasting as art form C51, C53
Hurricane Katrina C323
Hussein, Saddam C201, C208, C209, C212, C300
caricatures of C208
given as example of "the other" by Guattari C208, C212 
relative attractivenes of C208
Huxley, Aldous C280
hyperbole C188, C230, CL
inflation and C188
rhetorical device of the present time C230, CL
hypnosis C24
ICA Boston C22, C31, C64, C74, C125, C146, C176, C183, C196,  C214, C225,  C229, C305, C357, C124, CL, PC1
curatorship (beginning in 1967) C31, C64, C74, C125, C146, C176, C183, C196, C229, C305, C357, C124, PC1
description of USIA rep who helped with Solomon's show at Horticultural Hall; only read novels C196
donor who built apartment houses and collected the most mediocre art C196, PC1
financial collapse C124
organizing film festival for (with  Jonas Mekas) C183, C196, C305, CL, PC1
organizing show for Erwin Chernofsky (sp?) and Antin using recordings of the MTA to accompany his paintings PC1
story of black tie dinner at Chilton Club with Eleanor C146, C196, C124
tapes for C124
ice cream C82, C141
myth of the redeemable Good Humor ice cream stick C82
sticks/floating sticks in the gutter C82, C141
Iceland volcano on, interrupting his travel to Europe DC,  PC2
iceplant prevalence in California C22
ice skating C186, C225, C332
Antin's first time after Economou's going away party C186
venues in San Diego C225, C332
icons relationship to writing C17b
Idaho [see surveyor job]
ideas C226, C233, C235
and embodiment of C226, C233, C235
ideology concept as being restrained by experience C243
Ikagewa, Shiro artist friend who had been recruited for kamikaze duty  C78
Iliad C60, C123, C306
meeting between Priam and Achilles C60, C306
structure of C60, C123, C306
[see also Homer/Homeric epics]
illusion C296
image C9, C230
enclave of meaning C9
language and C230
imagination C13, C98, C287, IJM
defined as what is not present C98
problems with C13, IJM
The Immortal Marriage book about Pericles and Aspasia that triggered Antin's interest in Greek language and culture C288, C314
impossibility concept of DC
Impressionism C238
cultivation of nostalgia C238
discourse about representation C238
improvisation C28, C37, C43, C57, C59, C76, C96,  C114, C123, C157, C190, C198, C250, C282, C332, C338, C357, C124, RF
all talk is improvisation C43
boxing analogous to C338
jazz and raga improvisation and relation to his work C332
method to bring thinking and talking together C250
described as a circling around  C76
narrative and C123, RF
past/present and C114, C123
occupation of present within a configuration C123
problem of is finding the shifts, not failing to have something to say C57
skiing analogous to C96, C338
synagogues in Queens where you can't tell when the service starts, related to C28, C240
unconscious and conscious meet during C59
[see also skiing; talk poems/talking]
incest taboos C2
index cards brought to talk (Buffalo) and originally to Cooper Union talk C158, C221
India C132, C175, C176, C225, C229
and domino theory in Cold War C132, C175, C176, C229
Indiana C229
Indian art Antin's dislike of C161
indigenousness/nativeness whether there are truly native peoples C244
individual C287, PC1
postructuralism and C287
steady state object PC1
"i never knew what time it was" [talk piece at the Whitney {C274)] C303
i never knew what time it was [book] C330
memory as central theme of C330
inflation C182, C188
and rhetorical figure of hyperbole C188
influences C247, C250, C269, C320, PC1
C269, C320
Coltrane C247, C250
constellation of influences: Gertrude Stein, Duchamp, Cage, Wittgenstein, Diderot C269
Houdini PC1
Wittgenstein/Socrates as talk poem predecessors C320
information C131, C183
"Information Theory" tape-based project made for ICA, used for Aspen Magazine  C124
injuries C82, C114, C125, C212, C267, C314, C324, C338, PP
ankle, twisting and long recovery time C267
falling in living room PP
falling while doing chest exercises and breaking finger; several casting attempts PP
football-related [see also football] C82, C114, C125, C212, C338
hand and resulting hand operation C314
head, hitting on concrete while working on water system and treatment C324, C338
story of driving to ER   C338
in-law [unnamed] lawyer in L.A. C285
insults analysis of "son of a bitch" C19
insurance and insurance policies; historical origin in Joseph's dreams in Egypt C85
Interlingua C48
International Sound Poetry Festival (Toronto) C320
Internet/World Wide Web C279, C303, CL
capital investment and C279
Web as giant almanac C303
interpretation of artworks as "getting behind it" C153
[interruptions in talks] C8, C19, C21, C23, C25, C26, C27, C31, C36, C41, C42, C51, C52, C60, C62, C70, C72, C73, C76, C77, C82, C91, C92, C108, C116, C126, C136, C138, C141, C147, C148, C152, C154, C158, C172, C177, C178, C188, C199, C201, C202, C214, C214,  C217, C232, C243, C246, C250, C266, C268, C273, C279, C280, C283, C285, C286, C287, C289, C293, C295, C304, C306, C316, C322, C324, C330, C332, C344, C348, C355, C374, DC, PC2, PP, SSR
alarm C287
alarm clock C147
asks audience members to move forward C21
asks for light on audience C286
asks how to pronounce "Levinas" C324
asks to close door C8
asks to turn down amplification C328
audience member disturbance (unclear) C293
audience member moving around C287
audience member talking about Frost C108
baby C21, C27
banging on door C280
bells ringing C31
Berrigan, Ted and question from C25
bird C126
car with lights on C23
cleaner cleaning the room C214
conversations with audience [see also questions from audience about subentry and individual names' subentries] C25, C36, C41, C51, C52, C91, C116, C177, C214, C246, C250, C266, C283, C306, C322, C344
80 Langston St. interruptions by and dialog among Silliman, Perelman, Eleanor and others in talk C51, C52
explanation about intending to do talk poem that fit the aesthetic of 80 Langton St. C52
Antin asks audience member where they come from C36, C41
Antin askes audience if anyone is from Atlantic City C41
Antin asks audience member to move forward C19
audience member responding to question of difference between tsunamis and typhoons C322
interruption to correct Antin's story C285
request that Antin speak up C295
correction of slides C72
coughing in audience C154
door opening (person doesn't enter) C332, C344
drink of water C316, C330
Eleanor C232, C235, C279, DC, PC2, PP, SSR
Antin asking her about Iranian women who perform beauty work like facials C232
clarifying about car accident (see Grandson entry) SSR
clarifying performance in Barcelona C235
clarifying story about Antin falling to say that she was trying to protect Antin not the statue he was about to fall into in their living room PP
clarifying story about her asking waitperson whether red snapper was like sea bass PC2
confirmation by Eleanor that he had told the story of encountering bear in Idaho DC
stating dislike of Antin's story about mattress shopping [see mattress ] because she felt like a clown in it PC2
entering/leaving room, by audience C19, C21, C28, C51, C76, C91, C92, C126, C199, C201, C268, C273, C287, C316
audience member leaves C92
extra chairs are needed for people coming in C76
explanation by audience member of "son of a bitch" insult C19
feedback from sound system C304
fire engines C202
flushing of toilet C154
hat, handed to by audience C91
HVAC C177, C374
jet planes C60
Lakoff, George entering at beginning of talk C51
Mac Low, Jackson and saying hello to C26
microphone and having to kick to make it work C158
moving rooms C289
Olson, Toby and talking about playing golf C316
questions from audience about
Angela Davis C243
artists and galleries in Los Angeles C23
Bazooka gum and whether consumers bought because of the gum or its jokes C62
Bill Owens' representations C70
dictionaries C73
documentaries C355
living above candy store C25
numbers C77
Socrates and queerness C8
Threepenny Opera C266
Washington DC walk C217
whether Antin is "beating a dead horse" C91
why Antin's turtles died C41
recording equipment
discussing /changing tape in recording device C82, C138, C148, C348
problems C152, C178
removing his own jacket C322
shutting door because of noise C141
siren C42
smoking concerns C76
Snyder, Gary regarding his work C91
told to end C172, PC2
due to Antin's need to catch cab back to Paris PC2
train C216
turning up light after slide show C188
interview story of being interviewed by Barbara from Bratislava C280
Inuit art cooption by art market C116
"The Invention of Fact" discussion of talk piece [C10, C11, C12, C13] C268, TMS
inventor Antin wanting to be when he was young C43, C60, C145, C156, C231, C242, C287, C297, C305, C314, PC1
Iran C269, C303, C316, C232
Shah C269, C303, C232
hostage crisis C316
Iraq C201, C206, C208, C209, C212 , C225, C300
nuclear capabilities C201
war with/Kuwait/Desert Storm C208, C212 , C225, C300
irony C306, BL
not used by artists with respect to themselves enough C306
relationship to stability/destabilization C306
[see also Huebler, Douglas; Marx, Karl; "Nuke the Whales" bumper sticker; Plato; Quintilian; Schlegel, Friedrich; Warhol, Andy]
Irving (Uncle) [Aunt Sylvia's younger brother] C26, C27, C28, C58, C130
hit by car and killed C58
"low class slob"; hustler C26, C27, C28
relationship with Sylvia C26, C27, C28, C130
Irwin, Robert C23, C24, C215
Israel C14, C194
story of cab driver who went to Israel and everyone there thought Americans had money C14
Ives, Charles musical collagist C238
Italy C115, C228, C306
assassinations in C228
loving design more than comfort (e.g., Alitalia plane) C228
mistaken for French person in C306
nation as comic opera C115
Jabes, Edmond C207
Antin not understanding his work until he heard him speak C207
concept of exile C207
Jackson, Michael C276, C307
CDs still sold in Iran C269
dislike of C269
seeing giant poster of in Bucharest C269
Jacob, Max C60, C306
Jake person Antin met in UCLA emergency room while there with Eleanor; a jazz drummer [see also grandson] C304
Jakobson, Roman C42, C48, C134, C138, C282, C300
less interesting work at MIT C138
"What is Poetry?" C138, C300
zaum and C138
James, Henry C221, C281, C329
James, Jesse and Frank C221, C329
James, William C221, C328, C329
on belief C328
Jameson, Fredric C140, C182, C199, C238, C311, PC1
Adorno and C140
ignorance of artworks PC1
"late capitalism" and Antin's skepticism about C182, C199
Jan woman whom Antin had crush on at oxygen job and who could recite Milton C83
Jandl, Ernst C320
Japan  C159, C164
dislike of, including Japanese movies C159
firebombing of, and Antin's horror at C194
Japanese Cultural Center (LA) C175
Japanese poetry Japanese court poetry C161
Jarrell, Randall C60, C198, C268, C280, IJM
"almost good"/ "marred version of a good poet" C198, C268
poems would be improved if the last part of each of his poems were removed C268
collagist C60
wrote one good poem which was just the epigraph to one of his books IJM
Jawlensky, Alexj von C325
jazz C107, C247, C250, C292, C318, C332, C357
bop C107
relationship to art world C357
talk poems influenced by/affinity with C247, C250, C332
especially Coltrane  C247, C250
jealousy C21, C76
based on threat to one's future C21
requires self defined against another person C76
Jean Tinguely's New Machine piece Antin designed for "Art and Technology" show which was a patent drawing of a machine using blank tape and garbled tape so nothing new was produced, based on blueprints of the MOMA C277, C290, C320
in C290 Antin says show was organized by Pontus Hultén C290
Jeanie Blaise's babysitter who lived in the neighborhood C144
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels discussion of its relationship to structuralist cinema, its quasi-documentary style, and the "orgasm/murder" scene C71
jeans business collapsed in 1929 C279
preference for tight jeans C279
Jeffers, Robinson C98
Jehovah's Witnesses The Watchtower; Awake! C59
Jerry [friend from childhood] C88, C157, C224, C231, C276
killed by airplane in Los Angeles C276
known as "Godalia" in his own household C276
jewelry does not like wearing C92
Jewett, Helen murder case and history C11, C13
Jewish identity/tradition C194, C199, C212, C314
Antin not particularly identifying as Jewish C194, C212, C314
self-described "atheist jew" C212
concept as margin position C194
multiple readings of Jewish tradition C194
Jewish Museum [see "Software"  exhibition] C61, C63, C88, C89, C180, C230, C273, C274
Jimbo's health food market Antin shops at SSR 
Joanie girlfriend who was black and who thought she was engaged to a German C212,  C219
going to jazz clubs in Harlem with C212
story she tells of black ventriloquist with white dummy and Antin trying to go see the act at a jazz club C212
jobs C198, C212, PP
generally PP
not wanting a 9 to 5 job C198
preferred to work for "shaggy" companies C212
[see particular jobs of Antin's by name]
Joely friend who died and experience of her death C297
jogging C199, C216, C267, C289, C316
beach  C199, C267
and tendons hurting when running on for long periods C199
enjoyment of C216
used to run outside in country around house, now on treadmill C289
"john cage uncaged is still cagey" BL
John Cage Uncaged is Still Cagey problems of translating title into French IJM
Johns, Jasper C23, C105, C138, C318, C124
argument with about randomness C138
"dead artist" C105
different from pop artist C318
Johnson, Jill worked with Allen Kaprow on producing Stockhausen's Originale C329
Johnson, Phillip C286
Johnson, Phyllis C124
jokes [see humor/jokes]
Jonas, Joan C141, C327
Jordan, Michael C307
Joy of Sex C88
Joyce, James C22, C60, C147, C150, C238, C288, C357, PC2
Dubliners C22
not a paradigmatic modernist C150
passionate about in high school C147
[see also Finnegan's Wake; Ulysses]
Judd, Donald C143, C206, C305, C374
retrospective at Whitney C143
Judson Dance Company C180, C206, C305, C306, C374
performance attended with Eleanor and Steve Pepper in which athletic moves were intercut with dance gestures; described by Pepper as "anti-dance" which Antin disputed C206
Judson Theater C28, C158, C305
all-night poetry performances C158
juke box broken juke box at Saks in La Jolla as art machine C192
 Jules-Rosette, Bennetta writer who is at Antin's Village Voice performance in Paris C228
Julie painter friend from college who became an illustrator C22
Julius [uncle] C31, C43, C92, C119, C125, C156, C158, C159, C194, C207, C226, C228, C231, C235, C241, C268, C288, C297, C303, C314, C326, C357
art at his  house and Antin's first encounter with C43
assisted relatives coming to US C207, C226
     brought Liuba to U.S. [see Liuba] C207, C226
bungalow in upstate NY and taking Antin and his mom there on weekends in summer C314
business-- garment, started in Scranton, collapsed in 1929 C207
cooked wheatina every morning C158
description of painting of nude woman in house C158
father's twin brother C159, C268, C314, C326
thinking Antin foolish for wanting to pursue poetry C119
introducing Antin as a poet C92
home in Brooklyn with art nouveau furnishings and Moorish arches C31, C43, C125, C158, C159, C194
encyclopedia set locked in case C158, C231
 library C43
 lived upstairs and partner lived below C125, C268
next door neighbors were family who owned the surrounding property from which neighborhood came; Antin would throw ball for his collie and it would go into their yard C268
story of businessman who lived downstairs from uncle's home C125
ran revolutionary press in Odessa and left Russia in 1905 C31, C158, C159, C207, C228, C235, C268
reciting Pushkin C159, C241, C268, C271, C288, C297, C314, C357
story of being at his house when he was reading a Ukrainian newspaper C235
told terrible jokes C241, C314
Jungle Jim comics C25
Kabul C289
Kafka, Franz C51, C53, C145, C324, PC1, PC2
great comic writer of 20th Century C324
The Hunger Artist C51, C53
Muir translations of C324
one of Antin's favorite poets PC1
"Report to an Academy" C145
Kahlo, Frida painting on Trotsky C217
Kahn (sp?), Annie dancer at mother-in-law's hotel; Antin tells story of her starting to dance when her son was killed and dying herself as she danced C114
Kahn, Louis C205, C240, C314, C316
architecture C205, C314, C316
comparison to Antin's mother-in-law  C316
"form follows function" C205
movie about by son Nathaniel Kahn C314, C316
Kalas, Nicholas C289, C305, BL
encouraged Antin to write for Art Chronicle C289
introduced Antin to Lita Hornick C305
Kalka [sp?], Akasha Eleanor's Sikh chiropractor C225 Note: his last name isn't used in the transcription of the talk.
Kaltenbach, Stephen C153
kamikaze C78
Kansas hitchhiking though C304
Kant, Immanuel C105, C161, C291, C306, PC1
Critique of Judgement C105, C161, C291, C306, PC1
comic work because he doesn't refer to any actual artworks PC1
consumer theory of art C105
magician (or juggler) and tightrope walker discussion C161, C291
Kaprow, Allen C74, C131, C153, C180, C182, C184, C190, C196, C229, C238, C248,  C276, C280, C288, C290, C318, C328, C329, C357, C374, PC1
18 Happenings in 6 Parts C328
beginning in the art world C328
change in artwork after leaving NY C328
contract to George Brecht C374
"dandyish self-containment" C329
directing Stockhausen's Originale opera C329
disinterested in marketing himself C329
essay Antin wrote for his book C288
Gas, happening at Montauk (with foam) C74, C190, C329, C374
annoyed at CBS film crew (only time Antin has seen him annoyed) C329
CBS crew had forgotten to put film in the camera C374
health problems C328
interview on Kaprow given by Antin to LA Times C328
Jackson Pollock and commentary on C280
memorial service, Antin speaking at C328
met him at Warhol's Factory C329
previous curator at ICA who suggested Antin replace him C196, C328, PC1
recommended Antin to Paul Brach at UC San Diego C243, C276, C328, C329
student of Hans Hoffmann and John Cage C328
Sweet Wall C328
Tail Wagging Dog, happening where one person follow another, the "leader" and tries to stay on the leader's shadow C328
teaching art to inner city kids C243, C276
teaching at Cal Arts C328
Trading Dirt C374
wanting to work with TV and Antin calling it a mailbox C182
Katz, Alex C229, C316, C374
Kaufman, Sarah Why We Laugh RF
Kaypro Antin's computer, died in 1997 C241
Keaton, Buster C57
Keats, John C160, C175, C187, CL
no affinity with CL
Keillor, Garrison C230
Kelly, Robert C128, C147, C186, C268, C291
ate potato salad sandwiches C147
in audience C291
likeness to Samuel Johnson (blend of Johnson and Alfred Jarry) C186
met at college C268
Kemp, Jack C58
Kennan, George in Latvia and Russia; "X" Article C11, C13, C204
Kennedy, John, F.  C125, C143, C177, C268
effect on art world C143
Kennedy, Robert hearing of assassination while in Phoenix C144, C154, C164, C177, C229, C310
Kenyon Review acceptance of story in (1959) C60, C142, C268, C357
Keeps, Gyorgyi  [professor at MIT] C75, C125, C196
conversation about art and technology C75
Kepler, Bob artist and student of Antin who made Antin a steel book; book had been stolen and he gave one he said was the same but Antin doubted it was C214
Kerouac, Jack C280
boyishness of work C280
Kerry, Bob C286
Kiefer, Anselm C182, C189
argument with audience member about his significance C189
Occupations C189
Kierkegaard, Soren C134, C231, C289, C295, PC1
Either/Or and Repetition PC1
repetition and C289, C295
Kim [cousin]; told Antin's mother that his Aunt Sylvia went to Florida C28
King, Martin Luther C96, C154, C310
death of C154, C310
King of the Hill [movie] screening at Expo; relation to Vietnam War C124
King, Rodney C209, C219
jury as TV critics, disregarding blows that may have landed in TV's blanking period C219
rhetoric of police C209
King, Stephen C182
kinship systems C2
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig C186, C286
The Kitchen C69
Kites, Wolf Buber's story of being stranded on an island and going to a manor and encountering God who asks him "how's it going" to which he replies "how should it be going" and when telling Baal Shem Tov about it, he is told he should have used the opportunity to improve the situation C194
Klee, Paul C157
Klein, Yves C357
Kline, Franz C305, C318
Knowles, Alison C49, C305
The Big Book C49
assisting her with assembly of The Big Book at Dick Higgins' house (with Emmet Williams and Phillip Corner) C49
Kochman, Thomas "'Rapping' in the Black Ghetto" C19
Konitz, Lee C357
Koppel, Ted C154
Korean War C1, C125, C132, C171, C299
story of Antin going to draft board C1, C125
UN peacekeeping mission approved by Security Council C299
Korn, Henry directory of Santa Monica arts commission C215
Kornbluth Gallery C294
Koslow, Karen C270
Kosuth, Joseph C39, C310, PC1
audience member at talk C39
intelligent but not interesting PC1
visiting Antin's house with Larry Wiener C310
Kozloff, Joyce C145
Kozloff, Max C23, C75
KPFA Antin recalling talk piece performed there C131
KPFK C161, C187, C215
audience for station is not a group , but several small groups C161
description of preparation of radio piece on: recorded fake panel discussion and fake piece about children's presentations that he spliced together and left spaces in which he could improvise, but had problems using a stopwatch to match intervals [this was likely C171] C161, C187, C215
fake panel session was about collage strategies and improv was about private memories C187
performing at, prepared by listening to radio C161, C187
accidentally saying "shit" on air when performance messed up C161
Krazy Kat C297
Kroesen, Jill C345
Kruger, Barbara C192
Kulchur C82, C160, C206, C224, C289, C292, C305
Kuleshov, Lev process of having actors perform without film C4
Kun, Bela C139
Das Kunstwerk [magazine] C277, C292
asking Antin to write about American art scene C277, C292
article on Ad Reinhardt C292
Kuroda, Sige-Yuki C123
Kuspit, Donald C143, C160
Kuytens [sp?],  Dave [architect/contractor on Antin's house] C224
father was Mennonite C224
girlfriend Suzanne was going to leave him because of his drinking C224
then got new girlfriend Michelle but went back to Suzanne C224
writes poems to Suzanne C224
went to Art Institute Chicago C224
labor movement goal of expanding the coffee break after realization that industry mostly makes trash C176
Labov, William C4, C19, C247, C269, C285, C303, C339
analysis of a fight C285
Language in the Inner City C19
narrative theory and Antin's dislike of C4
on NY dialects C269, C303, C339
Lacan, Jacques made not to be translated C243
La Clercq, Tanaquil the only ballerina that could make you laugh with her grace C248
Lacy, Suzanne C182, C206, C215, C345
Whisper Project C215
LACMA (Los Anageles County Museum of Art) C23, C49, C247
consultant for Art and Technology show there in 1970 C23, C247
"unsightly mess on the edge of La Brea" C49
LAICA (Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art) C49
La Jolla C105, C127, C153, C190, C243, C246, C276, C310
dislike of C153
museum C105, C243, C246, C280
populated by people from midwest and south/whitebread C190 , C310
townspeople suspicious of establishing UC San Diego there C310
[see also house (La Jolla)]
Lakoff, George C51, CL
story of running out of gas with him on bridge before getting to 80 Langton St.; arrives at beginning of talk C51
Lamb, Charles Children's Tales from Shakespeare C214
La Mesa San Diego suburb where Dimitri lived C307
Land, Edwin film at Montreal Expo (described as violent C196); funding ICA C196, C124
Lange, Dorothea suffering in her pictures C72
language C7, C11, C16, C17b, C19, C29, C46, C48, C73, C83, C91, C96, C105, C116, C126, C134, C138, C154, C172, C177, C179, C190, C194,  C230, C247, C248, C267, C269, C282, C285, C289, C292, C293, C296, C303, C304, C307, C320, C322, C332, C339, CL, PC2, RF, V9
acquisition process C7, C16, C73, C96, C126, C230, C267, C289
act of language exists when one is taking possession of it C138
acts of language must be discursive to be viable C91
changes in (using example of English word "ride") C339
code distinguished from C17b, C91, C339
concessive language C96
definitions/descriptions of
between people and meaning C134
concept that language is God (friend Nasi's concept) C48
dialect with an  army and navy RF
figure ground metaphor for language and relationship to meaning C7
garbage dump C292, C320, C322
takes on virtues and stupidities of its users C304
matrix of signification C73
spider in web metaphor (i.e., certain words cause other words around them to "jiggle") C48,  PC2
English pronouns C230, C322
experience and; system for engaging with experience C230
image and C230
inherited C247, C296
medium  C48, C83, C105, C134, C177, C190, C267
   ("tougher than clay") C48
musicality and C190, C304
mutability of C17b
naming as a transactional arrangement/dialogic C29, C293
natural discourse genres and C19
no such thing as native speaker C267, C269, C303, C307, C322,  PC2
idea of being born with a language is analogous to being born with money in pocket C267
practices differentiated from C230
purposive  C138
readymades in C269
remembers words by phonological rather than semantic properties C322
submorphemic sememes C46
words/text distinguished from C73, C126, C230
[see also linguistics; writing; for particular languages, see individual entries, e.g., German language]
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets C59, C247, C269
method of composition C59, C247
simpleminded, though friends of his C269
La Guardia, Fiorello reading comics on Sundays over the radio C268, C286
Laocoön relationship to fact C48
Larkin, Philip decayed rhetoric of; Antin falls asleep when he hears him PC1
Lash, Christopher C126, C134
Lasker, Edward US chess champion who played Antin's Uncle Sam to a  draw  C105, C226, C327, C328, DC
acceptance of draw by Uncle Sam served as an example of how not to make art C105, C327, C328
lesson to Antin to never take the draw C328, DC
Las Vegas  visiting with Eleanor and Marcia C288
Latin teaching himself the language using textbooks C156
Laughlin, James C271, C274
death of C271
description of memorial talk piece [C271] C274
Laurie friend of family who went to junior college, had a relationship with Japanese man, and became anorexic C51, C53
law/lawyers C32, C88, C156, C339
civil vs. common law C339
German law C156
hired medieval champion C88
legal system invented to benefit lawyers C32
legalistic societies vs. customary societies C339
lawn C129, C198
as example of bland C129
enemy of human beings C198
Lawrence, Jacob C374
Lawrence, D. H. one of three English authors Antin likes PC1
Lawrence, T. E.  capture and rape by Turks C71
Lawson, Thomas theory of Julian Schnabel as either unknowingly producing stupid things or producing stupid things and palming them off C182
Lazer, Hank C314, C320, SSR
"Death Watch for my Father" C314
The New Spirit C320
prevented from meeting for lunch by an occluded eye SSR
lead soldiers buying as a kid C28
leadership definition as a leader who is simply at the right place at the right time C53
learning/childhood development C25, C171, C293, C294, C295, C304
Antin's learning to color C25
Antin's learning to read from comics [see also reading] C171
recognizing separation from mother C293
[see also language]
Lebanon reading journals of survivor of Lebanese wars C224
Lee, Christopher art critic C182
Lee, Spike C96, C297
Le Francais coffee shop in Paris where Mahmoud has Antin give a talk [see also Mahmoud] C228
Le Guin, Ursula C178
Leiris, Michel  IL2
lemons in Stendahl  C121, C238
minimalist art objects C121
comparison to seeing his friend Gene and to story of baron kidnapped in Paris, and to Antin's mother C121
[see also More Lemons]
Lenin, Vladimir C171, C186, C267, C306, C344
Le Pen, Jean-Marie C228
Lermontov, Mikhail C1
Lettau, Reinhard C127, C243, C276, C284, C311
came to USCD; girlfriend Véronique Springer was a Maoist C243, C284
described as a "Middle Eastern activist" C127
house on a bluff where you looked seagulls in the eye C243, C284
story of hitting military recruiter on head with a newspaper C276, C284
Leucadia SSR
Levertov, Denise C60, C204
reading at St. Marks C204
Levinas, Emmanuel C324
Levine, Bob C186
Levine, Sherrie C176, C297
print of Kirchner painting, comment on aura of artworks and creating appetite for true experience C297
Levi-Strauss, Claude C2, C282, CL
Levittown C170
Lewis (sp)  ["uncle"; husband of cousin Bessie] C65, C75, C129, C247, C269
hearing aid salesman from Manchester C65, C129, C247, C269
later involved in factoring C269
beach house in Long Island (Far Rockaway); told Antin he wanted to be close to Europe C65, C129, C269
description of house  C65
Lewis, Jerry C4
Lewis, John [linguist] C19, C285
collaboration with Labov C19
LeWitt, Sol C76, C105
Antin's dislike of his work C76
avuncular style C76
libraries C49, C50, C84, C133, C147, C183, C202
Library of Alexandria C133, C183
poetry and C202
Lichtenstein, Roy C124, C143, C316, C318, C374
Sweet Dreams, Baby! C318
lifeguard job at hotel of mother-in-law (summer when he and Eleanor were married) C108, C252, C316
"life of Reilly" C58
Lifson, Ben critic for Village Voice, disliked by Antin C69
Lincoln, Abraham Emancipation Proclamation and C281, C307
Limelight Café overhearing a conversation about de Kooning there C328
Lindsay, John NY mayor C332
line  C138, C187, C215, C320, V9
in poetry; conceived as constructive continuum rather than verse line C138
in his Sky Poem C187, C215, V9
in van der Rohe/Mondrian C320
relationship to intonation C138
linguistics C7, C31, C42, C48, C118, C186, C188, C198, C289, C300, C303, C306, C307, C310, C243, C276, C330, C345
gave up because Chomskian linguistics couldn't deal adequately with semantics C42
graduate study/PhD in C31, C42, C118, C186, C198, C229, C242, C276, C306, C307, C310, C243, C276, C330
inability to do phonological mapping of his own dialect C186
lateral "s" C269
phonology C186
pronunciation of "r" C269
semantics C289
universal phonetics C48
Linnaeus, Carl C186
Lippard, Lucy C238 
literary criticism the disaster of human thought C173
little league baseball coaching C64, C216, C302
"Slugger," a girl who played first base and could hit the ball far; story of her catching a pop fly C302
The Lives of the Red Commanders [movie; sometimes just called The Red Commanders by Antin] C25, C28, C199
"living and dying" current talk "dying and living" and continuity with C316
Livingston, Jane C23
Lobachevsky, Nikolai beauty of his mathematical thought (encountered in translation as part of publishing job) C134, C143, CL
     in CL talk he says this was Jacques Hadamard CL
Lockheed C6, C276
going to visit Lockheed in San Fernando Valley C276
logic C37, C91
cultural biases in axioms C37
London C186, C228
listening to radio show auctioning cows while he was there C228
trip to (having cancelled reading there), in which a cab takes him to a party because he needs to change currency  C186, C228
and meets scientist who tells him about fuel cell while scientist's wife is dancing with someone else who is dancing rock while she dances foxtrot; Antin eventually gets to hotel  C186
went to a hotel and a group of people (English colonials to Antin) come in C228
Lone Ranger radio show C299
Long Beach Museum of Art C69
Lonidier, Fred C72, C75
piece in which he rented furniture and let it get repossessed C75
series photography C72
Longinus On the Sublime C70
Long Island C129
Loose Ends Antin's short road movie for Side Street Projects C307
Lope de Vega C96, C221
Lorca, Fredrico Garcia PC1
Los Angeles C23, C24, C49, C64, C85, C86, C153, C175, C206, C219, C224, C238, C284, C295, C300, C310, C323
artists in
either real estate dealers or coke dealers C49, C153
galleries are furniture stores except Women's Building C23
liberated in C23
wanting to look affluent C24
"color" city (as opposed to NYC as "black and white") C219
described as full of "automated centaurs" (cars) C295
engulfing all southern California and merging with San Diego C85, C86
fashion C64
Los Angeles River C323
riots, seeing on TV C219
story of walking around in with Eleanor years ago and being stopped by a cop because it was suspicious they were walking  C295
traffic jam caused by parked car on freeway C206
would probably carry a gun in the car if he lived there C224
[see also Symbionese Liberation Army]
Los Angeles Times interviewed by C175
loss of voice temporarily due to nerve ceasing to function properly in his throat, coming back with a raspier tone C217
Lou  [uncle] C28, C29, C105, C141, C148, C175, C228, C268, C276 ,C327, DC
cruise ship director C327
described as a "rake"  C148
fell off a cliff in Yosemite (Antin says Monterey in C148) in 1934  C28, C29, C105, C141, C148, C175,  C327, DC
finding obituary for in Berkeley Daily Gazette and explained that his uncle had been standing in a river and went over the falls DC
girlfriend was a Black woman who his aunts called an "Indian princess" (in C148 and C268 he came back from Florida with her) C148, C175, C268, DC
labor organizer (Communist adventurer)  C28, C29, C105, C141, C148, C175, C228, C268, C276, C327
looked like Clark Gable C276, C327
seeing Red Sox with him C276, DC
Louisville C225, C327, C330
talk there on postmodernism called "the theory and practice of postmodernism-- a manifesto" C327, C330, PC2
traveling in snowstorm to get there PC2
visiting to do a talk C225
Louvre   C118
love affairs his early two year love affair [see individual names for particular relationships] C119
love poetry as exploitative C322
Lowell, Robert C13, C196, C198, C268, C271, C281, C305, IJM
"amphetamine driven versifier" C268
"mad hysteric" C271
Lowell-Thomas Syndrome his name for overornamented/overeloquent excesses in poetry (after Dylan Thomas and Robert Lowell) especially in immediate post-war era C198, C268, IJM, IL1
lowriding/lowrider culture C49, PC1
example of discourse C49
LSD C164
Lucian Dialogues of the Dead C230
Lucretius C134
Luftwaffe C75, C159, C287
Luther, Martin and concept of uncertainty C288
Lyotard, Francois C182
lyric C306, C322, C326, C332
argument C332
confrontation with subjectivity C306, C322
dislike of  post-Elizabethan lyrics C332
reaction against when he started writing because it was just self-expression and musicality; desire not to reduce lyric to song C326, C332
relationship to truth C322
presents truth from limited perspective C322
Liuba C98, C207, C226, C323
brother moved to Houston and she went to live with him C207, C226
brought over to US by Uncle Julius with her brother (Charlie) C207
described as slight with dark hair and birdlike and  who could avoid being noticed C226
imagines her interacting with her suitors in Houston with her restricted vocabulary C226
in a camp in Europe C226
liked words such as "chrysanthemums" and "geraniums" C207
stopped speaking C207
taught her English C98, C207, C226, C323
took her to beach at Coney Island C323
Macarthur, Douglas Antin's dislike of C125
Macbeth confused by lines in it as a boy C43
machine/invention C29, C31, C33, C43, C62, C82,  C108, C125, C145, C160, C226, C233, C241, C268, C279, C296, C357
desperation required for invention C145
discovery distinguished from invention, and language of characterization C29
invention as connection between art and technology C357
loyal but stupid C62
machine as temperamental, romantic artist C33, C108, C241, C268, C296, C357
needy  C82, C279
oxygen machines C31
poem as machine C43
useless inventions C145
  C241, C268,  C296, C357
machine shop in high school C32, C43, C322
role in Antin's development as a poet C43
Maciunas, George C49, C124, C230, C284, C289, C329, 
formal manner of dress C230
himself as living artwork C49, C230
micro printing Antin's article for Aspen C124
monthly social circuit of friends around Manhattan C230
picketing Originale C329
refrigerator full of multiples of same items (e.g., codfish, lemons, sherry, cream) C230
MacKinnon, Catharine C246
MacLeish, Archibald C154
Mac Low, Jackson C16, C35, C60, C76, C131, C138, C144, C180, C204, C209, C230, C240, C247, C287, C303, C304, C305, C310, C328, C329, C357, CL
asked by Antin whether Antin should go to San Diego C310
"Assyrian" black beard C230
carried lunch pail to work C230, C303
Diane Wakoski's boyfriend Shep trying to sell him sugar as cocaine C35
helping Mac Low move sofa in the Bronx with Antin's Sunbeam and they were mistaken for Khruschev and Castro driving through Harlem C230
job at encyclopedia (through Paul Blackburn) C230, C303
Originale performance, and participation with Antin in  C329
performance with him in which they were trying to extend it while the Town Hall crew wanted to shut it down C248
in audience C204
personality changes every few years C230
presenting with him at Everson Museum C76
Pronouns C287
telling Antin that his talk pieces usually closed with a long story that acted as a couplet C240
use of pronoun "they" C304
Magritte, Rene C152, C325
The Treachery of Images C325
Mahler, Gustav C197
Mahmoud story of meeting Antin in Paris, inviting Antin to read at Le Franncais coffee shop (first telling him he should read at Village Voice); arriving at Antin's hotel at 3AM, being chased by thugs; going to a bar with him and meeting his girlfriend C228
mail art effect of mail prices upon C50, C84
mail basket on Antin's desk, full of years of inbound mail C241
Malanga, Gerald C188
meeting at Eighth Street Bookstore and Malanga telling Antin Warhol wanted to do the alternate Some/Thing cover with Viet Cong flag C318
Malevich, Kazimir Supremetist Composition: White on White akin to entry into Inferno in Divine Comedy or a giraffe in desert C153
Mallarmé, Stéphane C207, C235, C318, PC1
being tired of him C207
telling Degas that poems are made out of words not ideas C235
"Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard" PC1
malls C59, C139, C154, C208, C224, C225,  C230, C276, C332, SSR
bookstores in C332
Californian C332,  SSR
not familiar with until he moved to California C332
French one in a town on the Oise C208
shoe stores in C230
youth culture in C332
Mandel, Mike poems on barns in Red Wing C125
Mandelstam, Osip The Noise of Time;  story of buying translation (trans. Clarence Brown) in a mall in Boulder C233, C320
Mandeville, John C212
Manet, Edouard C78, C221, C297, C325
cutting up Degas' portrait of Manet's wife C78
Dejeuner sur l'Herbe C297, C325
Mangold, Robert minimalist artworks that weren't true statements (simple but not sensible) C35
Mangolte, Babette  C71
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit C280
"the man with the hoe" [talk piece C92] C128, C182, C357
at USC and students were required to attend; student had to leave but wanted to hear him read a poem C128, C182
Mann, Thomas  Magic Mountain and reading in college C156
mannerism C5
Manson, Charles C107, C144, C204
effect on hitchhiking C204
Tate-LaBianca murders as a problem of genre C107
Mantle, Mickey C175
The Man without a World [Eleanor's silent Yiddish film] C204, C206, C214, C225, C285
counterexample to Sartre's concept of art work/object C214
editing  C204
fight scene, where soup is to be thrown C214
made as Yevgeny Antinov C214
Marcia [Eleanor's sister] and Antin serving as assistant directors C214
poems for it and working as fight coordinator C214
scenario and production process C214
Mao Zedong C2
Marathon [battle] SSR
Marathon Man and American paranoia; Archie Bunker-like racial gag in C5
marathons C224
marbles C226
"The Marchers" Antin's poem using lines from Diane di Prima CL
marches/rallies C141, C146, C164, C196
anti-Vietnam rally in Central Park with Sergio Medregones and Meg Randle C141, C146, C164, C196
ritual of marches C146
Marcia  [sister-in-law] C21, C147, C153, C184, C212, C224, C225, C252, C269, C288, C304, C314, C316, C327, C339, IJM
cancer C288, C304
chemotherapy and surgery C288
death C316
Encinitas, living in C314
friends Dorothy and Allen; story of Allen who was attorney and died of cancer and had affair with their friend, Renee C184
first husband who was a pianist, Philip C248, C288, C316
second husband Bill C288
musical career
piano C153, C212, C288
rejection of C153
rock music radio station, running C288
trombone C288
pronunciation of "coffee" C269
staying with while his house was being worked on C224
Marcuse, Herbert C24, C52, C132, C138, C140, C243, C270, C271, C284, C311
entourage (including Angela Davis) C243, C270
telling Antin that art was the imaginative transformation of reality (or adds Antin, Disneyland) C24
walking in San Diego looking in windows as if they were a German bakery C311
Marden, Brice C107
Maria/Mary C64, C178, C202, C206, C248, C296
 Bennington, taking Antin to visit her old dance teacher C202, C248
doing a dance for the class that was staccato, in contrast to the flowing style  C248
Brooklyn apartment Antin rented so they could see each other and avoid her landlady C296
bubblegum factory, worked at and could recite Milton's Il Pensoroso; lived together on 9th and Broadway (moved to Brooklyn then Astoria then Staten Island) C64, C178
dancer at the Met C202, C206
then became dancer with Joffrey C206
late night musical movies together C296
story of her former mobster husband Jimmy C64, C178, C296
found out Jimmy wasn't real but went along with the fiction for an entire summer C296
leaving bars because of mob watching them C178
story in C178 ends with being in the bar going to ask her about Jimmy and then waking up later and never revealing that Jimmy isn't real C178
marijuana as acquired taste C176
Marines/Marine Corps C124, C125, C196, C284, C338, 
dislike of C125
firing on civilians in Gulf War/Afghanistan and then claiming victims were armed C338
protecting Expo; looking as if sticking out tongues C124, C196
Marisol artist C374
Markha, Edwin C92, C184
"The Man with the Hoe" C92, C184
description of talk piece about at USC [C92] on occasion of winning Edwin Markha Award C184
Markopoulos, Gregory C196, C124
Marlborough Gallery  and death of Rothko C157
marriage/monogamy C2, C21, C76
oral cultures and C2
public manifestation of private intentions C21
Marshall, Ed C173
Marshall, George C11
Martin student in Antin's scriptwriting class C238 
Marx, Karl C2, C134, C140, C266, C289, C344
artist C2
Das Kapital C266, C344
dialectical materialism and irony of C2, C344
poet as defined by Wordsworth's Preface C134
relationship to 1848 revolutions C289
Marxism/Marxist criticism C2, C140, C172, C174, C194, C238
American left characterized by glumness (and Antin too cheerful to be a good leftist) C174
kinetic sculpture C174
paradox of C2
problems with C140
psychoanalytic and semiotic theory C172
involvement with [for Marxist club in particular, see Marxist /Trotskyite clubs] C194
Marxist/Trotskyite clubs C110, C182, C266
high school club C110, C182
attending when he was 16; unable to stay a member (called Trotskyite in 182) C110, C182
 concerned with higher pay for coaches C266
college club C266
split into two factions (day school vs night school) over use of typewriter C266
masks C2, C248
mask making C2
Mason, John [artist] C23
masses concept invented as illusion by elite; no masses, only discourse groups C50, C84
mathematics C2, C7, C13, C68, C148, C156, C279, C304, C310, IL1, RF
Abel's proof C279
calculus as more of a tool than pure math C156
concepts and how created C7
considered majoring in math RF
facts and   C13
Fermat's Last Theorem C7
geometry, liking and teaching himself from a textbook when young C156
language and C68, C304
analog to talking (i.e., once you can name somethings it's dead) C68
relationship to definition C304
machine learning and C7
numbers C148
Mathews, Harry C60
Matisse, Henri as sumptuous comedian C153
mattress C225, C327, C330, PC2
shopping for mattresses with Eleanor at mattress warehouse; talking with Irish salesman about art C225, PC2
reading text of story about in published talk piece C327, C330
this story as example of a love poem PC2
this story as exemplary of his talk practice C327
Maud's  [hotel owned by mother in law] C108, C113, C114, C118, C174, C183, C252, C316
cabaret nights C252, C316
clientele, description of C252, C316
lecherous Mr. Wagner C252, C316
rich Marxists would celebrate their émigré status C316
comedian who Antin drove there and who turned out to have a  low class routine C316
decline due to aging clientele, change in travel tastes C252
giving talks there C316
lifeguarding there C108, C252, C316
Maureen [friend of Blaise's, daughter of Carol] C173, C198
getting advice from Antin about school (UCLA) C173
on track team C198
Maxwell, i.e., "The Captain" [owner of Antin's publishing company] C143, C175, C212, C288
drowned C288
"English hustler" C175
entered parliament and became a secretary C288
Mayakovsky, Vladimir C269
Mayer, Bernadette C60, C138
telling Antin he was wrong about a statement made in one of his talks (an Antin appreciating it)
McCaffery, Larry C268, C357
discussing being interviewed by C357
McCaffery, Steve C266, C320, C324
talk given for his birthday (C266) C266
Wot We Wukkers Want C266
McCarthyism C132
McGann, Jerome C299
McKinley, William C190
McKuen, Rod C88
McLuhan, Marshall C49, C304
lecturing on T.S. Eliot at party at Dick Higgins' house for Knowles' The Big Book; didn't even try out The Big Book C49
opinion of work C304
McClure, Michael C13, C69
McQueen, Steve desire to do Ibsen's The Wild Duck C110
McVeigh, Timothy C286
Mead, Margaret CL
measurement development of measurement; ideal meter C85
meat dislike of  C92, C170
not ideological enough about to be a vegetarian C170
media C70, C83, C91, C96, C97, C182, C267, C328
broadcast media (TV/radio) versus communication media C91
presentational media such as film, and their communicative aspects including use of concessional language C96
as obstacles C267
[see also television]
medicine/healthcare C31, C34, C51, C52, C85, C93, C107, C171,  C173, C176, C184, C202, C221, C269, C316, C324, C338, PP
diagnosis C51, C52, C173, C184, C221, PP
bestowing a name C51
giving gift of disease C173
robbing patient of volition C52
doctors C31, C34, C85, C93, C107, C173, C176, C202, C324, C338
never around when you need one C338
doctor as investigator, not therapist C31, C34
Specher (sp?), Antins' doctor C324
story of mom taking him to doctor and doctor asking Antin where he published upon hearing Antin was a writer C176
getting letter from friend in Switzerland asking him to study medicine C171
neuroscience less a clinical practice than a spectator sport PP
practice of medicine is doctor matching science with pain, not therapy C31, C34
problems with American healthcare system C316
research medicine C173
rise in malpractice cases and deterioration of public confidence in efficacy of medicine C34
mediocrity in painting C124, C110, C196
Meditations C41, C156, C170, C190, C296, C311, C338
giving a copy to his mother C190
method of composition C41, C296, C311
using tape recorder and having to be quiet because Blaise was in next room C41
working in the noisiest part of the house C311
"scenario for a beginning meditation", poem where he talks about Blaise being sick C41
"Separation Meditations" C156, C338
long syllogistic poem composed using a logic textbook C156
Meier, Richard C145
Mekas, Jonas C4, C196, C305
melodrama relation to facticity though use of unseemly facts C48
Melville, Herman C268, IJM
Member's Only jacket Antin's stolen in burglary C139
membership in social groups (e.g., families, explorers, spies), always transactional C91
memory C2, C52, C128, C133, C159, C186, C199, C230, C274, C287, C292, C295, C314, C320, C330, C332, PC2
concept of remembering C2, C52, C133, C273, C287, C314
difference between reproduction and remembering C2
history contrasted with C186
neurology of C287
oral culture and C2
problem of external reference C2
self and C330
talk poems affected by defects in C230
thinking and C287
Memphis C118
Mendy (friend) C221, C316
carried a flask of water C316
Menk, Dave friend who he tried mescaline with C280
Mercy Hospital "good natured" Catholic hospital where Marcia and his father-in-law admitted with illness C316
Merrill, James critique of Merrill's Ouija board poems; postmodernism and, comparison with Jackson Mac Low; tamer version of Ashbery C60
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice C134
mescaline trying with Dave Menk when in college; sensation of visuals separating (and giving him the idea that reality was constructed) C280
Messerli, Douglas C93, C170, C199, C292, CL
student of Isaac Bashevis Singer C292
metaphor C42, C51, C96, C108, C282, C300
problem with Jakobson's substitution concept C300
meter in poetry a waste of time C271
metonymy C238, C282
Metropolitan Museum of Art C69, C183, C187, C214, C297, C300
Etruscan statue that was French forgery C183, C214, C297
friend who would show him the best picture in the museum (portrait with eyes that followed you) C187
Van Gogh exhibition impressing him as a child C297
Mexican woman who worked for Antin husband had medical problems and unable to get treatment in medical system C229
Mexico C307
native vs. Spanish-descended political divide C307
Miami airport artwork Antin's proposal for, visual kinetic work consisting of newswire text passages intercut with Antin's own hour long text (in English and Spanish) C159, C202, C215
  assisted by software programmer from Minneapolis C215
turned down by committee because they thought work was better suited to gallery where people wouldn't be confused by subject matter C215
mice C226, C233, C314
in Antin's house C226, C233, C314
    story of catching rat in mousetrap and having to kill it with a broomstick C314
some like peanut butter and some jelly C226, C233
Michals, Duane C318
Michael  [son of Eleanor's cousin Elliot] C206, C209
redesigned kitchens, wanted to go to medical school, in reserves and deployed to Gulf War C206, C209
shipped home from Gulf War C209
Michaels, Al [sports broadcaster] C235, C295
broadcast of earthquake C295
Michaelson, Annette C23, C160
Michelangelo C2, C225, C297, C345
David's slickness as content C2
poetry C297, C345
Sistine Chapel C225, C297
Michener, James C182
microphone C202, C216, C217, C219, C233, C276, C299, C303, C314, C323
using for recent talks because of temporary voice loss C217
Midas RF
Middle East C147, C201
Midwest [US] relationship to New Yorkers C25
military private sector assuming duties of military sector C110
Millay, Edna St. Vincent  C345
Miller, Joaquin "Columbus" C250
Millet, Jean-François painting The Man with the Hoe C92
Milosz [friend] with European Community passport and a Japanese novelist wife (who was from Hiroshima but away when atomic bomb dropped) C204
Milton, John C31, C64, C83, C107
teaching to Japanese woman in English class at Mannes School of Music in snowstorm (in C170 he says it was two Japanese students) C31, C118, C170, C331
"freaky" poet C31
Il Pensoroso C64, C83
Milwaukee confusion with Minneapolis C25
"Here and Now" show C25
mind C59, C91, C133, C295
body/self and C91
brain and C295
minimalism C35, C121, C182, C280, C292, C305, C345, C374, PC1
appreciation of C280, C305
because of engagement with industrial culture C305
early Morris and Judd were simple and physically light C35
effect on perceived ability of artists to engage in representation after  C182
failure to be true to principles of when art works began to be concerned with wealth and importance of the artist C35
grids in C280
statements against sentimentality and complexity (pro-sensibility); against monumentalism C35
minorities C70
Miro, Joan C152
Mississippi River boundary line in American writing C60
MIT C198, C229, C266, C268, C305, C124
looked like his high school which is why he didn't want to go C198, C229, C266, C268, C305
Mitchell, Tom C96
Mitchell-Kernan, Claudia anthropologist C19
Mitchum, Robert C123
modernism C60, C150, C238, C247, C280, C294, C326, C330, C374, IJM, IL1
against narrative/representation C238, C326, C374, IL1
American art in early 20th century and C238, IL1
concept as technological innovation and its simultaneous critique IL1
early modernism (Stein and Pound) C280
end in 1968 (for art world) C238
epiphany in modernist poems C280
left margin is the mark of in literary work IJM
postmodernism and C60, C150
Western European industrial development and C238
white telephone as the marker of Italian modernism C294
MOMA PS1 site where recording current talk; used to be a radio station C303
Mona Lisa [painting] C118
Mona Lisa movie C161
Le Monde C228
Mondrian, Piet C73, C128, C196, C230, C286, C320, PC1
article about his architecture comparing it to a dancer PC1
break with van der Rohe over diagonal line C320
provocateur PC1
Monet, Claude C78, C221
money C39, C43, C51, C52, C143, C175, C182, C189, C267, C273
California's unserious relationship to C143
concept of inflatable bank building whose size depends on value of currency C43
defined as commodity for which there is always a demand C51
emblematics of C189
Gresham's law C267
inability to lose money in interesting and exciting ways while at publishing job C143
infectious disease, analogous to C267
language, relationship to: acting like a terminology C39
marginal utility of C182
poetry and C143
time and C143
value and relationship to C52, C175
dollar's decrease in value C52, C175
Monk, Thelonius C292
Monroe, Marilyn C374
Montaigne, Michel de C230, PC1, PC2
between Kierkegaard and Socrates PC1
essays C230
relationship to Antin's work; viewed by Antin as generically stable C230
Montan, Pierre Chicago video artist who acted in Eleanor's The Man without a World C214
Montano, Linda Art / Life One Year Performance 1983-1984 (Rope Piece), with Tehching Hsieh C188
Montauk Point C141
Montmartre C217, C228, C287
Montparnasse Cemetery C133
Monteverdi, Claudio recitative in C332
Montezuma story of asking for dreams and killing submitters C96
Montreal C124, C64, C146, C196
Brooklyn, looking like C124
Expo, traveled to for work at ICA C124, C64, C146, C196
story of being stopped by customs in while wearing outfits they wore to Boston ICA party C146, C196
Monty Python C5
monuments/public art C35, C215, BL, V9
  dislike of/ lingering too long C35, C215, BL, V9
should be impermanent so audience can be disturbed C215, BL
idea of soluble artwork BL
moon landing C8
Moore, Henry C48, C279
purpose for holes in sculptures C279
 joke about needing bigger hole C279
work used to be urgent, now simply indicator of class of establishment it sits in front of C48
Moore, Marianne "The Mind is an Enchanting Thing" C133
Moore, Peter nude artwork in Fluxus show at UC San Diego caused scandal C310
Moors C228
morality C196, C307
professor on TV who says candidates (Bush and Gore) lack moral leadership C307
imaging a black, gay president as a moral leader C307
More Lemons proposed name for journal he was going to start with Eleanor (based on Stendhal line) C238
Morgenstern, Christian C156, C178, PC1
one of Antin's favorites PC1
Morisot, Berthe C78
Mormonism C107, C128
story of Mormon who became acupuncturist C107
Moro, Aldo C65
Morris, Robert C6, C35, C49, C74, C82, C180, C196, C206, C224, C230, C233, C305, C306, C374, PC1
article Antin wrote for his retrospective C224, C233
participation with Lucinda Childs in an Yvonne Rainer piece C306
Passageway piece at Yoko Ono's loft [see also Ono, Yoko; doesn't mention Morris in C75 or C180] C49, C75, C180
story of being interested in a pipe during WGBH tour C196
Wittgenstein and C374
Morris Inn inn near University of Notre Dame with a crucifix over the door of his room, and someone had moved the crucifix so Christ's contrapposto was gravitationally correct C231
Morton, Ree [sp] friend of the Antins who made a doll for Eleanor Antin's video work and died in car crash C69
Moss other salesman at uncle's dress factory C92
mother [Molly] C25, C26, C27, C28, C31, C43, C58, C59, C83, C118, C121, C130, C148, C159, C167, C170, C171,C172, C177, C181, C190, C201, C204, C228, C240, C268, C269, C276, C281, C286, C287, C297, C304, C314, C326, C327, C330, C357, DC, PC1, SSR
autobiography she wrote and would read to family C181
born in 1904 C326
description/characteristics of
"austere dutchman" C297
bad with tools C148
course of her life like Bach's backward fugue C31
"depressive ascetic" C240
enjoyed suffering/ should have been a catholic (and imagined herself poor) C121, C159, C240, C276
hair (description of white hair) C177
having no past and no future C177
professional widow C159, C167, C170, C297, C314, C326
early life
emigrated to US at age 11 C286, C326
grew up in Scranton C31, C177, C281, C286, C314
only member of his extended family who grew up monolingual in English C167, C268, C281, C314, C326
fear of antisemitism C58
learned Spanish later in life  C314
letters, writing to herself when anxious C181
living with
attic apartment they lived in when he was 9, and below them lived truckers from Kentucky C297
books in mother's library at home included Huxley's Point/Counterpoint and Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury and Atherton's The Immortal Marriage C314
forced to live with her in Astoria C25, C171
home near Ocean Parkway (between Beverly Road and Avenue C) C27
home in Victorian house, the proprietor Ms. Goldman C326
painting of bowl of fruit in her kitchen C297
 picture of nude woman being lead by wild boars C297
putting him in an orphanage after taking him from his aunts C326
step-father's house where he slept on couch and did homework in kitchen C326
story of her destroying his notebook with his furnace design in it before he could turn it in to high school class PC1
memory issues/Alzheimer's C118, C121, C177, C190, C240, C326, C330
asking about Aunt Betty who had died C177
comparison to Stendhal's "lemons" C121
money and
helping her counting money in the bathroom and at the bank C201, C240
reminding him of story of David Tudor separating spices [i.e., from Cage's Indeterminacy] C240
her relationship to as an example of belief structure C43
 in CA, constantly going to the teller to check interest C240
moving from NY to California C43, C201, C240
paranoia that person managing her apartments in California was stealing her ice cube trays C201
Pennsylvania/Scranton accent C228, C314
pushups, doing in bathtub until 84 C201
racism C201, C240
wanting to cross street from black kids Antin knew C201
relationship with
dislike of / relationship with generally C25, C26, C31, C190, C201, C268, C297, C314, C326, DC, SSR
giving her a book of his (Meditations) and her assumption that Blaise was sick because it was in a poem that was over a year old C190
telling her that he was English teacher because she was unsure what curator does C31
wanting Antin to be a farmer C167
senior home life
asking Antin to come see her because she thought someone was trying to kill her C240
cleaning up her turds at residential hotel C190, C201, C240
entering senior home (Avenue of Innovation?) C96, C190, C201, C240
lunch with her and mother-in-law at nursing home and after mother-in-law left, his mom said "I can't help you" C201
moved her to residential hotel  C201, C240
preacher at senior home C201
touring senior homes and seeing many people in wheelchairs C240
Valentine's party in senior home C118
shopping with C59
stories about
reminding him of story of David Tudor separating spices (e.g., from Cage's Indeterminacy) C240
getting into argument about money with business partners, and she faked fainting C327
reading book on theology and saying Tower of Babel missing C167, C171
story she would tell about burning herself on her grandmother's stove because she missed her mother C121, C167, C172
washing floor and hitting outlet with hammer causing sparks C148
Swenson's ice cream parlor, taking her to C121
telephone call with regarding Aunt Sylvia C26
wheelchair, used after breaking hip C201
wig (removing it during conversation with Antin) C26
yellow plastic radio C276
mother-in-law [Jeanette] C93, C108, C118, C128, C139, C146, C150, C152, C167, C168, C186, C190, C199, C201,  C233, C246, C252, C267, C293, C316, C320, C330
emigrating to US after being forced to leave Poland, invited to first class and to captain's table C252
hotel, managing C93, C128, C139, C150, C246, C252, C316
as her artistic creation C252
La Jolla, moving to with Peter Moor but then moved again because she thought the Polish mob was after them C152
memory issues C118, C128, C139, C146, C152, C167, C190, C199, C201, C233, C320, C330
senior home life
moving her to senior home (same one as Antin's mother) C139, C146, C167, C186, C190, C201
problem of her and her boyfriend Harry at senior home (home management changed and didn't like them living together) C146, C167, C168
Valentine's party in senior home C118
Sol, marriage to C293, C316
divorced when Eleanor was 16/17 C316
then ran off with Peter Moor C293
story of her mother and drunken peasant C128, C330
and forgetting punch line C330
Uncle Philip's resort, becoming manager of and thought would inherit C267
Yiddish culture and C252, C316
dislike of "trash Yiddish culture" C316
talking Yiddish with Antin (she had melodic Yiddish pronunciation) C252
Motherwell, Robert C345
The Dada Painters and Poets C345
mousetrap C226, C233, PC1
idea that a mousetrap may embody C226, C233
moving out of house at 16 C34, C83, C159, C201, C268, C297, C304, C314, C326, SSR
happiness at moving out C159
wanting to move out SSR
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus C33, C114, C153, C374, TMS
composition of Piano Sonata No. 7 in C major, K. 309 (dedicated to Rose Cannabich) C33
recitative in operas TMS
Muir College C156
multiculturalism a term for curators rather than artists C238 
multiple personality disorder case of Sally Beecham C21
Murch, Walter C119, C147
Muriel [wife of cousin Wally] C1
Murphy, Eddie C175
Murray, Elizabeth C69
Musco Center for the Arts C183
Musée National d'Art Moderne doing talk there and person afterwards (Mahmoud) asking him to give a talk at Village Voice in Paris C228
museum/museum culture C6, C23, C24, C69, C82, C153, C180, C183, C196, C198, C230, C277, C279, C303,  C305, C325, C374
art and
60s art looking to "rip off" museums by requiring difficult to execute works C82
dead art in C6, C198
not having art as art C153
unable to reproduce the scene in which art is created C305
better the museum the less sense it makes C153
changes in C24
definitions/models of
cross between computer and cemetery C183
defined by having a Henry Moore C279
department stores C153
collections of a beachcomber C325
warehouse C23, C24
zoo C180, C277
foot traffic and importance of proximity to (Antin always able to go on his own as a child)/children unable to go to museums themselves in California C325
money and C183, C196, C303
museums as beggars C303
being director of like being a sophisticated beggar C196
tendency to explain the unnecessary and ignore the necessary C305, C325
plaques in museums tell you everything except what you want to know C305
[see also individual museum entries]
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles story exchange project/exhibition in and talk piece in C273
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston C82, C318
article he wrote for publication criticizing 60s art C82
Earth, Air, Fire, Water: Elements of Art exhibition featuring Acconci and others C318
Museum of Modern Art C69, C121, C153, C277, C290, C305, C318
Fashioning Fiction show C318
spending time there as a child C153, C305
trying to pick up girls in the café C121
Museum of Natural History Roosevelt statue C183
mushrooms unlike Cage he would likely kill himself trying to pick and eat his own C240
music/musicians/composers C107, C114, C138, C139, C153, C187, C192, C238, C248, C287, C294, C332, TMS
composer's problem is no one ever hears composer's music C153
composition of C187
computer music (Antin's complaint that its been proven so the following executions have been uninteresting) C248
concept of musical sounds as emergent outcomes of human impulses C248
desire and C139
electronic music and memory C294
interests in C192, C287, C332
his relation to as "educated tourist" C192
dislike of popular music C287
lives of musicians C153
memorization of works by musicians (Antin not considering those as art) C248
modernism in C238
museumification of; repertory C153, C248
narrative and music C139
pastiche in C238
scoring C138
tonality as analog to representation C238
walkouts and meaning of C107
[see also jazz; rock n' roll; scores; song; symphony]
Music Lessons [film made collaboratively by Antins in North Carolina] C270, C285, C307, C328
actor who played football despite being thin and tall (because he took steroids when he played) C328
casting problems C285
filmstock problems and having to go to Raleigh C285
finding money for C285
trying to get script to Debra Winger C285
music clearance issues C285
PBS appreciation of and offering them a shorter slot for a TV production C285
regulatory problems for the movie C307
school sponsor and problems with  C307
skill of makeup artist C285
special effects and problems with C285
Mussolini, Benito C76, C171
Muybridge, Eadweard C178
Muzak Antin's hell described as an elevator that won't stop and plays Muzak C250
My Beautiful Launderette C161
myths C2, C281, C306, CL, IJM
mythos in Greek C306
oral cultures and C2
Nabokov, Vladimir C233, C320
translation of Pushkin (and Russian word shum) C233, C320
dislike of his translation of Pushkin C233
Nader, Ralph C105
NAFTA C231, C243
name C51, C68
definition, contrast with C51
once you name something it's dead C68
Naropa School for Disembodied Poetics C320
narrative C4, C5, C52, C59, C60, C72, C85, C88, C96, C123, C139, C150, C161, C167, C171, C172, C182, C197, C221, C225, C230, C231, C233, C238, C244, C247, C250, C273, C274, C285, C295, C296, C304, C306, C320, C322, C326, C330, C355, C374, CL, DC, IL1, IL2, PC1, PP, RF, TMS
children and C231, C250
collage and C171, DC
defense against collage DC
cost incurred by C230, C247
anxiety system C85
bridge C295
figure of thought consisting of struggle to represent the past in the present through discourse C52
process by which one state of affairs is transformed into another state of affairs  C4, C139, C161
representation of confrontation by desiring subject with threat or promise of transformation C60, C96, C123, C139, C161, C167, C221, C225, C230, C231, C233, C244, C247, C250, C273, C285, C306, C326, C330, CL, DC, IL1, PC1, RF
drama of the transformation, not necessarily its mapping C306
prime question as to how subject can continue on two sides of transformation/possibility of destruction of subject/self C96, C161, C167, C221, C231, C233, C285
subject's representation of transformation in relation to events C60, C355
distrust of C374
dreams and C221, C230, C231, C233, C244, C250
 narrative competency comes from C244
emotion, requiring IL2
endings in C238 
examples of  
Abraham and Isaac story C123, C167
artist friend's son Chris hitting his head when trying to enter closet C123
Aztec Definitions as a example of narrative without story C123, C221, C225, C244, C250, C306,  C326, IL2
dog carrying a bone and dropping it when he sees his reflection C231, C244
earliest remembered narratives were from grandmother C172
mousetrap as counterexample (plot but no narrative) C226
wildfires threatening his house (see Wildfires entry) as narrative C231
experience, role in conveying C250, C306, IL2, PP
improvisation, relation to C123, RF
his thinking about in relation to his own work causing him to theorize generally about narrative RF
innateness of C230
jokes, contrast with C161
legal trials, relation to C306, C326, CL
lyric and C306, C322
contrast with C306
equivalent to C322
master narratives C306
memory and C139, C295
modernism and C238, C326, IL1
multi-shot photography and C72
not understanding it, which is why he is interested in it C306
pornography and C5
postmodern writing and C238
radical incoherency and ability of narrative to produce C59
relation between speaker and audience C230
self/subjectivity and
created by narrative C123, C167
individual experience of narrative C231
narrative as paradigmatic mode of cognition/subjectivity's cognitive modality C123, C197, C225, C230, C231, C273, C274
transfer of subjectivity from subject of narrative to narrator C306
shape of and his wariness of DC
story, contrast with C60, C96, C123, C139, C161, C167,  TMS, C221, C225, C230, C231, C233, C244, C247, C250, C273, C274, C285, C296, C306, C326, CL, DC, IL2, PC1, PP, RF
difference not always clear C306
narratives do not have fundamentally different shapes but stories may C244
violence in American movies and C5
"western" narrative C4
writing (Antin's) and  reasons for Antin's use in C320
NASA C8, C33, C61, C62, C63, C71, C82, C229
appearance of invincibility C62
medieval technology (contrast with American technology based on statistical failure) C8, C33, C61, C62, C63, C71, C82
craft and C8
Nasi (Athanasius) [friend] C46, C48, C320
described as red-headed, dwarf, sound poet C46, C48
girlfriend Genia left him and he died in NY in 1959 with poem unpublished C46
met him at Y on 23rd and 8th C48
stopped writing long phonemic poem C46, C48
poem staged at International Sound Poetry Festival in Toronto C320
story of giving recitation of phonemic sound poetry C46
structuralist paintings designed to reveal the concept of painting as illusion C48
Nat  [cousin, son in law of Aunt Sarah] Antin contemplates calling C27, C28
Nat  [step-father, see step-father (Nat)]
nation C267, C124
as a method to stabilize credit (language, money) C267
The Nation C226, C233
National Gallery of Art (DC) seeing Chardin's Soap Bubbles in  C217
National Museum of American Art paintings hung too low in C217
National Museum of Women  going to see a piece by a friend in C217
Native Americans/indigenous peoples of the Americas C2, C326
calendars C2
storytelling traditions C326
[see also individual entries, such as Navaho, Zuni and Aztec]
nativism  C194, C307
hyperbole of community; requiring unqualified definition of "us" C194
nature/natural C19, C82, C125
defined as "everything else" C125
existing somewhere out in New Jersey past the diners C82
problematics of the concept of the "natural" C19
Navaho C269, IL2
poetry published by surrealists IL2
Nazca lines C118
Nazism/fascism C156, C194
NEA C110, C217
neckties C64
neighbors C127, C153, C204
little girl next door C127, C153
watching neighbors from front room window in first house C127
[see  also particular persons/families, such as Cecelia and Harrison, Helen]
Nelson, Willie C285
Nemerov, Howard trying to avoid at Bennington College while there with Maria C248
neoexpressionism characterized by Antin as "punk painting" C160
Nero C85, C186
and city planning C85
Neruda, Pablo prefers to Lorca PC1
de Nerval, Gérard pet lobster C310
Neuhaus, Max C215
neural circuits/neurological system C287, C290, C295
New Directions C215, C230, C271, CL
layout/design of Antin's books and not giving him control over CL
publications only distributed to those it thinks deserve to have them C230
categorizes Antin's work too rigidly CL
thinks of itself as a museum CL
Newman, Barnett C69, C157, C196,  C280
painting at Montreal Expo like a Marine's pant leg C196
split in paintings C280
Stations of the Cross C157, C230
velvet rope in front of painting at MOMA C69,  C280
New Orleans visiting C307
Newport Beach story of police finding body in C78
news/newspapers/news magazines C11, C58, C154, C173, C174, C176, C186, C188, C190, C199, C219, C244, C247, C248, C266, C281, C289, C306, C344, C357  
assemblage nature of and its collage technique C116, IL2
avid watcher of TV news C176
college newspaper, The Observation Post, joining C266, C357
history and helping to destroy C186
interaction with "issues" C219
lying through vocabulary C281
newscasters C154
Newton, Isaac C9, C43, C90, C105
optics and C9
New York City (Manhattan) C5, C23, C28, C35, C43, C64, C83, C85, C115, C119, C141, C144, C158, C161, C166, C171, C173, C175, C182, C183, C186,  C202, C209, C219, C228, C229, C238, C247, C270, C273, C276, C277, C285, C296, C297, C305, C328, C345, C357, PC1
homes in
1st Ave. and E.3rd St. in 1960 C28
2nd Ave. and getting Ukrainian black bread C297
3rd Avenue and elevated C119
around 90th St. off Broadway C64
Cornelia St. [see Cornelia Street apartment]
Riverside Drive C83, C173
walking to school along and throwing rocks at Budweiser sign C173
Tiemann Place, above Italian bakery for $18/mo. C171, C182, C186, C202
art scene
in 1950s C273, C276, C296, C305, C345
in 1960s C23
described as everyone sitting in each other's laps C273, C276
political art in NY really about the politics of art C345
thinking it was exhausted but then flourishing in the 70s PC1
tiring of C229
attitude of itself as world of its own C22
black and white city (as opposed to LA) C219
bookstore on Cornelia St. C228
cemetery near Kosciusko Bridge C183
corner of Waverly and Waverly C85, C115
disillusionment with
reason for moving to California C144, C229, C247, C273, C276
bored with NY art scene taken over by minimalism C229, C238, C273, C276, C345
hardware city (as opposed to LA, a software city) C273
image of city as depressing in comparison to west C35
MacDougal Street C183, C202
playing chess on C183
Minetta Street etymology C183
orderly city C85
possible bankruptcy of and discussing with his mother C43
spices at 13th Ave. market C28
throwing watch away in Harlem Heights C141
transformations in C5, C28, C85, C161, C305, C328
decline of subway C85
architecturally changed from stone to glass during 1960s C328
real estate prices destroying downtown bohemian community C305
visiting city and thinking that all New Yorkers had been replaced by rich foreigners with expense accounts C161
[see also Bowery; Central Park; Greenwich Village; Harlem; Gray, Spalding;]
The New Yorker C65, C194
cartoon depicting Japanese as a monkey C194
characteristics of literature featured in C65
New York Review of Books C60
New York University C5, C180, C184, C310
linguistics doctoral work C5, C180, C184, C310
studying linguistics and Arabic C5
The Next American Essay [anthology] C300, CL
Niagara Falls frozen  over once when he was in Buffalo C300
Nietzsche, Friedrich C58, C286, C289
The Birth of Tragedy C286
eternal return C289
Nike [shoe brand] C330
Nikolai chiropractor, into avant garde, played a role in Eleanor's silent Yiddish film C225
Nikolaides, George C270
Nixon, Richard raising food prices as a way to redistribute wealth  C10, C11, C14
Nodelman, Sheldon C238, C292
Noigrandes Group C287
noise and entropy C233
"the noise of time" C320, CL
published in Boston Review in multi-column format CL
reading from text C320
Noland , Kenneth C5, C82, C161, C176
chevrons C82, C161
description of piece at Art Institute C161
not an artist C5
North Branch (NY) C166, C224, C292, C330
inhabitants would hang themselves each year waiting for the spring C166, C224
Antin knew the four people who killed themselves while he lived there C224
lived in for two years C224
North Carolina C285, C307
North Carolina School for the Arts working with on film Music Lessons C285, C307
nostalgia C269, C293
construction of past that has never been and cultural tradition based on C269
yearning for that which has never existed C293
nouns C287
novels C4, C22, C31, C60, C83, C115, C142, C145, C206, C268, C231, C273, C280, C296, C306, C310, C318, C323, C327, C346, C374, IJM, PC2
Antin's planned novel about a dwarf name Athanasius C22, C31, C60, C83, C115, C142, C206, C268
 plot involved girl with heterochromia who gets (or thinks she gets) stigmata C22, C268
was to be published by Italian company headed by Sergio Marondi C83, C142, C206
character in, contrast with poetry C346
desire to try a "talk novel" C60
discourse, part of C4
dislike of C145, C273
architectural analogy of too many bannisters C145
to long a form; gets in the way of the mind C273
lies, contrast with (using Defoe's Journal of Plague Year vs. Moll Flanders) PC2
furniture, full of C60, C327
19th century novel as furniture and discourse C60
market for C374
poetry (language art):novel::mathematics:accounting C310, C323
problem of maintaining energy in novel/long work C60
Victorian novel reinforcing value system of staying off the streets and reading C4
Novel Poem created by Antin by selecting lines from USIA rep's novels that she would lend him [see also ICA Boston entry] C196
"The November Exercises" C41
Noyes, Alfred "tlot tlot" sound of hooves in "The Highwayman" C82, C147, C268, C281, C288, C357
nuclear arms race C176
nuclear engineer conversation with on plane including about his career examining nuclear plants for defects C240
nuclear power/energy C36, C41, C240, C292
nuclear waste C36, C41
"Nuke the Whales" bumper sticker irony and C306, BL
numbers Antin's dislike of remembering C186
nylon C316, TMS
Nyugat [magazine] C174, C274
Oakland C235
Oakwood Villa living complex in San Diego for swinging singles C139. C152
converted to condos C152
Objectivists IJM
Oblomov C139
Obrist, Hans Ulrich SSR
observation relation to poetry via Uncle Julius C92
obstacles C75, C146, C232
to authenticity; relation to desire and relation to the other C146
[see also artist; Dostoyevsky, Fyodor; media; otherness]
ocean off New York and its relationship to earth and chaos C141
Ochs, Phil "The War is Over" C328
Odyssey C141, C206, C267
Oedipus/Oedipus Rex C123, C285, C293, C296, C306
Oedipus complex C39, TMS
for women (discussion with psychiatrist) C39
O'Hara, Frank C60, C206, C209, C305, C322, C324, C374
"Biotherm" C60
"The Day Lady Died" C60, C324
"Poem [Lana Turner has collapsed!]" C324
pop lyricism C60
O'Keefe, Georgia C41, C161
description of piece at Art Institute C161
relationship to institutional art world and art market; Antin's friend visits her in New Mexico C41
Oklahoma  gravy characteristic of cuisine C174, C233
Oldenburg, Claes C240, C374
Oliveros, Pauline C126, C270
Antin's prologue regarding an Oliveros piece (he reads it to audience) C126
meeting her when he first went to USCD C270
olives C152, C158
Antin's olive preparation C152
olive trees Antin planted at home C158
Olmstead, Frederick Law C141, C174, C332
Olson, Charles C13, C332, IJM
Olson, Toby C230, C316, C374, TMS
addressed in audience (talking with about playing golf) C316
One Hundred Years of Solitude C150
Ono, Yoko C75, C180
Cut Piece C180
description of  Morris's Passageway piece at her loft [see also Morris, Robert] C75, C180
opera C2, C110, C345, C374, TMS
Rigoletto, attending and performer missing a high note C345
Oppen, George C38, C98, C128, C170, C268, C286, C288, C322,  C332
age and thinking of himself as older  C322,  C332
because he was older than most enlisted soldiers in the army C322
story of being with Oppen, Mary and Eleanor and Oppen mentioning that he was older C332
audience member for talk "What am I doing here?"  C38, C268
Beatles, and liking them C322
"Blood from a Stone" C322
Celan and C322
construction work on houses in Redondo Beach C322
daybooks C322
Discrete Series C322, C332
selling it himself during depression C332
fascicles C322
gender in poetry C322
"Leviathan" C322
narrative power of poems C322
"Of Being Numerous" C322
openness/abstractness/lack of particular or pop culture in poems C322
relationship with C128, C322
met in early 1960s C322
neighbor of in Brooklyn C128, C322
lived around the corner on Court Street C322
seeing in San Francisco C128
memory loss C128, C322
poetry characteristics (such as concept of "relief", drollness, phenomenology in, distance from "everydayness", juxtaposition) C322
politics in his poetry C322
story of being in cab with Oppen, Armand Schwerner and Eleanor C322
story of going to psychotherapist and telling of a dream of reading a paper with instructions of how to stop copper from rusting and this started him writing again C322
story of man in Mexico City trying to catch bus and failing and firing his gun at it C322
truth, relationship to his poetry C322
Vietnam War and his belief that it was started to lure Chinese in and drop A-bomb, whereas Antin thought strategy was more bumbling C268
World War 2, service in after leaving job at Grumman C322
Oppen, Mary C322
Oppenheim, Dennis C6, C58
Directed Harvest, comparison with Huebler C6
Protection, artwork where dogs guard the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; (Antin wonders whether by either Oppenheim or Heizer) C6
oral culture C2, C17b, C116, C146, C339, PC1, PC2
adaptation to circumstances C2
art/craft and C2, PC1
contrast to written culture C2
charts in study of  C2
memory and C2
myths and making vs. telling C2
number and C2
written culture, relationship to C2, C17b, C146, C339, PC2
order containing disorder C37
ordinary relationship to particular C126
orgasm rhetoric of explosion C209
Orphee [by Cocteau] C139
orthography C59, PC2
capitalization of "I" in English PC2
otherness C19, C144, C146, C154, C208, C212 , C232
doubts about (someone from Peoria as strange as someone from Bucharest) C208
Eurocentric creation C208
obstacles and C19, C146, C208, C232
obstacles to understanding people C232
women and C212
Ouija boards C60
Owens, Bill C70, C72
Suburbia C70
Working C70
Owens, Rochelle C186
oxygen machine repair job C31, C64, C83, C125, C132, C171, C199, C357
crisis caused by having only one available oxygen machine with simultaneous call for two machines C31, C64, C83, C132
nickname "Allen Oxygen" (based on name of company) C31, C84, C125, C132, C171
orderlies smoking in his office C83,  C132
orderly who told Antin he wanted to get revenge on siblings who locked him in the attic; told Antin he found them on the day Antin quit C83
quitting C31, C84, C132
Pacific northwest [see surveyor job]
Pacifica Radio C131
Reagan administration's attitude towards C161
Paik, Nam June C49, C196, C215, C289, C329
handcuffed on roof as part of a show C49
painting C1, C2, C6, C8, C9, C23, C73, C82, C85, C152, C178, C180, C190, C202, C286, C318
abstraction vs. figuration C9
American 20th century painting more workmanlike than European C152
ancient Greek painters as decorators C85
art, contrast with C6, C178
color and C23
"color escalation" concept (found in Fauvism and Expressionism) C286
defined by artists as necessarily "difficult" C6
dialectical materialism in C2
encounter in 1973  with particular painting which was a diptych with a woman  C9
figurative painting and deformation in C9
film, and painting considered as C73
light and C8
problem of painters being stuck with their paintings C152, C180, C190, C202
artist student who kept all paintings and so only had three feet of space in which to paint (in C180 says one foot of space, in C190 6 inches) C152, C180, C190, C202
relationship to truth affected by "the hand" C9
representation/referentiality C6, C9, C82
illusionism and C82
sculpture, contrast with based on relationship to space (real versus unreal) C6
thought experiment of paintings hung on white wall where the actual artwork is the space between the paintings C8
[see also abstract art; mediocrity; neoexpressionism; photography; representation]
Palm Springs laid out like Japanese house C118
Panizza, Oskar C174
Panofsky, Erwin commentary to Suger's On the Abbey Church at St. Denis and Its Art Treasures C160
Paracelsus and imagination C13
paragraphs C29, C59, C170, C198, CL
artificiality/problems with C59, C170, C198
German vs. English C198
talk piece publications and CL
paranoia relationship to past C2
Paranoid Productions [movie production company with Eleanor] C283
used as name to get commercial account to buy a new thermostat C283
Paris C115, C118, C121, C131, C133, C139, C186, C192, C199, C202, C217, C228, C229, C240, C287
gray city C202, C228, C229
Hotel Esmeralda (floor at an angle) C186, C217, C228, C287
Japanese painter who's art looked French C228
oldest tree in Paris, destroyed in WW1 C115
representative of Europe generally for him C228
story of French baron who'd been kidnapped and found after ransomed; baron not able to return to normal life (got divorced and moved to US) C121
talk poem performed in C115
taxicab ride to airport C186, C228
visit during a lot of construction C228
walking around in and not remembering the streets C287
Parkinson's disease PP, TMS
description of instability caused by PP
dopamine's interaction with nervous system, and example of him moving through a doorway PP
how he was diagnosed PP
poems of overcoming Parkinson's PP
medical theory on Parkinson's is "a mess" PP
parks C174
[see individual entries for specific parks like Central and Balboa]
Parmenides C190
Parry, Milman and Albert Lord C17b, C19
oral formulaic C17b
pronoun signaling C19
studies on Serbian epic poetry C19
Parsons, Betty making a gallery connection with on behalf of father in law C174
Partch, Harry C33
Parthian language C303
Pasadena Art Museum C23, C24, C69, C183, C305, C325
changes in C24
Pashtun C289
past C177, C287, C296
as rubble C296
not recoverable C296
future and C177
[see also present; time]
patients as those who have "patience" C93, C316
patronage C85
Paul [Marine friend of a cousin] C1, C78, C125, C159, C176, C286
lived below them in Brooklyn and played Scriabin C176
sent Antin postcards (showing disemboweled Japanese) and association with rifle he had C1, C78, C125, C159, C176
Pauline (Aunt) C51
Paz, Octavio C60, C287, SSR
Antin's dislike of  C60, SSR
attending reading by and thinking it must not be very good because he understood too much of it SSR
PBS commercial television that takes longer C176
Pearl Harbor C158, C159, C176, C194, C209, C246, C289, C299, C322, C323
hearing of attack on uncle's radio C158, C159, C176, C194, C209, C289, C299, C323
Pearl, Sonia and Leon [neighbors of his in Solana Beach] C204
Pei, I.M. C76
penis severing of as art act C75
penny arcades C208
Pepper, Steve gallery owner C206
Pepperidge Farm bread C198
performance art C143, C180, C184, C187, C190, C206, C230, C248, C305, C318, C345, C355
entertainment, relationship to C180, C248
folk art, a form of C206
jobs as C143
popularity in late 1960s C180
theater, relationship to C230, C248
as genre free zone C230
[see also saints; Simeon Stylites]
Pergamon Press [his job there; see also publishing job] C48, C76, PP
Perelman, Bob C51, C52, C250
participation in talk poem discussion C51, C52
"The Marginalization of Poetry" C250
Pericles and Aspasia C8, C288, C314
Perloff, Marjorie C58, C59, C219, C229, C230, C231, C288, C357
first time he noticed color TV was while at a bar waiting to visit her C219
house in Pacific Palisades C231
referred him to doctors for Antin's sister-in-law C288
remarks on Antin in "Radical Coherence" radio program C59
Wittgenstein's Ladder and his review of it C357
Perrault, John C76
Persian Gulf incident of reflagged Kuwaiti tanker hitting mine C186
personality relationship to interpretive cohesion in art criticism C107
Peterson, Robert Jack-in-the-Box mogul C325
Petrarch C70
petroleum/oil industry C61, C212 
Petronius Satyricon C182
Philadelphia C22
Philip [uncle on Eleanor's side] C267, C268
Bessie, wife who fell in love with his brother but was spurned by his brother  [see also Bessie]  C267
brother who was painter and woodcarver went to US and then drew cartoons C267
Greco-Roman wrestler; worked in cigar factory in Argentina C267
left Russia after 1905 revolution for revolutionary activities and went to Argentina C267, C268
looked like a small bear C267
story of rise and decline of real estate and resort in Sullivan County  C267
resort decline after World War 2; painter brother died and artist clientele dwindled C267
Philip [first husband of Antin's sister-in-law] C248, C316
Philip dwarf druggist who was a distant relative C98
Philip Morris tobacco company C303
Phoenix [Arizona] C144, C164, C177
photography C7, C9, C70, C72, C75, C9, C147, C159, C285, C318
effect of the film/effect of the camera C75
eye, relationship to C72
fact/truth, relationship to C9, C70, C72
family photographs C159
fashion photography C318
fiction and C72
history of involves a lot of bad photography C7
history of camera and history of film C9
intersection of memory and real in C9
invasiveness and responsibility of C7
painting, contrast with and role in 20th century as representor of reality (analogous to frozen food) C9
passivity and C147
performance and C72
photographs distinguished from C72
project of Antin's in which he went to houses and asked to photograph the person who answered the door C9
return of photograph to status of drawing C9
role played by subjects in C72
story about going to fake interview at staffing company and taking the guy's picture and him getting mad C7
sublime, relation to C9
tradition in 19th century C7
[see also camera]
Piaget, Jean C7, C123
object persistence experiment with child Jacqueline (demonstrated by Antin by tossing eraser), and art work C7
Picasso, Pablo C69, C107, C142, C153, C238, C280, C286, C296, C306, DC
Braque and C306
collages C280, C296, C306
narrative intensity of C306
cubism of C238, C306
rococo quality of late 1920s C238
portrait of Stein C286
reputation and Antin's skepticism of C153
scavenger C306
Piedmont Airlines C152
pigeons idea to feed pigeons to Puerto Ricans C143
Pilcher, Evelyn New England teacher who did narrative study on children C123
Pincus-Witten, Robert C182
Pindar C314, SSR
reading at age 7 in (New York Public Library) but finding disappointing C314,  SSR
Pisistratus responsibility for Iliad and Odyssey C85
Pistoletto, Michelangelo C4, C294
pitching pennies game played as a boy C302
Pius XII  [pope] C324, C338
died of hiccups C338
Plagens, Peter C23
planned communities in Howard County, MD C152
Plato C8, C19, C51, C53, C85, C133, C148, C181, C216, 217, C231, C287, C296, C304, C306, C314, C320, C328, CL
Greater Hippias C306, C320
ideal city C85, C181
irony in dialogues C306
mimesis in CL
poet, whether to consider as C287
quote about greatest tragedy is the state C19, C133, C181
reading works by at early age C314
Republic C19, C181, C304, C328
class on at CCNY C328
sophists, relation to C51
subjectivity and anxiety about C296
Symposium and gender C216, 217
plays [see drama]
platypus Antin writing a poem about (grief) C268, C280
model for poet C268
Pliny the Elder described as biggest idiot in the world C285
podium dislike of in performance C178, C212 
using a podium due to back problems and being told by his doctor he had to sit and not wanting to sit like Spalding Gray C212
Poe, Edgar Allen reduction of poetry to lyric C173
"Poem Found in the Street" found poem from a student; read at Guggenheim C27
"Poem in a Minor Key" [early poem by Antin]  C237, IJM
based on Pound poem IJM
written in his copy of Pound's Personae C237
Poetics  [Aristotle] C61, C108, C190, C247, C285, C287, C296, C306
Aristotle's analysis of tragedy is really an analysis of comedy C285, C296
mimesis C306
misunderstanding of anagnorisis C296
way to trap Plato as a poet C287
poetry C13, C14, C16, C17b, C19,  C27, C28, C29, C41, C42, C43, C49, C53, C59, C60, C63, C65, C76, C85, C91, C97, C110, C116, C119, C127, C131, C133, C134, C138, C141, C143, C145, C146, C147, C150, C152, C154, C161, C157, C170, C173, C174, C181, C190, C192, C196, C198, C199, C202, C230, C206, C208, C209, C214, C215, C217, C224, C225, C230, C235, C247, C250, C268, C269, C271, C277, C279, C281, C287, C288, C303, C306, C307, C310, C314, C316, C320, C322, C323, C324, C327, C328, C330, C332, C338, C348, C357, BL, CL, DC, IJM, IL1, PC1, RF, TMS, V9
academic poetry C76, C202
attention and C206
audience for C116, C131, C224, CL
Antin's intended audience is "democratic elite" C224
theory that those who don't like poetry overlap with those who don't like gay marriage CL
body phenomenology and C19
book, relationship to C14, C27, C42, C230
civilization and C85
closure and C138
community and C91
composition of 
Antin's analytic method of IJM
analogous to building a chair (more than collage)  IJM
community created projects C348, IJM
dissatisfaction with writing in private C63, C145, C146
prefers to write in presence of others (e.g., in the kitchen) C63, C146
questions whether he is interested in the poem produced at the end of the writing process C214, C217
requirement to frame smallest unit of composition (whether word or sentence) in order to proceed CL
revision, dislike of C357
critical writing contrasted with C14
criticism and no longer concerned with fighting poetry he doesn't like now that he is older IJM
cultural noise, poetry operating against C327
dance poems by Antin C141
definitions of
art of language C28, C29, C134, C138, C152, C287, C310, C323, C327
art developed through language C29
the whole language art C28
commercial that isn't selling anything C215, C250, C307, V9
common, ordinary art C154, C157, C173
constructing a way to reality C307
conversation C53, C59,  C110, C170, C173, C209, C330
garbage collection C307
human activity C65, C134
         the most human activity because no specialized roles C65
language transformation C16
music of thought TMS, C338
playground of language CL
provocation  C348
representation of experience for others C150, C154
language use involving "others' such as imperatives as differing from poetry C154
thinking out loud C209, C271, C322
thinking through language C65, C157, C190, C192, C209, C214, C247, C271, C277, C287, C307, C316, C322, C338, C357, BL, DC
as meaning through language and mind C190
as mind working through language C307
transformation of language C19
uninterruptible discourse (half-serious definition) C49
unnatural discourse genre C19
use of language to get bearings C224
way of being/seeing C322
discourse and C49, C138, C348
discourse of poetry as a permeable aristocracy C348
discovery, and poetry often failing to accomplish  C16
dissatisfaction with work he has just completed C328
distribution/publishing systems
composition, not distribution, is essence of poetry C41
delay factor of: call from mother about Blaise because she read one of Antin's poems saying Blaise was sick C41
idea for poems to be blared on loudspeakers or from cars C209
patronage and C85
poetry known through texts rather than readings C314
publishing business and poetry CL
earnestness, and Antin's poetry indifferent to C145
emotion and C306
etymology of term 'poetry' C247
explanation and C13
first encounters with by young people C43
folk art, a form of C206
functionality in C116
ideas and C134
insult poetry and African American Regional English C19
knowledge and C13, C60
literature/culture, contrast with C85, C134, C199, C214, C269, C230, C357
literature:poetry::culture:art C214, C230
mathematics:accounting::poetry:the novel C310
music, relation to C65, C91, C143, C154, C332
metrics/poetics based on music/song, dislike of  C332
never considered his poetry musical C65
musical reading style, dislike of C184, C303, C332
somatic basis of metrics in poetry C134, C138
song, relation to C16, C91, C170, C247, C268, C281, C287, C288, C320, C332, TMS
more open to based on Gary Snyder's presentation, but uncertain of a way to frame it that makes it a viable option for his own practice C91
mind and C13, C133, C170
desire for greater "mentality" in poetry C13, C170
poetry as biodegradable in mind [see also discourse] C133
moment/the particular, relationship to C324
"terror of the moment" C324
money, relationship to C143
overornamented/overeloquent excesses of [see also Thomas-Lowell syndrome] C13, C198, C322, IJM, IL1
poetry traditions [see also French poetry, Greek lyric poetry, Japanese poetry, Russian poetry, Sioux poetry, etc.]
attempts to find affinities in traditional poetries C60
European poetry's concern for transformation and Antin's attraction to C59
political poems  C60, C116, C322
his suspicion that political poems aren't sufficiently discursive, require a certain amount of "cool" C60
never been able to successfully write C322
postwar US American poetry [see also 1950s]
Anglophilic C58, C269, IL1
exemplified by Harold Bloom, John Hollander and others) C58
change in due to Black Mountain and Beats PC1
gentility of American writing IL1
generally C198
"private sector" and poetry as example of practiced among friends C110
prose and C13, C28, C29, C43
public and C41, C127, C208
reader of as writer C134
self-expression in, and dislike of/ problems with C157, C170, C225
sign language poetry (performance by deaf and dumb poet) C97
suffering/melancholy, relationship to C119, C198
thinking vs thought models of C174, C279, RF
truth, relationship to C181, C271, C322
verse, contrast to C134, C138, C190, C206, C247
written poetry [see also early poetry]
contrast with talk poems C17b, C41, C42, C110, C116, C119, C143, C199
dissatisfaction with his written poetry  C161, C196, C247
no urgency or need of address / live performance critical C42, C116, C190, C196
unable to hold attention (tended to find it attractive rather than meaningful) C161
feeling hostage to C247
imperfect translations of what is in his head C235
poem exceeding words/text C134, C147,  C230
problems with mediation of writing C17b
urge to rewrite C196
[see also early poetry /pre-talk poems; lyric; poets; readings; talk poems]
Poetry Project C1, C323
started by Paul Blackburn and Carol Bergé after coffee shop no longer let them hold readings C323
"Poetry with Monica de la Torre"  discussion of talk [C303]; not remembering what he had talked about after doing it C304
poets C43, C60, C85, C91, C105, C119, C141, C145, C175, C206, C217, C235, C250, C269, C281, C283, C307, C326, C330, PC1, PC2
claiming to be a poet is denying concept of success C175
definitions/concepts of
cockroaches in the apartment of culture C269
foreigner C281, C283, C307, C326, PC2
citing Diderot C281, C283, PC2
guerilla warrior C91
maker of machine or inventor (idea from his boyhood) C43, C60, C145, C281
person who speaks for people C141
person who can say anything C206
entering "nowhere" C250
existing in the wilderness C85
image of poet as fool/not a career C119
"impersonal personal poet" and view of himself as C217
jealous of painters because they have mid-process work to show C105
Keats and Shelley as models for Antin C175
novelist, contrast with: poets disagree with themselves C235
purpose is to find meaning C330
[see also deep image poets; high school (Brooklyn Technical High School); L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets]
Poets & Writers C91
Poincaré, Henri theory that things recur in inverse preparation to ability to specify them C177, C289
Poland C199
politics C304, TMS
defined as the art of distributing values in a society/community C304
politicians as "free fictioners" TMS
[see also present]
Pollack, Jackson C280, C292, C318, C374, IL1
paintings as profound doodles C280
Polyclitus C8
Pomona C332
Pop art C176, C238, C318, C374
coopted by establishment C176
music background was pop/rock as opposed to abstract expressionism's jazz C318
relationship to minimalism through use of industrial materials/processes C374
Pope, Alexander having no affinity with CL
Popkin, Dick C243
pornography C5, C72, C110
camera in pornographic movies, Antin's sympathy for C5
definition of pornographic movie (as opposed to erotic) as one which "names the parts" C5
movie with narrator "The Lizard" C5
narrative in C5
portraiture C9, C286, C316
defined as argument about a person C316
defined as representation of the real C9
Portland Visual Arts Center C35, C170
giving talk piece there C170
problem of what to do about Robert Mangold pieces C35
postal system effect of rates on correspondence art and junk mail C110
postmodernism C150, C209, C327, C330, PC2
attending conference on in Memphis C327
characteristics of C327, PC2
ahistorical overlap of economic systems PC2
availability of cheap commodities due to postindustrialism and cheap labor C327
from the modernism you want comes the postmodernism you deserve C150
post office box Antin's in Del Mar C216
pottery as art C2
Pound, Ezra C60, C134, C147, C209, C229, C237, C280, C281, C288, C306, C322, CL, IJM
destroyed the left margin in poetry IJM
economic theory absurd C288
"make it new" C60
 Cantos and typography in IJM
"Dance Figure for the Marriage in Cana at Galilee" C147
"Δώρια" C237, C268, C271, C281, C288, C357, IJM
first poem Antin encountered that he thought was new/modern and inspired Antin's first poems (first poem was "Poem in a Minor Key" according to IJM) C268, C281, C357, IJM
 "In a Station of the Metro" C322
 "Letter to Wayne Anderson" C209
"The Tomb at Akr Caar" C60
suffers from melopoeia CL
Poussin, Nicolas "Pan and Syrinx" C147
poverty 1940s vs 1970s (difference in food prices/purchasing power) C92, C243
in late 1960s and 1970s C243
power (electrical) and measurement C13
Prado [in San Diego] C183, C274
aerospace museum in  C183
prank calls Prince Albert in a can C212 
presidents [of United States] C281
present C57, C58, C184, C219, C281
action, relation to C58
concept of present in American political situation C58
past as part of C184
[see also past; time]
"The Price" discussion of talk piece: cousin (Joel Fineman) in the audience that influenced course of talk because cousin was getting a divorce C230
prime numbers live events as prime numbers C76, C77
"primitive" C2, C85
invention of "the primitive" in Scotland and Italy C85
Prince, Morton [psychologist] C21, C23, C212
the case of Christy Beecham involving hypnosis and her multiple personality disorder C23
Principles of Fit proposed book by Antin C60
prisoners' dilemma C184
"a private occasion in a public place" discussion of talk piece C76
private sector  vs public sector C110
privet racing boats made out of folded privet leaves down dammed gutters in childhood C75
professions/professionalism C31, C32, C88, C173, C327
defined as people who belong to groups that set their own standard C32
claims for autonomy by C173
dislike of C32, C327
view of himself as antiprofessional C327
example of professionalism: friend who could make tool bits C32
progress his qualified belief in C91
pronouns C91, C230, C322
discussing his use of/apologizing for his old-fashioned usage C91
property C244
prose C170, C346, BL
printing/layout idea C170, BL
Prospect Park C141, C332
glacier formation of C141
playing baseball in  C141
Proust, Marcel In Search of Lost Time C238
Provençal poets Antin considers overrated C166
psychics story of psychic trying to identify the person who stole one of Eleanor Antin's dolls from art show C69
psychoanalysis C33, RF
based on 19th century, mechanical concept, replaced with tuning model C33
relevance/lack of relevance RF
leads to thinking, rather than science RF
psychology study of in college C221, C287
psychology test proposed by Antin and friend for psychology project: "Name the James brothers" C221, C329
   speculates that had Allen Kaprow taken the test he would have said "Jesse and William" C329
psychopath hypothesis that psychopath lacks the "past" C2
public/public sector C110, C128, C154, C224
public defined as persons who are other than you C128
required in order to get bearings (in art) C224
public space C332
publishing industry C49, C50, C84, C96, C154, C344, CL
industry analogous to road building industry in 1930s C50, C84
problems of publishing industry C49, CL
publishing industry always behind C49
relation to poetry CL
publishing/translation job [at Research Information Service  (called Consultant's Bureau in C219 and C202)] C14, C60, C64, C75, C76, C82, C115, C143, C156, C159, C161, C175, C186, C202, C212, C219, C229, C231, C279, C288, C305, CL, IJM, PP
advertising manager for C143
demoralized by work C76, C143
executive leadership of (communists with security clearances C202) C115, C202, PP
described as spies PP
German air force pilot salesman C75, C143, C159, PP
German patents, story of his boss acquiring C75, C115, C212
job as performance art C143
mistake of making the company money by publishing book on fuel cells (made company money but its directors were trying to lose money) C143, C64, C115, C175, C288, PP
offer to take over Paris office C115, PP
receptionist who was black and when fired employees went on strike to get her reinstated C202
scientific director for C75
story of going to his Hungarian boss (Vladislav Maitenya) and asking to be fired C76, PP
Straga, the controller PP
translating articles no one wanted because government didn’t want Russians to know what US government was interested in C82
[see also Maxwell; Pergamon Press; Russian/Soviet Journal of Automation]
Puerto Rican restaurant next to bubblegum factory where music would be changed from classical to Latin music whenever customers came in C33, C91
puns C73
punctuation C59, C127, C230, C327, BL, CL, PC2
comma as boy scout helping little old lady cross the street BL
dislike of C127, PC2
dislike of commas and semicolons due to Beowulf translations PC2
inverted question mark (¿) and approval of PC2
lack of/use of in talk poem transcriptions C327, BL, CL, PC2
based on convenience PC2
Sterne as model for C230, PC2
Pushkin, Alexander C159, C288
Pynchon, Thomas Gravity's Rainbow C90
Quasha, George C17b, C70, C91
quilts C9, C208
as art; being recognized as such only with women's movement C208
quince tree at boyhood house they rented in NY C166
Quintilian and irony C306
Rabelais C230, PC1
mock scholarliness PC1
race/racism C92, C240
and northern liberalism (Carl considered a "boy" at uncle's workplace) C92
among his extended family C240
[see also Blackness [ethnicity]]
radar friend who discovered radar on Lake Michigan C29
"radical coherency" [talk piece, C103 and also included in C59] C59, PC1
discussion of shopping in PC1
discussion of his approach to the talk piece C59
Radical Coherency [book] C320, BL
Radical Society [magazine] C295
radio C17b, C43, C125, C161, C215, C219, C299, C303
radio sets and his love of C43
show he heard with intellectual talking to three local NY kids on the street C219
story of calling radio station to chide them for intentionally undercounting the number of antiwar protesters C125
time determined by commercial segmentation C17b
[see also "Who's listening out there?"]
railroads C290
Rain or Shine short romantic comedy Antin made C307
[see also Side Street Projects]
Rainer, Yvonne C35, C180, C206, C305, C306
explaining feeling to dancer David Gordon C306
Film About a Woman Who. . . C306
opinion of her films as "disastrous" C306
relationship with Robert Morris C35
Ramayana C122
Rancho Santa Fe neighborhood in San Diego C148, C152
Randall, Meg actress, at anti-war march Antin attended C146
rap/hip-hop C269, C318
attitude towards C269, C318
dislike of based on dislike of expressionist forms C318
rape C48, C209
Raskin, Jeff C89
Rasputin cat of girlfriend Ruth C158, C166
rationality/reason imperialist with respect to irrationality CL
Rauschenberg, Robert C160, C188, C189, C196, C217, C280, C289, C292, C318, C374, C124, CL
Erased de Kooning C280
Factum I and Factum II C289, C292
relationship to pop art C374
Reservoir (on cover of Antin's Selected Poems) C217
White Painting C188, C189
Cage's account of C188
Razel woman from Poland who worked at his relative Philip's drugstore and had been in love with a mathematician in Poland; Antin taught her English; she married a person in Montevideo C98
reading/reading habits C83, C121, C134, C154, C171, C271, C326
hears text in head while C326
learning to read from comics C171
in foreign language C154
reader as writer C134
reading as talking C271
[see also learning/childhood development]
readings (poetry) C14, C17b, C21, C27, C29, C41, C57, C60, C98, C128, C129, C145, C146, C154, C184, C190, C196, C199, C202, C214, C217, C268, C303, C323, C332, C348, C357, IJM
black poet who read in the style of Dylan Thomas C184
critical of his own reading performances C17b, C98, C128, C145, C196, C199, C202, C217, C303, C323, C357, IJM
became harder to read his own poems the more they began to resemble talk C17b
disliked hearing himself (but then grew to like it C199) C199, C202
dislike of being confined to a previous impulse/of losing the present C41, C57, C60, C184, C214
dislike of musical reading as opposed to speaking C184, C303, C332
poetry voices, "Black Mountain sound" C184, C332
models for
anticlimactic pulpit speech C27
painting from a photograph C14
warmed over canned food C21, C29, C190, C268
"monstrous" act to read his talk poems to an audience (but not poems he wrote to be performed) C348
reading like existing  in the past C332
[see also Binghamton reading; Centre George Pompidou (Beaubourg);  Guggenheim Museum; poetry; SUNY New Paltz; talk poems]
Reagan, Ronald C58, C128, C152, C161, C170, C176
joke that policy was restitution for World War 2 C176
real estate C131, C139, C159, C267, C284
agent Wes Morrow at Philip Marlowe Agency C284
consisting of imagery and poetics C159
thought experiment of Adam and Eve as developers C139
[see also Spanish]
reality and explanation; as what is resistant; relationship to coincidence C148
Red Hook organizing an anti-Vietnam poetry reading at C110
Red Wing (MN) reading poetry on barns C125
Red Wing boots C125
"Regarding a Door" [poem, reading from] C283, C284
refugee C323, IJM
"émigré" contrasted with IJM
experience of based on extended family arriving from Europe C323
"illegal immigrant" contrasted with C323
"refugee piece" Antin did that was laid out with a left margin (was this 323?) IJM
religion [see atheism/religion]
Reinhardt, Ad C130, C189, C286, C292
black paintings C130, C189
Reis, Bernard accountant for Marlborough Gallery, suggested psychiatrist to Rothko C156
Reiser, Pete [Brooklyn Dodgers baseball player] C88, C326
played too crazy to be a "professional" C88
Rembrandt C23, C118, C122, C230, C286, C294
answer by audience at antiwar rally when asked who was the last artist who did anything for antiwar movement C23, C294
self portraiture and C122
"Remembering" [talk and installation using story at Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles] C274
based on the earlier "Software" exhibition, but he lost those tapes so had to rewrite 40 stories C274
Renaissance C9, C48, C180
art C9, C180
abstraction developing in C9
concept of artist as master C9
patronage system in C48
rendition different meanings of C322
Renee friend of Dorothy and Allen (friends of Marcia's) C184
repetition C289, C293, C295 
basis for communication/understanding C293
difference and C289
representation C5, C6, C9, C48, C61, C76, C150, C154, C221, C238, C244, C289, C316, C374
construction replacing representation in 20th century C238
defined as a configuration of what you otherwise wouldn't know C5
functions like a model (characterized by exclusion) C6
metaphor of map C76
modernist discourse in 1968 and C238
painting/art and C6, C61, C244, C374
rhetoric of representational art theory C61
speech and adequacy of representation in C60
truth and C238
[see also art/artwork; autobiography; Impressionism; modernism; narrative; painting; poetry; portraiture; story]
Resnais, Alain C161, C171, C306, C374
Hiroshima, Mon Amour C374
Last Year at Marienbad C161, C171, C306
narrator having a foreign French accent C161, C306
Resnick, Milton C23
Restany, Pierre C186, C228, C357
taking Antin in Paris to a show by a Japanese artist C228
Rétif de la Bretonne (Nicolas-Edme Rétif) C123, C269, C316
retirement [Antin's, from UCSD] C225, C269, C316
too busy to teach C269, C316
wanting to retire but still teaching (paid out of a different fund) C225
Review of Contemporary Fiction on Antin C230
Reynolds, Debbie and Eddie Fisher C171
Reynolds, R. J.  C285
revolution C52, C344
difficulty of abolishing old institutions C52
rhetoric C11, C51, C53, C64, C332
epideictic oratory C332
figures of speech/figures of thought and their tropes C51, C53, C64
Greek and Roman concepts C51, C53, C64
"handholds for the mind" C51, C53
species of classical rhetoric: deliberative, forensic, epideictic C51, C53
traffic management for ideas C51, C53
[see also hyperbole]
rhyme C250, C289, C318, C332
dislike of C250
rhyming dictionary C65, C157, C268, C320, C124
claimed he never used it C157
Rice, Ron C4, C92, C196
Richard (??) painter friend from San Diego C178
Richard [OBGYN friend] C276
friend Jack who was also a doctor and identified an episiotomy in a Wesselmann painting at post-pop painting show Antin organized and who died in car accident on way to Mexico C276
after Jack's death Richard stopped practicing medicine began assisting with euthanasia  C276
story of taking cancer patient to desert C276
Richards, I. A. binary theory of poetry and Antin's disagreement with C42
Richter, Hans opera conductor C197
Ricoeur, Paul C123, C230, C231, C233, C247, C285, C287, C306, C332
disagreement with regarding narrative's assistance in making sense of time (Antin contends it just makes time present) C231
narrative and metaphor C332
Time and Narrative, concept of narrative as attempt by subject to deal with time (absence of past/fleetingness of present) C230, C231, C247, C287, C306
Rilke, Rainer Maria C7, C237, C274, C324, PC1
"The Carousel" C274
Duino Elegies C324, PC1
dislike of PC1
"The Panther" C237
Rimbaud, Arthur C119, C269, C314
indifference towards C119
The Ring and the Book [Robert Browning] C60
riots C91, C154,  C219, C238
NY riots C91, C154,  C219, C238
Harlem riots after King assassination as a "vast indifference to property"; account different from TV news portrayal C154,  C219, C238
his description of them as carnivalesque C238
LA riots C219, C238 
Rite Aid C324
ritual C1, C146, C180
marches and C146
Native American vision C1
Riverside (CA) affected by Los Angeles pollution; nose started to bleed because of it when he went to see his Uncle Al there C45
Rochester C177
Robbe-Grillet, Alain C115, C306
Robbins, Jerome described as little imperious man C277
Robert's Rules of Order C266
Rockaway C141, C176, C209, C215, C291, C295, C299
boardwalk C141
living in boarding house with aunt C141
penny arcade mechanical baseball and machine gun games in Far Rockaway C209, C299
rough surf C141
rock n' roll C153
Rockwell, Norman C286, C318
Homecoming C318
Tom Sawyer (Whitewashing the Fence) and kitsch analysis of C318
road concept of negotiated route C50, C84
Rodin Museum Philadelphia C22
Rogers & Hammerstein C285
Rolling Stone its article on pollution he read on a plane C150
Romanticism associated by him with middle Europe C98
Rome C85, C182, C219, C289
civil wars C289
footpad crime in ancient Rome C85, C182, C219
Roosevelt, Franklin D. C281
Rose (aunt) mother of cousin David who built bridge at Remagen C114
Rose, Charlie [TV host] dislike of C357, C374
Rosen, Robert [biologist] C280
Rosen, Sandy [philosopher] C212 
Rosenberg, Harold C150, C318
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel cousin of denied entry into CCNY because of lateral "s" pronunciation C269
Rosenquist, James C374
Rosenstein, Harris C226, C277
career at Art News then left for Houston C277
story of going to Chinese restaurant in Houston and seeing the barouche with the white horse C226, C277
wife Shiela died of lung cancer C277
Rossman, Martha [conceptual artist] C271
Rostow, Walt theory of democratization C198
Rotary Club C157, C158, C229, C345, CL
talk piece performed there  C157, C158, C229, C345, CL
as part of university's community outreach program on Vietnam War C158, C229, C345, CL
place of first talk poem in 1969 C158
Rothenberg, Diane C21, C229, C291, C310, C311
anthropological background necessary for Technicians of the Sacred anthology C311
Rothenberg, Erica C188
Rothenberg, Jerome C21, C31, C38, C85, C123, C148, C170, C184, C186, C194, C199, C202, C212, C221, C226, C228, C229, C231, C247, C250, C266, C268, C288, C289, C291, C310, C311, C331, C357, IJM, PC1, TMS 
adapting a Hochhuth play for Broadway C170
America: A Prophecy C310
anthologies as assemblage/dissemblage IJM
apartment C310
"Cokboy" IJM
counterpoetics C194
English class at College at Mannes School of Music and Antin substitute teaching for C31, C170, C331
Gematria C199, C291
translator (Tadeuz) who was a Polish aristocrat C199
met at college C266, C268, IJM
both interested in avant garde poetry IJM
publishing house, working at with Antin C288
Poems for the Millenium C247
story of lending him a talk piece tape which Rothenberg erased part of so Antin reconstructed in text version C170
Technicians of the Sacred C311, IJM
Rothko, Mark C88, C122, C157, C230, C277, C286, C292, C305, PC1
denial that he is an action painter or a colorist C157, C277
early paintings C157
Four Seasons paintings (Seagram's building) C157, C286, C292
melancholy grew with success C157
Nietzsche and C286
paintings of the 50s as "brilliant failures" because Rothko wanted them to be dramas C286
problems of critics trying to describe Rothko's work to his satisfaction C157
Jewish critic's characterization of Rothko's work as "grim", and his reply, "meshuga" C157
Rothko Chapel [see separate entry]
suicide C157
symbolism in C157
Tiresias C286
tranquilizers and C157
Rothko Chapel C157, C238, C286, C292, PC1
ambitious failure C238
Antin's visit lasted 2 hours C286
description of, and example of existential drama C286
lighting and coloring in C292, PC1
discovering paintings weren't black PC1
parable for dying because of way it plays with memory C292
triptych in middle to remind viewer of Rothko's earlier work C292, PC1
Roubaud, Alix death of; final trip to Cambridge, visit by Antin C133
Roubaud, Jacques C133, C320
poetry reading at Roubauds' C133
Some Thing Black C320
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques C11, C13
story of exposing himself to milkmaids C11
Rubin, Bill and Larry C176
Ruby [partner of Anne] C216, C217
lost biologist researcher job so they moved C217
got cancer and died C216, C217
[see Anne]
rulers [measurement] difficulty of in ancient world C85
rules Antin's aversion to C156
Ruscha, Ed C24, C49, C72
Five 1965 Girlfriends C72
Nine Swimming Pools C49
Rushdie, Salman and his fatwa C323
Russia C167, C247, C267
1905 revolution C267
1917 revolution and discussion of Russian journalist who could rationalize changes in post-revolutionary Russia C167
bureaucracy, prerevolutionary C247
Russian/Soviet Journal of Automation C82, C134, C143, C305, C320, CL
translating/editorial work at publishing house on C82, C305, CL
security clearance required in order to translate  C82
Russian language learning as a child C307
Russian poetry performance style of C131, C209, C303
Russell, Bertrand C13, C134
Ruth [girlfriend] C21, C39, C42, C128, C158, C166, C212, C307
angry with him C128
grew up in Texas C21, C39, C42, C128, C158, C166, C212, C307
father was bishop C212
"jack Mormon" (raised Mormon and not practicing, but unable to quite leave it) C166, C212
studying to be coloratura opera singer (described as a soprano) C21, C39, C42, C128, C158, C166, C212, C307
Circle Line tour and UN tour with her and her mother C212
junior high teacher C158
living with in Greenwich Village  C158, C212
mom liked him because Mormons like Jews because of stereotype regarding money C212
relationship characterized by each having little confidence in the other C21
southern accent not present unless drunk C307
story of Antin catching man looking through the peephole of her door, and after telling her about it they got involved C21
story of argument after party because she thought his friends were pretentious and her faking a fainting spell and not remembering it C21
story of man asking to go out with her for $200 C158
story of quarrel with Ruth during which another girl showed up with caviar and champagne and his relationship with Ruth ended three weeks later C166
story of coming back from Rothenberg's and there being a note from her saying "I’m sorry. Goodbye."; found her unconscious and tried to wake her, and she half-woke up spoke in a child's voice C212
Ryman, Robert C293
Sacre Coeur monstrosity/ ugliest church in world C217, C228
sailing learning how on the Chesapeake Bay with Eleanor C304
St. Denis, Ruth C276, C280
St. Mark's Church  C69, C91, C110, C116, C204, C316
Antin's recollections of  C91, C110, C204, 
St. Phalle, Niki de  C115
saints as performance artists C230
[See also Stylites, Simeon]
Saks Fifth Avenue in La Jolla where Eleanor would buy special clothes (silver boots) C192
juke box that didn't work right and that Antin labeled an art machine for his class; story of student going there at Antin's direction and it actually playing The Shirelles and Antin saying "they must have broken it" C192
Salk Center C240, C246, C314
architecture C240, C314
fountain in the middle that didn't have water because the lack of rain allowed dust to block C240
wrote a review of building for a local newspaper C240, C314
Salk, Jonas telling him Salk Center should be tall and cylindrical with a slot for a coin C240, C246, C314
Salle, David C143, C161, C176, C188, C206, C290
art described as two unrelated images with a little sexism C176
artist but not a painter C143
only interesting aspect of work was ability to pair unrelated images C206
Sally sister of Blaise's babysitter, Jeanie, and who broke in Antin's house to steal things; raped by her father C144
Sam [uncle] C28, C105, C153, C226, C268, C327, DC, IL2
chess player who lived in Scranton C105, C153, C226, C268, C328
sad, worked as a cutter C28
handball and chess, playing with Antin C328
played chess against Lasker when 13 and Lasker offered him a draw, and his uncle took the draw and never recovered from it; he told Antin he could have won but it would have been an ugly victory C226, C268, C327, C328, DC, IL2
Sam had opened with the Sicilian defense C328
tall C268
wife was always angry C328
Sam [Eleanor's sister] C171
Sanda [sp?] friend, former graduate student C176, C206
Sanders, Ed MC of Threepenny Poets Reading C131
San Diego C36, C41, C58, C61, C98, C110, C114, C127, C133, C148, C164, C174, C177, C202, C204, C229, C238, C240,  C243, C244, C246, C270, C273, C276, C280, C289, C307, C310, C316, C332, C345, PC1
climate C174, C240, C229
June gloom C240
snowed in Del Mar year before they moved there C229
culture of
"admirals and chaparral" C202, C240
art scene "wonderfully unprofessional" PC1
lack of "foreign food" other than Mexican (all food turns into southern California food) C345
gallery culture in C270
"Holiday Inn" version of America C345
in 1968 was a 1940s version of America (in 177, 256, 289 says 50's version, in C243 he says 1962 version of NY) C114, C177, C243, C246, C276, C289
symphony funding problems C110
white bread culture before university started C310
development/interstate C202, C240, C276, C332
no longer able to see coastal islands after 1970 C240
transformation/merging with LA C202
urban renewal in downtown C332
downtown fading when he first moved there C332
Gaslamp District C332
Hillcrest area C224
imagined as place where Oklahoma and Arkansas went/"impossibility" of C174
San Francisco, contrast with C98
Suburban Plaza C332
traffic C206
University Towne Center (now Westfield UTC) C332
skating rink in where kids would hang out C332
vegetation (not native) C229, C238, C240
water issues/rainfall C36, C41, C61, C229
[see also Balboa Park; La Jolla; Santa Annas; Solana Beach; University of California at San Diego]
San Diego Chargers problems recalling Kellen Winslow's name C128, C320, C330
San Diego Museum of Art C324, C325
description of Antin's role in getting the Monet and Pissarro there C325
had contract written that museum couldn’t decommission Monet or Sisley without board approval C325
Eleanor's work in the 17th Century room C324
Giorgione and C324, C325
San Diego Union-Tribune pseudomorph of a newspaper C244, C287
San Francisco and image of romance C98
San Marcos (CA) description of 10 year change to; where he went for thermostat C283
Santa Annas C110, C229, C231, C316
Sarah [aunt] C27, C35, C58, C177
lived in Florida C27
Sargan [sp?] Turkish friend and son of Turkish modernist poet who used to work at Scripps Institute and discovered why San Diego was overcast in June  C204
Sartre, Jean-Paul C145, C198, C214, C216, C217, C300, C311, C332
 Being and Nothingness C214, C216, C217
viewed as children's version of Heidegger C216, C217
concept of desire as lack/ possession C214, C216, C217, C300, C311, C332
concept of object C214
concept of play C214
Saunderson, Nicholas mathematician whom Diderot comments on C179
de Saussure, Ferdinand C287
Sayre, Henry C230, C248, C348, C357
essay on Spalding Gray C248
The Object of Performance C230
scandal meaning of word C297
Scanga, Italo C147, C152
Scanlan's Monthly CCB
requested to be art editor for; cheated out of money CCB
Schaefer, George [movie producer] C110, C143
Schapiro, Meyer C171, C230
Schechner, Richard C58, C91, C230
Scherer, Max salesman at uncle's dress factory C92, C145
stealing dresses to make sales C92
Schiller, Friedrich C90, C150, C230, RF
idea that writer must remove critical discourse when writing C230, RF
quote from used as prologue to Interpretation of Dreams regarding difference between poetical discourse and critical discourse C150
Schlegel, Friedrich and irony C306
Schnabel, Julian C160, C161, C176, C182, C188
Schneemann, Carolee C161, C180, C374
slapping person who cut Ono's bra strap in Cut Piece C180
visiting Joseph Cornell when he was letting girl next door borrow his box C161
Schoenberg, Arnold C140, C374
Erwartung C374
Moses und Aron C374
Pierrot Lunaire C374
Schott [first name unknown] lawyer who did mortgage legal work for Antin's mother in North Branch C224
Schubert, Franz C139
Schuyler, Jimmy C60
score C2, C138
literary text and C2
[see also music/musicians/composers; transcription]
Schwarzenegger, Arnold C304
Schwarzkopf, Norman C209
Schwerner, Armand C128, C199
claiming that everyone was responsible for Vietnam War and Antin disagreeing C199
seeing The Trojan Women with (and Antin's poem based on that occasion) C199
telling George Oppen he drove like a Belgian dentist C128
Schwitters, Kurt C9, C161, C238,  C280, C300, C374, DC
as example of triumph of human over society's production of garbage C9
story of Marlboro-Gerson Gallery embedding his artworks in very wide frames and Texas patron asking for an "orange one"  (C161 doesn’t mention the Texan) C9, C161, C280, C300
science C2, C9, C60, C61, C82, C123, C143, C156, C158, C186, C198, C212 , C240, C250, C282, C295, C314, CL, IL1, RF
bad science C143
discovery of scientific ideas preceding evidence/method C9, C91, IL1, RF
scientific method is how science defends itself C9
funding and relationship to C82, C240, C295, C314
receives public funding because its part of collective social fantasy C82
history of as a history of failures/mistakes C123, C198, C295
should make scientists modest, but doesn't C198
poetic discourse about the world C158
point of is to publish papers C61
Russian science C143
spectrum of scientists, from drones to thinkers RF
theories circulate every 15-20 years C2
writing C60, C156, CL
different from how discoveries are made CL
journal articles and formulaic nature of C60, C156
Scientific American C8
Scranton C29, C31, C105, C177, C207, C235, C281, C307, C324, C328
decline (following decrease in anthracite mining) C307, C324
electric sign C31, C105, C177, C207, C235, C307, C324
story of seeing the sign visiting his cousin at Christmas C235
visiting cousin David there in 1948 and then coming back to NY to the  largest snowfall in his life C324
Scriabin, Alexander C125
Scripps Ranch High School site of this talk [C250] C250
scriptwriting class taught by Antin with student named Martin C238 
Scully, Vincent [sportscaster] C205
sculpture C6, C59, C289, C345
contrast to painting C6
defined as an "articulation of space" C6
as invasion (e.g., 19-foot sided cube in 20-foot sided room) C6
Greek sculpture C345
Roman sculptures of senators versus generals C289
Sears at University Town Center in San Diego (where Antin took his mom shopping) C59
Seattle C35
Segal, Bugsy met Aunt Sylvia C25, C26, C28, C130, C199, C268
Séjourné, Laurette Burning Water: Thought and Religion in Ancient Mexico C208
Sekula, Allen C243
Seldis, Henry [LA Times art critic] C8
writing on Nancy Graves C8
self C1, C21, C24, C76, C91, C96, C121, C139, C158, C167, C184, C212, C230, C240, C285, C306, C330
consistency of personality C24
discourse as the means by which self is generated C91
fractured C167, C212, C285
memory and C330
metaphors for
art object C1
house or bank account C158
narrative and; define das what lasts across narrative transformation C139, C330
other, confrontation with  C158, C167
social C96
use of story structure in his talk poems to connect narrative to self C167
[see also narrative; subject]
self-referentiality defined as requiring a triangulation C4
semimodernisms in 1930s such as Diego Rivera C238
semiotics C172, C344, V9
simplistic view of dialog V9
use of banal texts for analysis C172
Senghor, Léopold Sédar  IL2
Serra, Richard C6, C35, C215, BL, PC1
adobe version of a staircase, a work of his in show Antin curated C35
exhibition Antin put on at UC San Diego after seeing his work at Pasadena C325, PC1
Sculpture No. 3, killing person C6
story of seeing his work in Pasadena and a toddler walking towards them and then being pulled out of danger PC1
Tilted Arc C215, PC1
serial killer who killed in Rye, England C286
seriousness  in poetry C60
Serrano, Andres uninteresting to Antin C318
Sesame Street C74
Seurat, Georges C238
Seven Twenty-Eight [card game; Antin refers to it as "Seven Twenty-Eight", online sources call it "Seven Twenty-Seven"] C36, C45
sewing machine repair job [at uncle's factory] C1, C34, C125, C145, C157, C170, C171, C247, C268, C297, C357
sexual revolution C160
Seymour [cousin] served in war in Army Corps of Engineers and built bridge over Remagen C1, C114, C125, C176, C194, C287
Seyrig, Delphine C71, C277
Shakespeare, William C13, C43, C96, C133, C138, C230, C233, C269, C297, C320
between genres C230
encountering character John the Bastard as a kid C269
King Lear C96, C133
"poacher" C43
sonnets C13, C133, C138
shamanism Antin preferring vernacular language practices (e.g., jokes) to PC1
Shannon, Claude C320
Shapey, Ralph C180, C248
pianist performing a Shapey piece playing dramatically as if the sounds were tips of virtual sounds) C248
Shapiro, Karl dislike of  C192, C240
Sharp, Willoughby C25
Shaw, George Bernard writing practices C145
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle C269
Shelley, Percy Bysshe C175, CL
no affinity with CL
Shepherd (Shep) Cherbel [sp?] [Diane Wakoski's boyfriend] C35, C37, C146
at anti-Vietnam rally C146
[see also Mac Low, Jackson; Young, La Monte]
Shillberrys [sp?] friends in upstate NY C330
Shiller, Dr. Rosa guest at Uncle Philip's resort C267
The Shirelles C192
Shklovsky, Viktor C48, C306, CL
formalism vs. Antin's functionalism CL
ostranenie C306
shopping C59, DC, SSR
with mother C59, DC
he and  Eleanor bad at SSR
short story C21, C22, C206, C248, C268
genre of C206, C248
New Yorker subgenre C248
story Antin wrote which lead to invitations to write a novel [see also  Kenyon Review] C206, C268
Sylvia (aunt), his story about C268
writing stories at a paragraph per day while with Ruth C21
shtetl C93, C305
shtick C154, C323
discussion of applicability of to his talk poem poetics C154
his eyeglasses as an example C323
shuffling cards [see also card shuffler] C29
shunt Yiddish trash culture C316
Side Street Projects arts organization that asked Antin to make short movies for performance in LA theaters between features (first a noir, then sci fi, rom com titled Rain or Shine) C307
Siegelaub, Seth dealer in conceptual art C310
sign language C17b
Silas Marner C172
Silliman, Ron C51, C52
mention of his tape recorder C51
participation in talk discussion C51, C52
Sills, Beverly performing Die Fledermaus, and NEA wanting to fund C110, C217
Silva, David novel by that Eleanor just bought and that she and Antin discuss SSR
Simeon Stylites model for performance artist C180
Simon, Norton and Pasadena Art Museum C23, C24
Simonides of Ceos C96
simplicity usually correct over complexity C152
Simpson, Louise C60
Simpson, OJ C243, C246, C250, C267
trial as a "degraded version of Othello" C246
Singer, Isaac Bashevis C199, C305
Sioux poetry IJM
Sischy, Ingrid argument with in Arlington, TX C186
skiing C96, C170, C332
falling recently while C96
improvisation/talk poems and C96, C332
model as approach to text C170
"Sky Poem" C96, C187, C215, C250, BL, V9
advantages of open audience V9
authorship and V9
composition and theatricality of C187
cost about $10,000 C215
description of, length and cost of lines C187, C215
desire for each line to disappear before the next appeared C187, V9
interview on local TV about C250
San Diego performance; issue because automated writing system malfunctioned so one plane was operated manually C187, C215
received $1500 for the performance C250
Santa Monica performance C96, C187, C215
wrote 43 poems in preparation for Santa Monica sky poem C187
talk poems and link to through elusive nature of performance and its inability to be contained in a format C187
unrealized idea for series of sky poems across United States C215
visible for about 10 miles V9
seeing skywriting as a kid in Far Rockaway writing out "I J Fox Fine Furs" C187, C215, BL
[see also "Sky Poem"]
smells C97, C141
city C141
smell art C97
Smith, Jack Sinbad movies C4
Smith, Michael C345
Smith, Roberta art critic, Antin's dislike of her criticism C305
defense of Guston's cartoon work C305
Smith, Susan [one of the fake panelists on Antin's recorded panelist show in C171] C171
Smith, Thorn pulp novels, Antin reading C147
Smithson, Robert C23, C125
participated in LACMA's "Art and Technology" exhibition and story of eating dinner at Japanese restaurant with him and exhibition organizer stopping by and only inviting Antin to a party C23
smoking C64, C82, C83, C88, C164, C240, C295
not a smoker C82, C83, C88, C164, C240, C295
never able to develop cigarette smoking habit (couldn't remember to smoke except before school) C82, C83, C88, C240, C295
unsuccessful at pipe smoking (reason why he isn't an academic poet) C295
performing with cigarette during talk C88
pipe smoking and abstract art C88
Snoopy on his mother's sneaker C59
Snow, Michael Sink section of film Rameau’s Nephew as a self-referential work C4
Snyder, Gary C91, C173, C269, C348
"sweetness" of his work, and Antin growing to like it; discussion of his work C91
sociology and fact  C70
"the sociology of art" PC1, PC2
socks C59
Socrates C8, C13, C51, C75, C190, C230, C268, C281, C287, C299, C306, C314, C320, C332, C348
art and C320
hero of Antin's since age 7 C314
Plato's description of C306
queerness C8
quote "if robert frost is a poet . . ." C268
quoting Homer in Ion C332
sophists, relation to C75
talk performer/performance artist/postmodern poet C190, C230, C281, C320
soda C53, C60
diet soda C53
software model of cultural solution to problem (software is Aboriginal people's solution to desert; hardware solution is Aswan dam) C19, C36
[See also Aboriginal peoples; New York (Manhattan); "Software" exhibition]
"Software" exhibition  [Jewish Museum, 1971] C61, C63, C88, C89, C180, C230, C273, C274, C290
description of his piece and installation C89, C180, C273, C274, C290
assisted by Jeff Raskin (and per 273, Eleanor) C180, C273, C290
Bell telephone, not wanting to rely on and malfunction due to heat C273, C274, C290
Smithsonian team assisting and ruining his installation C89, C180, C230, C273, C274, C290
cutting a window because of lewdness concerns and messing up his doors (ended up being both a failure and a success according to Antin) C89, C273
some words made audience nervous, such as "black" and "savage" but mostly "accumulate" C273
interactive architecture piece at exhibition by MIT (Nick Negroponte) involving gerbils that all killed each other ("gerbopolis") C61, C63, C273, C290
gerbils were golden gerbils from USSR that were able to ride on the machines C290
Les Levine's installation next to his, had a lot of TV sets C273
Solana Beach C43, C53, C78, C114, C127, C132, C153, C154, C159, C164, C204, C216, C217, C229, C276, C284, C310
apartment in, early 1970's C153, C216
asked to evaluate painting by guy in a lumberyard C78
hearing the train at night from his house C216
maid who's life the Antins became involved in C53
moving to in 1968 C43, C154
  neighborhood market in C276
story of buying refrigerator at a store where Antin encountered right wing owners saying Robert Kennedy got what he deserved C154, C164, C229, C310
story of pilot doing low altitude barrel roll just off the cliffs and Antin and another complaining C114, C132
[See also Anne; house in Solana Beach; Pearl, Sonia and Leon; Sue]
Solomon, Allen organized Montreal Expo and show at Horticultural Hall that was underattended C196
Solomon, Holly portrait by Warhol compared with current photograph of her C289
Solon C52
Somalia C62
Some/thing [magazine] C148, C188, C221, C247, C250, C318, C329, IL2
Bomb Hanoi cover and problems getting Warhol to do it C188, C318, C329
Allen Ginsberg reacting negatively until he saw he was in it C318
son [Blaise] C59, C63, C108, C118, C126, C128, C139, C141, C144, C152, C153, C159, C171, C173, C177, C190, C198, C199, C201, C204, C212, C229, C231, C233, C274, C276, C287, C310, C316, C320, C322, C344, IL2
allergies C204
artmaking as a child C344
audience member C199
babysitters [see also Acker, Kathy) C144
bedtime routine C59
bringing him newspapers from cities where Antin's would give performances C320
California accent C276
field representative for LA congressman C201, C204, C233
negotiating rent bill to allow landlords to buy out properties C201
field representative for LA congressman C201, C204, C233
think tank in Washington DC C233, C320
girlfriend  C201, C204
studying literature and wants to go to Spain C201
grandmother (Antin's mother) and difficulty visiting due to her memory issues C177
learning to talk C126, C287, C320, C357
first word "ball" C126
singing to him as a language exercise and learning the pitches C287
teaching him language sounds at early age ("who da buddha": "Gautama") C320
Los Angeles, enjoying C173
memory throwing football with him at sister-in-law's in NY C274
Montessori school, attended with Carol's children C198
going by "Blaze" when he plays baseball C108
named after aunt C177
named after Cendrars C108, C177, C233, C316, C320, IL2
reason for C108
outrunning Antin for first time around age 16 C199
reciting Frost's "Stopping by the woods. . ." C171
saying "the devil incarnate" C322
Spanish speaker; studied at Guadalajara C201
sports activities
husky jock C152
little league all star C231
played football and baseball at Torrey Pines High School C231
tennis with Antin's father in law Peter C233
story of jumping into front seat of car saying "Look, I'm Chris Burden" C153, C171, C233, C320
story of driving with and him commenting on billboard with a landscape on it as a "landscape within a landscape" C233
about to attend C139
studied political science at C201
song C16, C57, C91, C173, C269, C281, C332
Antin's dislike of, though he likes recitative C57, C173, C269, C281, C332
liking better due to Gary Snyder's presentation C91
[see also music/musicians/composers; subentry metrics/musicality in poetry]
Song of Songs C303
Sonnabend, Ileana C58, C357
Sophocles C293
Sorrentino, Gilbert C310, C346, C357
Mulligan Stew C346
reviewed one of Antin's early books C310
sound phenomenology of C294
The Sound and Fury C314
sound poetry C46, C201, C320
sound poets of Toronto C46, C320
[see also International Sound Poetry Festival (Toronto)]
South  [region of US] C154, C164, C170, C307
aversion to accent C170
avoiding hitchhiking there C307
general dislike of C164, C170, C307
industrial relocation to C154
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art C285
Southern, Terry C318
soybeans C183
real vs. physical C6
Spalding ball called "Spaldeen" by Antin's boyhood friends C267
Spanish C247, C316, C332
California "real estate Spanish" C316, C332
learned to speak by interacting with employees in uncle's dress business C247
Spanish Civil War C228, C287
Spanos, Bill C17b
speech political speech C293
speech therapy his therapist asking him for the happiest moment of his life, and his response was realizing he could make a poem out of a plumbing problem IJM
Speedy Mart/7-11 Antin speculating on how Paloma talk would be different if given at C29
Spielberg, Steven makes movies for 12-year olds C153
Spinnell, Joe Maniac C58
Spokane Antin and surveyor coworkers would drive to on days off  C170, C295
[see also surveyor job]
spokesperson representative of the "other" C154
Sports Authority [retail chain] being helped in by Justin SSR
Sprat, Thomas C11, C13
The History of the Royal Society of London C11
spring C166, C224, C274 
memories of different beginnings of spring C274
spring in upstate NY beginning when ice starts to break C166, C224
people would hang themselves in North Branch waiting for spring C166, C224
spying relationship to membership in social groups C91
Stalin, Josef C171, C316
standing manner of standing as aesthetic enterprise C2
Stanley Steemer problems with carpet cleaning C204
star concept of celebrity status C175
Starbucks SSR
Statue of Liberty seeing it on way to school while a kid was a sign of liberation from family C268, C357
steam engines C231, C290
Egyptian steam engine C290
learning how they worked from Encyclopedia Brittanica C231
Steele, Richard reports of Siege of Namur C11
Stein, Gertrude C60, C116, C134, C150, C157, C198, C230, C268, C271, C280, C281, C287, C288, C289, C293, C305, C357, IJM, PC1
covert erotics C230
Making of Americans C287, C289
friend translating into Hungarian C287
public reading of in NY C116
Three Lives C60, C157, C268, C271, C281, C288, C305, C357, IJM, PC1
finding in high school C157, C271, C281, C288, C305, IJM, PC1
 "Melanctha" C60, C268, C271, C281, C288, C305, C357
recognition of childlike play of language C357
repetition C293
Tender Buttons as still life and lyric C230
Stein, Maurice C243
Steinbach, Haim C188
Steinberg, Leo story of eating potato skins in Oklahoma airport with, discussing supposed neologisms from Shakespeare C233, C320
Steinmetz, Phillip multi-shot photography C72
Stella, Frank C48, C82. C176,  C286, C292, C305, C345
discussion of sublime in relation to C82
target paintings C286
Stendhal C90, C121, C123, C238
invention of Dostoyevskian character C121
Memories of Egotism C121, C123, C238
[see also lemons]
step-father [Nat] C34, C130, C170, C237, C326
brought Antin to Brooklyn Dodgers doubleheader at Ebbets Field, Antin threw up hot dog because of stain on Nat's shirt C326
died alone in Brooklyn, divorced from Antin's mother C237
died of cancer C326
enjoyed enjoying things C130
father was rabbi C326
fragile blue collar worker C170
left by Antin's mother, then got back together C326
mechanic at knitting mill/worked at girdle factory C34, C130, C326
story of being left in lion house at zoo as a child  C130, C237, C326
example of story that might be more important if untrue C130
left there by his absent minded orthodox father C237, C326
watched a lot of tv (prize fights, roller derby) C130, C326
Sterne, Laurence C127, C170, C230, C280
model for Antin's punctuation practice C230
Tristram Shandy C170, C230, C280
Antin's model for writing C170, C230
Stevens, Roger C196, C124
looking as if dipped in varnish C124
Stevens, Wallace "Anecdote of a Jar" and relationship to sculpture C6
stickball playing in street as a kid C98, C267
Still, Clyfford C4, C217
Stinnis, Greg skywriter (his father had done the I. J. Fox skywriting) C187, C215
stirrup invention of C160
stock market/commodities trading C176, C177, C183, C199, RF
soybean C183
Stockhausen, Karlheinz C192, C248, C291, C329
Originale performance in NY, 1964 C329
remarks on bin Laden C291
stoning description of viral video from Kurdistan of woman being stoned to death C338
[stories] [miscellaneous not fitting under other headings]
art student whose project was living homeless for three days C224
brought to apartment and kissed by man attracted to Antin's sensitive younger look C64
defining stories in Antin's life: (1) Uncle Sam taking the draw in the chess game vs. Lasker; (2) Uncle Lou falling off a cliff in Yosemite; (3) mother feigning fainting and grabbing his arm when he was about to revive her C327
man who goes to foreign country with strange currency; issues with air quality there and problems for sexual privacy and economy; air and TV charged in 3 minute increments; manual laborers (including sculptors) paid more; poets and conceptual artists in anti-sensualist, ascetic group because paid less; man meets a girl who is a thin sculptor and they get taken off the bus by "pro-ascetic" revolutionaries and then get mistaken for them, and his report to his grant givers isn't believed because he can't really tell which side the intelligence or socialists are on C39, C40
man who went to the top of campanile in Midwest with bag of milk and was shot C157
Polish man who got lemon colored shoes that hurt his feet so he brought them back, got some new lemon colored shoes, and they hurt his feet C201
songwriter friend who was a terrible chess player and who attacks him and fellates him in his apartment C76
story C16, C19, C22, C53, C54, C93, C123, C128, C139, C161, C167, C221, C225, C233, C244, C247, C250, C269, C273, C274, C285, C287, C295, C296, C306, C326, C330, C355, CL, DC, PC1, RF
adversity, method to deal with C93
characteristics/definitions of
always in the middle C273
based on juxtaposition of elements C295
discourse strategies in which experiences are made intelligible C53
representation of a configuration of events (i.e., an external form of narrative) C123, C139, C167, C221, C225, C231, C233, C244, C247,  C250, C269, C285, C296, C306, C326, CL, DC, IL2, PC1, RF
as opposed to mere sequence of events C244, C247
sequence of events that shape a transformation of an actor C244
epiphanies in C22
indeterminate storage space of C295
 narrative and
example of newspaper account of dog almost hit by a car as story without narrative C139
news stories in newspapers as example of story without narrative C244, C306
San Diego Union-Tribune account of two men robbing a Payless shoe store C244
stories presented in court as example of stories with narrative  C326, RF
relatives all told stories C295
talk in San Francisco where audience said to Antin that stories are tyrannical C161
uses by Antin
connecting narrative to self in talk poems C167
family stories used because they are close at hand C326
recapitulating experience as part of his discussions in talk poems C269
[see also event; narrative; short story]
Strachan, Gordon C. C11
"A Stranger at the Door" [Antin's essay on genre] C230
Strasen, Barbara artist friend whom he ran into at O'Hare airport (along with di Prima and Ginsberg) C345
string theory RF
structuralism C48, C282
"the structuralist" [talk piece, i.e., "Fiction, Fact and Self #3: The Structuralist" [C46]] C320,  PC2
structure C192, C240
beginnings and endings as fundamentally different C240
music and C192
open/closed C240
requires a subjectivity C240
stucco C276
Studio International magazine, and being west coast editor of for issue on conceptual art C310
styrofoam dislike of C244
style C60, C77, C143, C240
localism of subjectivity C240
national style C143
weakness in his own poetic style C77
subject/subjectivity C1, C8, C96, C208, C212 , C240, C247
as locus of experience C247
as nodal field C240
boundaries and C208
intention and interiority C8
[see also narrative; desire; dreams; lyric; structure; style]
sublime [see also Longinus; photography; Stella, Frank] C9, C70, C82
suburbs C70, C170
defined as place where you can't hear people beating their wives C170
purpose to reinvent society C170
subway C158, C273
glamorous when Antin was a child C273
success his guilty feelings about not wanting C175
Sue  daughter of Anne/family across street from Antin in Solana Beach who would babysit; studied architecture in Portland C216, C217
Suez Canal crisis translating argument between Egyptian and American after seeing Egyptian movie C42
suffering in poetry; friends who are sufferers C119
suicide C28, C75, C157
art action C75
story of friend of a poet friend who had multiple sclerosis and tried to commit suicide C28
Sugarman, George C6
suit his only business suit C115, C143, C175
description of its tweed C175
Summers, Charlie chicken farmer neighbor of Antin's mother in North Branch C224, C292
conversation with about Cuban Missile Crisis C292
Sun and Moon Press C93, C170
sunsets C292
SUNY Buffalo C70, C83, C192, C240, C300
discussion of talk piece performed there C192
efforts to do the talk he is doing  C70
SUNY New Paltz reputation in eastern European languages and silver C126, C314
reading there in front of five people C314
supernatural coincidence, reality and  C148
[see also psychics]
surfing C127
Suri Arabic linguist friend who ran a bakery and was killed in a holdup C5
Surrealism C59, C91, C115, IL1, IL2
critiques of the rational IL1
male sexuality in IL1
problems with (notions of dreams/unconscious) C59
surveyor job [in northern Idaho in 1952] C35, C91, C170, C177, C224, C229, C231, C243, C295, DC
hat, wearing while working C91
hitchhiking homewards from C91, C295
leaving college to work there in 1952 C35
method used to map the destruction DC
region less polluted when he worked there in 50s C35
surveying for pine trees being destroyed by rust/pine beetle C224, C243, DC
suspension concept of C201
swimming C48, C115, C141, C175, C295
at the Y on 23rd St. and 8th Ave. C48, C115, C175
learning to swim  (at age 10) C141, C295
with gasoline cans C141
slow swimmer C141
story of swimming out to sea with friend and losing sight of land as it got dark C141
Sylvester, David art critic C357
Sylvia Kitsy [aunt] C14, C25, C26, C27, C28, C58, C130, C159, C199, C242, C268, C322
affairs with hairy men C26, C28
boyfriend Charles (advisor to basketball coaches in South America) C14, C26, C28
Bugsy Segal, meeting C25, C26, C28, C130, C199, C268
career as nurse C25, C26, C27, C28, C268, C322
description of
Lucille Ball/Maureen O'Hara type C26, C27
nice demeanor C14, C28
chronic pain problems C28, C130
condition of bruising/hemorrhaging when a person was mean to her C26, C27, C28
injury exiting elevator C26, C28
lying in bed, Antin's relatives want her to go to hospital C14, C26, C27, C28
involvement with Luckman case (extortion in trucking business) C28
opal ring (in 268 from Bugsy Segal) C25, C268
E. 5th St C27
Florida later in life C28, C130
Utopia Parkway C159
story of trying to find Sylvia based on his mother's concern that relatives are trying to get rid of her C26, C27, C28, C130
taking Antin to see The Lives of Red Commanders; Antin putting bubblegum in her fur coat because she brought him to a different movie C25, C28, C199
vacationed with friend Nanette C268
writing story based on her C268
Sylvia housecleaner C242
Symbionese Liberation Army story of being on freeway in LA and seeing the police standoff with  C208, C310
symbolist art/literature C90
symphony C110, C153, C154
as museum C110
as tennis game C153
boring C154
orchestras and the arts C110
talk poems C7, C13, C14, C16, C21, C24, C27, C33, C37, C41, C42, C48, C52, C58, C59, C60, C65, C76, C88, C91, C96, C97, C115, C116, C126,  C127, C128, C131, C138, C139, C141,  C145, C146, C147,  C150, C154, C157, C158, C159, C174, C176, C177, C178, C184, C187, C190, C196, C198, C199, C201, C202, C209, C214, C216, C217, C219, C221, C224, C226, C229, C230, C235, C240, C248, C250, C266, C267, C268, C274, C277, C281, C283, C285, C295, C296, C303, C314, C320, C322, C324, C325, C327, C330, C332, C338, C345, C348, C357, CL, PC1, PC2, PP, RF, TMS, V9
art audience, and leading talk with an art context so as not to defy expectations C24
assumes a common linguistic space PC1
"being present" C13, C126, C198, C219, C221, C230, C338
cab drivers as metaphors for audience C21
desire to get out from behind things when performing C27
dislikes talking from a stage C178
embarrassment/risk not a concern because language is common anyway and because of practice C348
exiting a talk poem and how to C33
feedback  C41, C59
having a cold while performing C325
influence of layout/material conditions of space/audience on talk poem C52, C267, C303, C320, C332, PC2
jazz and similarity to [see also jazz] C250
negotiation/dialogue with audience in space C41, C52, C138, C209, V9
occasion and C21, C37, C76, C141, C157, C174, C177, C184, C196, C198, C199, C214, C217, C221, C230, C267, C268, C303, C314, C320, C332, C338, C348
difference in occasion when talking before people he knows C76, C230, C268, C314
in person performances (as opposed to recording/broadcast) allow for longer pauses because of visual element C303
defined as the issue he is to address plus the audience C348
formalism based on functional activity C338
private occasion in a public place C21
questions how much occasion influences talk C217
urgency of occasion allows him to focus/close down range of thought C332
preference for small audience C76, C285, C303
resistance to theatricality C248
self-critique, not doing while performing C91
stands and moves while performing (part of thinking process) C176, C303
wanting to give talk poems everywhere C267
webcast and performing in a chair C303
beginnings in/motivation for C14, C27, C52, C65, C121, C126,  C127, C128, C131, C138, C145, C146, C157, C158, C159, C184, C190, C196, C202, C221, C296, C330, C345, PP, TMS
earliest talk poem being at Rotary Club in 1969 [see also Rotary Club] C158
index cards, initial use of (brought to first performance @ Cooper Union but not used) C158, C221
poetry of thinking and desire to do C159, C330, PP
readings, address and audience and problems with C14, C52, C145, C146, C157, C196
response to aesthetic system of his time PP
Vietnam War and desire to do conversational poems regarding  C27
written composition and dissatisfaction with C65, C126, C146, C159, C196
isolation of written composition became unsatisfying C146
problem with writing was that it was creating images of thinking rather than doing thinking itself C159
talking closer to speed of thought than typing C202
content/technique of
addresses matters that are "at stake" for him CL
closure, and for this particular talk (middle talk in recording C240), he was attempting to end not with  C240
concept/question of beginning each talk C296
common ground, attempt to find  C229
digression C59, C295
fragmentary nature of (reason calling them "talk pieces") C154
improvisation and accident C37
improvisation and narrative and relation to modernity RF
interesting to himself as well as audience C139
interplay between words and ideas C226
method for understanding human experience C190
method to affect actual things C76
motivated by his search for linguistic naturalness C60
overlapping subjects of C126
recycling background in C198
shapes, and as the way he views talks, but unsure that is how audience perceives them C240
stories and narratives part of CL, PC2
recycles stories to play different roles in PC2
truth and honesty in C76
distribution system C41
informational asymmetry of C52
institutions and fit (or lack thereof) of with genre of talk poem C52, C126
intent to contribute to discourse C58
meaning being extracted from C330
media and C7, C97
constraints of C7
memory and C332, PC2
models/analogues for
art work (e.g., a representational drawing or as recitative) C33, C48
impersonal dialogue C27, C88, C96, C138, C174, V9
dialog consisting of audience member interacting with through memory V9
investigation/discovery/exploration  C16, C59, C348
metaphor of football running back  C357
skiing C96, C338
swimming C60
thinking out loud C209, C224, C230, C268, C277, C314, C322, C324, C332
reminds him of thinking as origin of poetic practice C314
no claim that talk poems should be poetic paradigm C348, C357
book of essential idioms used in preparation of C187 C187
Eliot, rereading in preparation of C338  C338
keywords used to organize talk (describing the talk he is giving [C201]) C201
notes C348
organization based on a thematic, only a general idea C330
prefers to talk on matters he doesn't understand C281
preparing subject matter beforehand C76, C138, C139, C230, C235, C338, CL, PC1, PP
broods on ideas PC1
tries not to be too prepared C76
returning to ideas, even ones that may be tedious to him, especially if not adequately addressed previously  C332, C348, PC2
surprise and desire not to overplan C150, C170
titles C7, C88, C147, C176, C201, C216, C274
problems of C145, C240, PC2
   never sure when he is beginning PC2
reviews of and his complaint that most reviewers review whether he's done a talk "well" as opposed to engaging with substance C60
sky poems, connections to C187
transcription process and [see transcription]
vocal tone and change in when he starts improvising talk piece versus normal conversation C357
writing/books, contrast with C42, C65, C116, C126, C146, C159, C196, C202, C209, C267, PC1, RF
doesn't view books as replacement for writing as art form  C209
imperfect transcriptions of real time transactions C267
urgency not as present in writing C116
[see also audience; glasses; Homer/Homeric epics; improvisation; [interruptions in]; memory; microphone; poetry: written poetry; readings; shtick; smoking;  tape recorders/recording; thinking/thought; transcription; see also entries for individual talk poems: 80 Langton St. talk piece ("Anorexia"); "the artist as obstacle"; Binghamton reading; Bowery Poetry Club; Cergy-Pontoise; "Chapman University"; "Cooper Union Piece"; "Duchamp and Language"; ""the existential allegory of the rothko chapel"; Folger Shakespeare Library; "forgetting"; "Hiccups"; "i never knew what time it was"; "The Invention of Fact"; KPFA; KPFK; "living and dying"; Louisville; "the man with the hoe"; Poetry with Monica de la Torre"; "The Price"; "a private occasion in a public place"; "radical coherency"; "Remembering"; Rotary Club; skiing; "the structuralist"; SUNY Buffalo; "Talking at Pomona"; UC Davis; University of Notre Dame; USC; "Who's listening out there?"]
"Talking at Pomona" C60, C158, C190, C199, C247, C268, C332, IJM, PC2
Eleanor telling him on the ride home that it sounds like a poem C190, C199, C247, C332, PC2
invited to talk based on article he'd written for Art and Technology show at LACMA in 1970 C247
transcription process of C332
Talking C326, CL
last book he had full control over, designing the cover himself CL
Dalkey Archive edition didn't use his cover CL
Talking at the Boundaries C60, C138
tape recorders/recording C38, C83, C96, C126, C128, C133, C152, C154, C160, C161, C167, C170, C201, C224, C226, C229, C231, C235, C241, C244, C267, C268, C273, C276, C290, C297, C316, C322, C326, C328, C329, C338
dislike of his recorded voice C126, C167, C170
formal device for composition C83, C201
how he uses the break in tape in his talks C83
[problems with tape recorder] C152, C276, C297, C316
   [occurs at the end] C276
reasons for recording talks C96, C133, C224, C322
records sounds you don't hear in person C167, C170
video picks up things you don't see in person C170
unreliability of C38, C267
venue's recording device, relying on C152
[see also "Information Theory"; [interruptions]]
Tàpies, Antoni  C228
Target stores  C276
Tarzan C72
taste C225, C280, C318
doesn't like taste in art, even his own C225
Tavernier [sp?], Emily Swiss-French person he lived with at Tiemann Place; would read Sorrows of Young Werther to him; boyfriend was a pianist C171
taxicabs/drivers C21, C269, C303, IL2
cabbies come from countries US destroys C269
cabdrivers as repositories of storytelling (metaphors for talk poem audience) C21
Iranian cab driver who was complaining about wife not raising children in US C269
story of Korean cab driver listening to the Bible in Korean and example of it as poetry C303
story of Senegalese cab driver who was a poet and liked Senghor IL2
Taylor, Elizabeth C374
tea type drunk by Antin's European relatives came in red tins C226
teaching [Antin's] C22, C31, C118, C156, C170, C188, C225, C233, C250, C266, C270, C271, C280,  C290, C297, C310, C311, C316, C331, C332, PC2
art C31, C266, C270, C297, C316
course on "The Meaning of Art" C316
requiring art students to "make a sculptural sandwich" C270
using slides C266, C297
student complaining that he didn't see any art as part of the class and Antin responding that he didn't show art, he showed slides C297
art criticism class PC2
English, as substitute (for Rothenberg at Manned School) C31, C118, C170
to Japanese woman in snowstorm (in C170 he says it was two Japanese students) C31, C118, C170, C331
English composition (woman in class who wrote like Walter Pater) C31
experience and C170, C215, C225, C271, C310
experimental writing, asked to teach C22
approaching it as folding one genre into another C170
requiring students to write whatever they want but not using their own word; students started cheating and using their own words (and Antin pretended he couldn't tell) C225, C269, C271, C310
narrative filmmaking class C250
persuaded by UC San Diego to keep teaching C316
scriptwriting after technically retiring C225
semiotics, in which he taught The Interpretation of Dreams C311
textbook use in classes C156
technology C8, C13, C29, C33, C36, C61, C62, C63, C82, C174, C225, C268, C290, 296, C320, C357
art and C61, C82, C290
capitalism and C290
difference between high, normal and consumer technology C8, C61
and "exotic" technology (i.e., where failure isn't tolerated) C8
distrust of C33, C174
as always pushing a solution C33
gambling, based on C36
hype as result of alienation of consumer from production C29
medieval cathedral technology C63
redundancy systems C61, C62, C63
relation to industry (technology is foster child of industry) C61
reliability, and automotive testing C62
representation of itself in ideal situations C61
rule that you get what you pay for C29
science fiction, relation to C61
statistical failure, (American) technology based on  C13, C33, C61, C62, C82
fundamental notion is to not be embarrassed in public C82
Tedlock, Dennis C2, C269, C326, IJM
Days from a Dream Almanac C326
Finding the Center [Zuni translations] C2, C269, C326
inspiration for Antin C326
theory that couplets are rooted in parallels C332
teenagers invention and history of C153
telegraphy C29, C91, C268
telephones C4, C43, C186, C286, C290
design C4, C43, C286
change in style from pre-war to cell phones C286
telephone design becoming art deco in 1930s C43
white telephone mark of modernism C4
dislike of changing number C186
WI(ndsor)-8-0294: Antin's boyhood telephone number C43
television C5, C29, C49, C62, C65, C91, C110, C123, C130, C141, C143, C144 ,C171, C176, C180, C182, C190, C206, C219, C247, C273, C281, C290, C296, C303, C305, C316, C326, DC, IL2
anti-artist's book, as example of  C49
blanking period C219
broadcast media, as opposed to communication media C91
cliché that it runs people's lives C182
collage C247, C296, DC, IL2
conversation, effect on  C65
creating economy of propriety C290
dislike of C182, C290, C303, C316
  only part Antin likes is cathode ray tube technology C290
family, and means of shielding personal privacy within C49
his TV sets C62, C144, C219, C273
black and white set C62, C219
color set C144
didn't own one until 1974 C273
not having a set then finally getting one C144, C219, C273
purchased to write an essay on video art C219
music on C110
pseudonarrative IL2
repetition of scenes (e.g., Iranian hostage crisis) C316
seeing color TV first time at a bar on way to see Marjorie Perloff C219
seller of affluence C5
time apportioned into smallest saleable units C305
toll road metaphor C29
variety shows on C130
war coverage C206
[see also collage; media; PBS; video art; WGBH]
temper Antin's C224
Temple, Shirley model for artist C143
Tennessee story of Tennessee town with mall in which black gunk shows up (including one time with a deformed baby) and there was a chemical plant causing birth defects C154
tennis C141, C154, C250
playing tennis on Long Island C141
[see also father in law [Banja Joseph; pseudonym Peter Moor]]
Terri friend at bubblegum factory C178
TGI Friday's going with Eleanor after meeting with those helping Eleanor stage an installation C224
Thanksgiving "cornball national holiday" C204
story of trying to do Thanksgiving for Blaise who is grown and living in LA, including having to move the futon and buy a couch and getting made when they thought Blaise then couldn't come C204
theater [see drama]
theory C51, C172, C225, C280
French theory  C51, C225
and understanding it without context C51
Marxist, psychoanalytic and semiotic theory all variations of will to power C172
science vs. humanities and C280
"the theory and practice of postmodernism--a manifesto" reading from [published in i never knew what time it was; text comes from part of C225] C327, C330
Thermopylae plaque commemorating C170
thermostat story of trying to fix it and as a metaphor for postmodern condition C283
thinking/thought C7, C9, C43, C76, C83, C91, C134, C157, C158, C159, C173, C174, C176, C190, C202, C247, C250, C282, C287, C293, C295, C299, C307, C338, RF
biodegradable thoughts, i.e., that don't function after discourse ends C91
"changing your mind" C293
language, relationship to C7, C91, C159, C173, C287, RF
to local dialect RF
logical reasoning contrast with C9
prediction vs. post-hoc rationalization C7
requires movement C176
rhythm of C247
role of thinker is to prevent oversimplification C295
story of trying to deliberately think when we was 11 (sometimes says high school) C158, C159, C190, C307
talking and C43, C76, C157, C174, C202, C250, C282, C295, C299
thinking versus thought C83, C134, C174, C338
walking as a model for C287
[see also art; memory; poetry; talk poems]
third world and relationship to "fourth world" C91
Thomas, Dylan C173, C184, C198, C268, IJM, IL1
attending reading; introduced by Norman Thomas C266, C268
effect on poetry performance C173
effect on poetry's popularity in 1950s IJM
Thomas, Lewis poetry compared to Lewis Carroll C60
Thompson, Hunter S. C178
Thoreau, Henry David IJM, C91, PC1
remark about telegraph ("what does Massachusetts have to say to Texas?") C91
performance artist IJM
"The Shipwreck" PC1
"three musics for two voices" CL
Three Penny Poetry Reading at Fillmore East [sometimes referred to by Antin as Two Penny Poetry Reading] C27, C131, C175, C209, C303, C306, C314
problem with crowd size and amplification C131, C175, C209, C306, C314
Thurman, Sue [Boston ICA director] C124, C64, C196, C225, PC1
never received money for her Montreal Expo-based show C196
time C2, C17b, C143, C177, C178, C179, C221, C224, C233, C243, C266, C274, C287, C296, C305, C306, C320, C330
commercial time segmentation of broadcast media C17b, C305
culture, relation to C2
discontinuous and not evenly distributed/localized C177
event structure, relation to  C177, C179, C274
experience and relation to/basis in  C177, C233
life as ballistic trajectory C274
measurement C224, C274
decades, measuring time in C224
determining a date (year 2000) like putting a white mark on a wave on the ocean C274
model of carousel (seasons) C274
money, relation to  C143
present annihilating the past  C306
[see also agriculture; narrative; present; Ricoeur, Paul]
Time Magazine poem accepted there; interview with publisher offensive because wanting Antin to be representative of "anti-drug culture poetry" C280
Timrus [sp], Tiger boyhood friend C69
Timmy babysitter used by Antin; would listen to Antin's hi fi; story of him arrested asleep by a broken down van with immigrants whose throats had been slit; Antin speculates it was an organized crime job done by one of the immigrants and not Timmy C43, C44
Tinguely, Jean organized Art and Technology show at MOMA C277
Titanic C285
Titian C294, C325
Giorgione, relationship to and contrast with C325
Venus de Urbino C325
Todorov, Tzvetan C167, C231, C296, RF
concept of narrative as sentence C296
tomato farming and pesticide problems C131
Toms River, NJ C41
tool bit process of working on C217
Toulouse everybody in Toulouse wishes they were in Paris C166
Town Hall C248
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus C70, C134, C170, C181, C216, C357, CL, DC
last line of and thinking it preposterous C216
structure of Tractatus and how Wittgenstein tried to publish it through literary presses C134
tradition C58, C186
how tradition is "acquired" C58
shared experience, intermediary between memory and history C186
trainer Antin's, named Mike [Piazcha?] PP
Trakl, Georg Wittgenstein's attempt to visit C134
transcription [of his talk poems] C52, C57, C59, C60, C98, C115, C118, C126, C127, C128, C141, C150, C154, C167, C170, C183, C190, C198,  C226, C230, C235, C266, C267, C269, C303, C314, C320, C327, C328, C330, C332, C348, IJM
audience interactions, not including in C52
goal to prevent transcriptions from looking like prose or poetry C127, C170
intended to trap the nature of speech C327
pauses and notation methods C303,  C348
punctuation avoiding because it can mislead C327
ragged margins C170, C198
preference for irregular margins C59
ragged margins to emphasize irresponsibility/deemphasize authoritativeness C170, C269
loyalties are to the audience/occasion and the material C230, C314, C328, C330, C332, IJM
motivated by feelings of loyalty to audience/addressed to different audience C230, C314, C328
tension between text product and the occasion IJM
avoids polished editing in transcription C330, C332,  C348
desire to remain in the present when transcribing C57, C98, C127
expansion during C60, C190, C330
motivated by initial responsibility to place overriding responsibility to material C190
expansion as a means to provide additional detail C330
finding correlation between two or more things that are in periodic motion C127
initially doing himself C332
use of other transcribers C115, C126, C167, C170
instructs transcriber to work fast and then reads over and evaluates C167
qualities/goals of
attempt to find "the real thing"; imperfect transcriptions of real time transactions (talks) C267
does not improve/polish the talks C126, C348
avoidance of precise score that coerces reader C348
published text truer than the raw transcriptions C167, C170, C190
transformation from "beggar to caliph" in  La vida es sueno, by Pedro Calderon de la Barca [see also narrative] C96, C221, C247
Transition [magazine] C280
translation C14, C63, C73, C154, C184, C198, C208, C228, C279, C320, IJM, PC2, RF
computer languages as translations C63
computer translation systems/machine translation C73, C320
helps understanding of how language functions C320
congruence between shapes (ellipse and hexagon) as model C14
Jerome Rothenberg, translation work with when both were young IJM
metaphor of Marine who Antin meets on bus and who isn't sure of the conditions under which he would fire his weapon C14
moving cousin's mom who was stuck on the floor to a mental institution (Sylvia) as model C14
real time translation of his own poems into French C154, C184, C228, C320
translation issues/problems
between German Easter egg manufacturer and American buyer C14
"blunt" into French  PC2
conversation with Guattari C208
epithet "dishrag" from Yiddish (cab driver's wife called that at Western wall) C14
Freud's "unconscious" RF
John Cage Uncaged is Still Cagey title into French IJM
"light" PC2
"Translation is betrayal" [French proverb] C14
"tuscaloosa" translations of C198
[see also Beowulf; Blackburn, Paul; Breton, Andre; bubblegum factory (Topps); Buber, Martin; Diderot, Denis; Duras, Jacques; "the existential allegory of the rothko chapel"; Kafka, Franz; Nabokov, Vladimir; publishing/translation job; Russian/Soviet Journal of Automation; Suez Canal crisis; Wittgenstein, Ludwig; Woyzeck]
travel he enjoys being a foreigner C281
Trenton hypothetical of woman who wants to publish artist's book for Dubuque/Trenton C49
triathlon C138, C148
triathletes like artists C148
tribe/tribalism C14, C289
The Trickster Myth by Paul Radin C2
"trip through a landscape" [Antin's poem] TMS
Trotsky, Leon C171
Trotskyite self described (briefly) C182, C194, C266
Trubetzkoy, Nikolai Principles of Phonology C48
Truman Doctrine C11
trustees like dog owners C124
truth C9, C11, C13,  C35, C37, C76, C130, C208, C230, C271, C322
adequacy of representation, contrast with C13
Aristotelian logic and C35
discomfort with general concept of C322
heavy vs. light C35, C37
historical discourse and C208
honesty and C76
machine, analogous to  C35
not equal to nudity C35
not historically claimed by art C35
[see also art; event; fact; fiction; Frost, Robert; lyric; Oppen, George; painting; photography; poetry; representation; talk poems]
tsunami C322, C323
vs typhoon C322, C323
Tuchman, Maurice curator at LACMA and organized Art & Technology exhibition there C23, C75
Tucker, Marsha guest at talk C35
Tudor, David C192, C240
describing Tudor's puzzled reaction to his talk at Buffalo C192, C240
tuning C33, C36, C41, C42, C52, C60, C91, C230, PC1
all activity, including art, makes use of tuning C33, C41
art work as instrument of tuning C41
bases of concept are recurrence and motion C42
definition as correlation between two or more things that are in periodic motion C33, C36, C41, C42, C60, C230, PC1
examples of
baby being tuned to different body cycles  C36, C41
California natural gas problems;  problem of society tuning to environment  C36, C41
giving rides during subway strike C42
improvisational singing PC1
talking C91
tapping on wall as in Count of Monte Cristo C42
two people walking together C230, PC1
explanation of efficacy of concept of tuning C42, C52
  "knowing requires going" C52
psychiatry, in the form of behavioral adjustments, and C33, C36
technology, relationship to C33
"Tuning" [talk poem] C52
Tuning [book] C54, C60,  C126, C127, C131, C230
explanation of cover (tuning fork and spectrograph of word "tuning") C126
turkey bird as vermin and origin of Thanksgiving C85
turmeric dislike of C122
Turner, Mark scholar of story logic CL
Turner, Ted C247
Turner, Victor C123
turtles [see Atlantic City] C41
Tuscaloosa River  C198, CL
"tuscaloosa" translates as "black warrior" and discussion of what "black warrior" would mean to indigenous peoples C198
Twain, Mark C118, C318
Antin's dislike of Tom Sawyer and character in Huckleberry Finn C318
Twin Guitars club in NY, Russian lounge singer in C209
typewriter C57, C65, C157, C320
compositional tool and problem of audience C57, C65
early writing and able to think while typing C65
fast typist C320
Remington [Antin's] and its characteristics C65, C157, C320
kept Remington until 4 years before C157 talk C157
Tzara, Tristan C230, C238,  C280, C281, IL2
African poetry and IL2
sound poems  C280
Ukrainians in New York neighborhood C110, C119
Ulman, Doris performance of setting up Appalachian subjects C72
Ulysses C60, C90, C240
structure of C60, C90
Umberto I [king of Italy] PP
uncles [Antin's] C36, C41, C42, C51, C129, C141, C267
fatuous uncle who "always knew everything" C129
uncle from Argentina C267
uncle with kidney problem who gained weight C141
[for named uncles see individual entries]
"Uncle Tom" role C64
the unconscious C7, C59, PP, RF
description of experiment regarding the unconscious (viewers to spot the word "bird" as it goes past) C7
[see also Freud, Sigmund]
understanding C36, C41, C42, C126, C198, C230, C293, PC1
argues for human rapprochement not based on understanding C42
English vs. French term "comprehend" C41
English vs. German term "verstehen" meaning "mis-standing" C41, C42
immense world fantasy C42
congruent triangles, and critique of C36, C41, C42, C126, C293, PC1
lovemaking C293
story of animal crossing his and friend's path as model for understanding C126
tuning C36, C41, C42, C126, C230, C293
walking  C293, PC1
not understanding and importance of C198
underwear shopping for C59
unemployment C58, C243
The Unicorn cinema and bookstore in San Diego C225
unions and arrangements with factories in garment buildings (including uncle's business); factories paid unions to keep out C1, C31, C92, C158, C247
threatened by union member at factory C92
Lou, union thug C31, C158
United Nations C39, C212
tour of with girlfriend and her mom C212
UNESCO art project on effects of technology on post-industrial society; visit by Secretary General C39
United States of America C5, C43, C208, C238, C240, C243, C268, C295, C307, C374
assemblage of warring tribes (better name "Disunited State of America") C307
characterized currently by blandness and banality C240
foreign policy C208, C374
industrialization in C238
lack of cultural tradition C268
paranoia in (as in Marathon Man) C5
society of lacking strong belief (example being candy commercial) C43
suffers from a deficiency of reality C307
triumphalism C208
wealthiness of in postwar era C243, C295
[see also americanness]
universities C156, C198, C201, C209
form of delayed gratification C209
image as open space for learning as opposed to training C198
keep students feeling like children C201
teaching what has become known C156
[see individual entries for particular universities]
University of California, Davis C126, C157, C214
doing a talk poem in cafeteria there C126, C157, C214
child wandering up to the platform C157, C214
unable to tell whether audience was listening to him or not C214
University of California, Los Angeles C139, C201, C304, C316
hard to find emergency room C316
[see also son [Blaise]]
University of California Press C270, C316
book [I never knew what time it was] published by C316
position on  editorial board C270
working on proofs for book to be published by C316
University of California, San Diego [UC San Diego] C4, C6, C31, C39, C65, C78, C82, C93, C114, C147, C156, C173, C174, C176, C183, C188, C202, C217, C221, C225, C229, C232, C238, C240, C243, C247, C266, C267, C269, C270, C274, C276, C279, C284, C289, C290, C300, C303, C310, C316, C325, C328, PC1
"academic park" and trying to persuade administration to turn part of campus into in order to preserve environment C174
art department C65, C93, C147, C156, C290
budgeting C93
chairman of C65, C147, C156, C290
turning down request to become dean of school of arts C173
video project in collaboration with medical school C290
art gallery, director of C4, C31, C114, C183, C229, C240, C243, C270, C284, C289, C310, C314, C325, PC1
Expressionism exhibit, organizing  C183, C325
based on work from Pasadena Art Museum that he transported in his station wagon C325
Fluxus show, organizing C243, C284, C289, C310
organizing panel for show, including Paul Brach, Harold Cohen and Pauline Oliveros (story of Brach mystified by Maciunas piece and Oliveros barking like a dog) C284, C289
post-pop painting show, organizing  C276
representation show being accused of being obscene; dialog with woman concerned about its obscenity C229
asked to evaluate paintings donated to C6, C78, C325
Robert Peterson's collection: Pissarro was in dirty clothes closet, Vuillard in the boiler room of one of his buildings C325
basketball coach, being mistaken for  in his first 15 years C217
Center for Conflict Resolution C232
chancellor C82, C174
McIlroy, chancellor at time when Antin at art gallery, was ignorant of art C325
reminiscent of Antin's high school football coach C82
described as a group of scientists around a palm tree with open checkbooks C229, C238, C243, C276, C310, PC1
committee meetings and dislike of C217
coffee shop "The Grove" C217
Enron, investment in  C300
faux-English accents of faculty C267, PC1
number of women professors being diagnosed with breast cancer C269
scientist faculty more like barbarians/earlier scientists more eccentric C174, C221, C270, C274, C284
earlier scientists friendly to the military C284
hiring by C31, C174, C188, C238, C243, C310, PC1
initial salary was $11,500/yr. C243, C310
(and paying $160/mo. rent for house) C243
hospital emergency room C316
library C174, C202, C225
description of library architecture C174
maintenance crews; plumbers' high prices C39
poetry readings at, setting up C279
Stewart Collection of sculpture C174
artist student who kept all paintings and so only had three feet of space in which to paint (in C180 says one foot of space, in C190 six inches) C152, C180, C190, C202
self-immolating student C157, C229
skinny-dipping in 1968 in swimming pool in old Catholic school area  C243
story of going to library, dropping book in stairwell picked up by Asian student who was studying chemistry but wanted to do music, played klezmer C266
Third College, asked him to head symposium on art and post-industrial world C39
[see also teaching]
University of Notre Dame  C231, C267, C289, C290
artist-in-residency C267
sculpture of Moses on golden calf by library C289
talk poem there performed during football game weekend C231
trying unsuccessfully to rent a car with cash C267
visiting professor during Vietnam War and tension between hippies and conservative students; no tension when he visited much later C289
University of Prague fake master's degree from C143
University of Southern California talk poem  there that students were required to attend [this was C92]; student had to leave but wanted to hear him read a poem C128, C184
unreliability C170, C181, C268, C274
Antin's preference for in texts C170, C181
views himself as unreliable performer with respect to truth C268, C274
Untermeyer, Louis anthologies of C60
Updike, John C268, C269, C280
stories filled with corpses C269
Up with People C51, C53, C148
some members being adopted by Antin's friend, Carol C148
US Signal Corps underwriting book on fuel cells C143
usher at Mayfair Theater job C64
vacuum cleaner C122
Vallejo, Cesar C202, RF
value  attached to good produced by capitalism is analogous to a fold C176
van [see cars]
Vanderbeek, Stan C4
van der Rohe, Mies C205, C320
van Doesberg, Theo C128
Van Gogh, Vincent C78, C176, C286, C297
show of at the Met was an early art experience C297
print of artwork over Antin's bed was an art experience that made him happy while he lived with his mom C297
vivacity of work C297
Vasari, Giorgio C9
"Vassar Piece" talk for professor [Scherm?] who was retiring C190
Venice C202, C228, C325
being closed C228
Venice Beach C243
Venice Biennale C228, C306
strike interrupting Antin's travel there C228
story of being swept though customs and taken away by Eleanor's art dealer C228
ventriloquism [see Joanie]
Venturi, Robert Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture C205, C318
Learning from Las Vegas C318
Venus de Milo C8
vernacular importance of aesthetics of to Antin C145
Versailles visiting   C228
veterinarian Antin's, who would go do the massage parlor to get a blow job  C269
video art C9, C182, C297, C305
Antin's article on, challenging the quantization of television C305
dislike of cathode ray tube presentation C297
[see also "First Thoughts, Second Thoughts"]
video games C290
Viereck, Peter C134
Vietnam War C1, C23, C27, C110, C141, C146, C164, C174, C175, C176, C177, C198, C209, C229, C243, C268, C271,  C274, C284, C285, C289, C296, C299, C311, C318, C345, C374, CL
anti-Vietnam rallies C141, C146, C164
comparison of warrant officer transfer of nuts and bolts to body count C198
pro-war poems, Antin promoting in order to converse with supporters of the war C27
reason for US not getting out earlier C176, C198, C274
right wing people didn't talk about the war (story of giving copy of Some/Thing with the Warhol cover to kid and kid dismissing it) C318
Three Penny Poets Reading and C27, C110, C209
Village Voice C69, C131
Village Voice coffee shop in Paris where Antin was invited to talk by Mahmoud C228
Villon, Francois PC1, PC2
Vince shipping clerk fired by Antin's uncle in 1958 for taking a couple yards of scrap fabric C157
Viola, Bill C290
violence C209, C338
as human (not just male) problem C209
rhetoric of C209
Virgil C138
The Aeneid, analyzing passage from  C138
visual space C73
Vitruvius discussion of writings and architecture C145
Vogue use of magazine in Music Lessons movie C285
Voltaire La Henriade C150
Vonnegut, Kurt comic book style C318
Vontashak [sp?] Czech friend, dramaturge with a bad back C225
Voznesensky, Andrei C27, C110, C131, C175, C209, C303
"Bells", reading C27, C110, C131, C175
meeting with at Chelsea Hotel (Arthur Miller's apartment) C110, C131, C175, C209
reading style like addressing troops or whispering into mistress's ear C209
Three Penny Poets Reading and C27, C110, C175, C209, C303
Wabash invited to do a talk piece there by Bert C229
Wagner, Richard C140, C197, C268
Wagstaff, Sam photography collector C357
What's Cooking? experimental music festival in San Diego at which Antin performed PC1
Wai Lin Ye [sp?] scholar friend C238
Wakoski, Diane C35, C37, C127, C161, C180, C204, C206, C332
fell in love with homosexual surrealist poet named Wesley who had been raped by a man in a black leather jacket on 6th Ave. C35
The George Washington Poems C35
La Monte Young, previous relationship with, and Shep threatening to beat him up C35
"M" or "W" carved in arm C35, C37
reading style like a "Whittier" librarian according to Jackson Mac Low C204
reading with C35, C37
Robert Morris, relationship with C35, C206
story of going into bookstore with her and Eleanor on 8th St. and Diane meeting boyfriend, Shepherd (Shep), there C35
story of visiting with her and reading her student's poems and being asked about suitability of word in a line and responding that his poetics didn't work that way C332
trip with to East Hampton, including Shep and Eleanor C35
visited in San Diego by her and her two lovers, one a poet and one a sculptor C35, C161
[see also Shepherd (Shep) Cherbel [sp?]]
Waldman, Anne C91
Walker Art Center C25
walking aesthetic of C2
Wallace, David Foster appearing with at Barnes & Noble in LA C300
Wally  [cousin, son of Uncle Dave] C1, C27, C51, C114, C119, C125, C159, C176, C194, C202, C209, C247, C287
Air Force, joining in World War 2 (bombing Romanian oil fields, flat feet so jumped off tables) C1, C27, C114, C119, C125, C159, C176, C194, C209, C287
dress business and C1, C27, C119
painting of in Antin's uncle's house C159
real estate development in Florida C1, C27, C119, C159, C202, C247, C287
Florida's appearance due to his bad taste C247
relationship with Antin
Antin jumping off tables to imitate C176
calling Antin foolish for wanting to pursue poetry C119
didn't like Antin's first book because Antin didn't support Vietnam War C159
not wanting to meet again because he has changed (turned into businessman) C159, C287
Walter friend from CCNY; former theologian, then psychologist; story of visit to Antin C86, C88
Walter hitched with Antin back from Idaho; became scientist working on neurological problems at Albert Einstein Institute C295
Walters, Barbara as "great American yenta" C123
Walther von der Vogelweide C60
"War" card game where you pitch cards at curb to win them C208, C209, C299, C318
describing version where cards were flipped C318
[see also bubblegum cards]
warfare C176, C206, C208, C299, C300
childhood speculation that wars occurred every 20 years C208
fervor/pleasure of C208
first experience of was the "atrocity" cards [see also bubblegum cards] C176, C299
just war concept C208
rhetoric/discourse related to C208, C299
Warhol, Andy C4, C144, C154, C164, C176, C177, C182, C188, C196, C229, C238, C289, C305, C310, C318, C329, C374, BL
"beautiful people" series C374
Birmingham Race Riot C176, C238, C318
Daily News C188
dollar bill works C188
Eat C4
electric chairs series C238, C305, C318, C374, BL
Flowers series C318
Liz series C374, BL
Nancy works as totems of disaster C238
painting at Montreal Expo as art deco C196
early career more countercultural, political C176, C188, C238, C305
Factory, Antin's visit to and refusing to be recorded C4
interview films, subjects respond to coercion of interview through performance (e.g., drag) C4
Leon Golup and relationship to his films C374
Sleep C305
irony in C238
post-shooting work mostly trivial C305, C318
because later became about the art of business/walking tightrope of selling out and image of selling out C318
responsible social artist and irresponsible social being C238
rococo C289
shooting of, hearing about when driving through Phoenix C144, C154, C164, C177, C229, C310
Some/thing cover (saying Bomb Hanoi) and problems getting him to create C22, C188, C318, C329
turning point in art history C238
writing first article in a national publication taking him seriously  ["Warhol: The Silver Tenement"] C305, C318, C329
Warner, William Lloyd social anthropologist who lived with aborigines C141
Warren, Leonard opera singer C33
Washington, D.C. C110, C217, C271
driving through with Eleanor, Blaise and his wife and story/analysis of man and woman walking their kids across the street C271
graveyard-like C110, C217
story of encountering homeless couple in C217
story of staying with niece on 8th Street and walking her dogs and seeing a limousine accident C271
walking around to museums in  C217
watch [Antin's] C62, C82
digital C82
Watergate C11
Waters, Alice Jean-Pierre Gorin was going to see her (his wife) and avoided collapse of Bay Bridge C295
weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) C299, C300
metonymic relation to 9-11 attacks C300
Weber, John [gallery owner] C4
welfare state as defense department and NASA C229
Weiner, Hannah C230
Weiner, Larry C310
an object tossed from one country to another C310
visiting Antin's house C310
Weininger, Otto C134
Weinstein, Jeff Learning to Eat C170
Wellman, Don DC
Wellman, Mac invited to be in his play (though he didn't like it) C96
Wesselmann, Tom C276, C318
WGBH C74, C110, C196
taking Fahlström, Kaprow, Morris and Paik on tour there for possible art project C196
"what am I doing here?" [talk at San Francisco Poetry Center] C60, C145, C170, C184, C199, C247, C268, IJM, PC1
influenced by audience members Robert Duncan and George Oppen C268
intended to contrast with the cynical lyricism of Rothenberg's poem IJM
White House C217
White, Hayden C123
White, Lynn Great Stirrup Controversy C160
Whitman, Pincus C182
Whitman, Roger event at Libra Gallery C74
Whitman, Walt C60, C116, C141, C269, C280, IJM
discovery by Antin through French, Russian and Spanish authors C60
homosexuality C280
ocean and (metaphor for birth and death; as great amniotic fluid) C141
Whitney Museum of American Art C4, C69, C147, C294, C303
and photography (charter not permitting photography)  C4, C294
"Who are my friends" poem C190,  C280, C306
"Who's listening out there?" talk piece for radio [C34] C161, PC2
description of preparation of: recorded fake panel discussion and fake piece about children's presentations that he spliced together and left spaces in which he could improvise, but had problems using a stopwatch to match intervals [the result was likely C171, "The Archeology of Home"] C161
Why We Laugh by Samuel Sullivan Cox C226
Wiener, Larry visiting Antin's house with Kosuth C310
Wiener, Norbert C60, C280
Wilbur, Richard C311, IJM
dislike of  IJM
wilderness "new wilderness" as character of contemporary culture C85
wildfires [in California] C229, C231,  C316
making a list of things he would take if fires got too close to house C229
military not being allowed to address fire in Cuyamaca C316
seeing fires in distance from his house; possibility of being started by a person; story of going out to see fire and meeting a man out there also watching fire who Antin wonders whether may have started it C229, C231
threatened by wildfires and evacuating with help from grad students (Lesley and Mike) to evacuate C229, C231, C316
Williams, Emmet C49,C287, C316
slept in the nude, ran out of house during earthquake C316
Williams, Guy asked Antin to talk in Pomona resulting in the "Talking at Pomona" piece C190
Williams, Shirley writer friend of Antin's C228
Williams, William Carlos C60, C123, C126, C138, C271, C281, CL 
attending Williams reading C123
dumb idea that a city is a park and a library C60
poem as machine made out of words/poem as object C126, CL
Antin's ambivalence towards CL
Wilson friend who's a novelist PC1
Wilson, Robert C151
Wilton, Tony early "mistranslator" of Lacan C243, C311
Winchell, Walter C177
wind farms C150
Winger, Debra trying to get her a movie script C285
Winston-Salem making film Music Lessons in  C269, C285
Wittgenstein, Ludwig C42, C70, C116, C134, C170, C181, C192, C216, C230, C247, C250, C320, C348, C357, CL, DC, PC1
early performance artist C230
English translations and problems with C348
first discovering in college C357
narrativization of meaning PC1
parable of door C250
practice as related to Antin's C357
problem of beetle in a box C42
[see also Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus]
Wolf, Hugo musician who attempted to meet and gain favor from Wagner C197
Penthesilea C197
Wolfe, Thomas antisemitic according to Antin's uncle Abe (who was a student of his) C171
Wolfe, Tom C318
Wolff, Christian C192
Wolpe, Stefan C70, C180, C248
Women's Building only true gallery in LA according to Antin C23
Woolf, Virginia C134, C139, C281
as a poet of the voice C134
Wordsworth, William C60, C250, C357
Lyrical Ballads and relationship to improvisation C250, C357
work C153, C221, C240, CL
art, relation to C153, C221
considers himself working class because he worked CL
late afternoon when he gets most work done C240
World's Fair of 1939  C33
[see also Expo]
World War One embrace of war by artists like Rilke C374
World War Two C1, C78, C82, C125, C131, C171, C176, C177, C208, C209, C286, C289, C323
actually a multiple; not a world war to unaffected places like central Africa C177
[see also atomic bomb; Beuys, Joseph; Holocaust; Japan; Luftwaffe; Macarthur, Douglas; Pearl Harbor; Wally]
Woyzeck translating for a theater director friend who worked at bubblegum factory C142
writer's block C65, C105
writing /writing systems C2, C17b, C339
concept of writing C339
recordkeeping and C2
talking and C2
text as "frozen food" [see also readings (poetry)] C2
[see also creative writing; drawing; early poetry (pre-talk poems); graffiti; language; oral culture; poetry; punctuation; score; talk poems; typewriter]
"Writing in the dark" PP
wrongness its rigor C170
Yankee Doodles [food] C124
Yeats, William Butler C93, C281, C287
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny C116
Yiddish C93, C250, C267, C303, C316, RF
avant garde in NY C93
history of RF
yippies C171
Yoruba pot-making culture C23, C344
youth C182, C199, C267
identified by looking shameful afterwards C199
uncles argument about word "store" in Yiddish C267
valued above experience in culture C182
Young, La Monte C33, C35, C180
dislike of as a person, but love of his music C33
threatened by Diane Wakoski's boyfriend, Shep C35
yuppies C224
Zox, Larry C196
Zukofsky, Louis C237, C331
hitching with Celia up to fort in NY to see John Gould Fletcher C237, C331
kept waiting, because soldiers suspicious of him C331
"insect moving over the keys of a strange piano" C331
living on Columbia Street (near where Antin lived on Court Street) and bumping into him on the street often C331
looking at Antin's poems at a dinner at Antin's at Court Street C331
meeting through Paul Blackburn C331
music as a metabolic issue (illustrating it in Thomas Hardy's poetry) C331
reading of A at Mannes School of Music (reminding Antin of the Japanese girl in the class Antin taught on Milton there) C331
seeing at a poetry reading in 1961 C331
story of trip with Rothenbergs and Blackburns to fair in Amish country, and playing softball afterwards and Sarah Blackburn hit by line drive because Zukofsky got out of way, and Zukofsky saying "the bard was nearly struck by the ball" C331
Zuni C326
story of the boy and the deer, Antin's retelling of C326
storytelling culture C326
Zweig, Ellen going to Rothko Chapel with PC1